South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Full Resolution Image
Lc. Prism Palette 'Kay' (first cultivar of that name)

© 1973 Kay Francis

Lc. Prism Palette 'Kay', 1980, the rest of the processing information is not clearly legible (only 80P9 is visible), from Frank Fordyce Collection. Kay designated two different cultivars as 'Kay' or 'Kay Francis'; this one is the earlier 'Kay', very similar or possibly indistinguishable from 'Christmas Candy'. The slide was processed in the San Francisco area rather than in Southern California ("P" processing code rather than "H"), but the image is clearly the same flower shown in Kay's slide with processing code JAN77H6, but a slightly different exposure. It is, apparently, a duplicate of slide number 4 from Kay's roll, a slide that Kay had originally labeled with cultivar name 'Christmas Candy', but changed to 'Kay'. Kay must have loaned the slide to Frank, who had it duplicated in 1980 for his own use, and then returned the slide to Kay.