South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Brassolaeliocattleya Hybrids

Kay Francis Photo Gallery: Blc. Xanthedo

Parentage: Blc. Xanthea × Lc. Mrs. Medo (Charlesworth Ltd., 1939)
Current nomenclature: Rlc. Xanthedo

In Kay's notes there seems to be occasional confusion between the similar names Xanthette and Xanthedo. However, it seems certain that she had Xanthedo and used it in crosses. One of her original yellow "Kodak" slide boxes (inventoried as box 87) was labeled "Xanthedo" (and "Zanthedo"!). She obtained a division of the "mother plant" of Xanthedo from "Sarah" on July 10, 1979, a plant that presumably had come from the unnamed FCC/AOS cultivar awarded in 1941, when exhibited by the L. Sherman Adams Co. at the AOS Board of Trustees meeting at Duke Farms, Somerville, NJ.

There is, however, a possible discrepancy between the processing dates of Kay's slides (April, 1979, seed pod of a cross between Memoria Helen Brown and Xanthedo; July, 1979 slides labeled both Xanthedo and Xanthette, evidently from the same flowering) and the date shown very clearly on Kay's notes concerning plants traded with "Sarah" (KF VII / B / 5). The slides processed in July, 1979 all show the same flower in different stages of maturity, but Kay apparently had another plant of Xanthedo in order to make the cross shown in the April, 1979 slide, or else she obtained pollen from another grower.