South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
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Lc. Gloria Eckles seedling, previously unidentified (196509H_2)

Unidentified seedling from cross 62-84 from Viviano Lozoya, September, 1965. (Slide label: "Seedling 62-84 Viv".) Viviano Joseph Lozoya (1915-1989), a landscaper in the Santa Monica area whose clients included several famous movie stars, had his own greenhouse operation at his residence, which was eventually sold to Paul Dorn (Dorn Orchid Range, Inc.). Lozoya was also the chief grower for Philip Ilsley Orchids. Kay entrusted many seed pods and flasks to Lozoya. The form of the cross number matches those of Ilsley Orchids.

The identity of 62-84 was revealed on one of the little pieces of stationary Kay used for notes about her orchids — those she had, those she created, those she wanted, those she purchased, traded, or gave away. One of these, KF I/B/2/n, consists of a list of six numbered crosses from Ilsley Orchids, most of them (but so far, we have not found a published listing for 62-84) appearing in advertisements in the OSSC Review in 1963, as seedlings, generally at $1.00 each. There is also a notation from 1967 on this same sheet, but crossed out, as if Kay had been working on many papers at the same time.

The slide, then, shows the hybrid Lc. Elstead Gem × Halfmoon Bay, registered in 1967 by Gordon M. Hoyt as Lc. Gloria Eccles, apparently a misspelling of Gloria Eckles, who with her husband Bill, operated Landamar Orchids. This is the best image of this plant from Kay's slides, and no other photographs are known anywhere. The registration lists Hoyt as the originator, but no connection between Hoyt, based in the Seattle area, and either Landamar or Ilsley Orchids has been discovered. If Hoyt had corresponded with Gloria, he would probably have spelled her name correctly, but he certainly could have met most of the Southern California growers at shows, as an attendee, exhibitor, or judge, or at local orchid clubs as a speaker. Given his extensive writings about how to germinate orchid seed and the process of growing them to maturity (AOS Bulletin 29(8):597-599 and 29(9):678-680 (August and September, 1960), "Seed Germination Made Simple"), it seems extremely unlikely he would have sent a seedpod to Ilsley Orchids, although Ilsley could have purchased flasks from him.

It seems fitting that the spelling of the hybrid name should be corrected (as we use it here, Lc. Gloria Eckles), but whether that can or should be done after such a long delay is not known.