South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Laeliocattleya Hybrids

Kay Francis Photo Gallery: Lc. Blue Queen

Parentage: C. Portia × Lc. Blue Boy
Current nomenclature: Cattlianthe Blue Queen

Kay apparently produced a remake of this hybrid, originally registered by Dr. Robert J. Gillespie of Kirkwood, MO in 1961. Kay's seedlings were apparently raised as cross number 320 by Landamar Orchids, possibly in 1966, using the parentage C. Portia coerulea 'Mrs. Carl Holmes' × C. (should be Lc.) Blue Boy 'Kay Francis'. Therefore, Kay's slides from 1968 are likely the results of her own cross. See KF I / B / 2 / items l and t.