South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Sophrolaeliocattleya Hybrids

Kay Francis Photo Gallery: Slc. Ramona

Parentage: Slc. Meuse × Lc. Linda
current nomenclature: Cattleya Ramona (1928)

The cultivar variously known as 'FCC' or 'DuPont's' is apparently the ), unnamed cultivar that received FCC/AOS November 17, 1937 at AOS Board of Trustees meeting in Elkins Park, PA, exhibitor Hubert K. Dalton, or conceivably, another or the same cultivar that received FCC/AOS in 1932 at another Board of Trustees meeting, exhibited by F. E. Dixon. Kay received a division from Hans Gubler on January 6, 1958, and on December 5, 1960, she noted it had two "very good" flowers. Later, she shared this plant with Jerry Kulaja.