South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Cattleya Species and Hybrids

Kay Francis Photo Gallery: Cattleya skinneri alba

Current nomenclature: Guarianthe skinneri

Kay had at least three examples of the alba form, attested by her slides. She obtained one from Emerson "Doc" Charles on May 10, 1960. Another, "pure white", came from Stewart's about the same time. Exactly which form was the one she designated 'Linda Vista', that received the CCM/AOS award at the Southland Orchid Society Show in 1980, is not known, but the official award slide from that event, of which Kay had a copy (exhibitors frequently received a copy of the award slide in those days) was subsequently digitized and the image altered, probably around 2000, when the first award photo databases were being constructed by AOS volunteers. The altered image, which turned the white flowers sky-blue and eliminated part of the background as well, found its way into the current AOS awards database.