© 1977 Frank Fordyce
Blc. Clown Francis 'Saturn's Gold', photo from Frank Fordyce collection at the Huntington Botanical Center, slide processed in December, 1977. The slide label notes "M1158", an inventory number of some kind. In 1985, he was selling divisions of 'Saturn's Gold', as well as another cultivar, 'Semaphore', for which no photograph has yet been found. Kay registered this cross in 1980. Fordyce credits Kay with originating this cross in a letter to her in September, 1974, indicating that some plants from this cross were then in the inventory of Rod McLellan Co., where he was then employed, and asking her for the grex name if she had registered the cross. Even earlier, July, 1969, there is a memo from Fordyce, a list of flasks that he had delivered to her at the "orchid society meeting", including one flask of this cross, with his inventory number 9-31-68.
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