We were able to recover photos for all of the 51 awards conferred by the Long Beach site (numbers 92 through 142). As these photos were taken, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding.
Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:
Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:
Angulocaste Olympus 'Los Osos' FCC/AOS
92 Angulocaste Olympus 'Los Osos', FCC/AOS 90.3 points, The Orchid House. AOS Award No. 1970046. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(7):636, July, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(3):89 (1970). Award text: "Four flowers and six buds on ten spikes; large, clear pale yellow, concolor flower; very heavy substance; flowers well displayed on tall stems", exhibitor The Orchid House, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Phal. Shapely Doll 'Zuma' HCC/AOS
93 Phal. Shapely Doll 'Zuma', HCC/AOS 77.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc. AOS Award No. 19700119. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(2):160, February, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 1(3):89 (1970). Award text: "Sixteen flowers and seven buds on two spikes; vivid, rosy pink speckling on sepals and petals, over a lighter background; lip a brilliant cerise on side and midlobes; flowers loosely carried on tall spikes", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Phal. Renee Freed 'Bonsall' FCC/AOS
94 Phal. Unnamed 'Bonsall' (Show Girl 'Bonsall' AM/AOS × violacea 'Country Acres' AM/AOS), FCC/AOS 91.7 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid is correctly Phal. Renee Freed, based on award date and score. AOS Award No. 19700332. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "Five flowers of exceptional size and texture and two buds on one spike; dark rose center with purple feathering out to pale color; dark amethyst striations radiating out from center of flower; lip of darker hue with gold center; most beautiful and uniquely patterned", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Phal. Ella Freed 'Bonsall' AM/AOS
95 Phal. Unnamed 'Bonsall' (Show Girl 'Bonsall' AM/AOS × Samba 'Malibu'), AM/AOS 80.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid is Phal. Ella Freed, based on award date and score. Hybrid originated and registered in 1970 by Hugo Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award No. 19700334. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "Six flowers on one spike; white sepals and petals with muted orchid veining; gold color in lip with light orchid veining", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Rhyncholaelia digbyana 'Green Giant' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
96 Brassavola digbyana 'Green Giant', AM/AOS 80.0 points, Leo C. Riley, Texas. AOS Award No. 19700333. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Now correctly Rhyncholaelia digbyana. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "One light apple-green flower; plant container crushed during shipping, damaging flower; unanimous vote of judges that flower was A. M. quality", exhibitor Leo C. Riley, Corpus Christi, TX.
Phal. Zadian 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
97 Phal. Zadian 'Bonsall', HCC/AOS 78.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19700338. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "Six flowers and three buds on one spike; rosy pink with deeper pink veining; darker lip with crimson veinations in throat; color evenly distributed throughout flower", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. Black and white photo found in Awards Quarterly 1(4): 98 (1970).
Cattlianthe Jewel Box 'Red Rarity' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
98 Slc. Jewel Box 'Red Rarity', HCC/AOS 78.0 points, Cecil C. Wolldridge. Now correctly Cattlianthe Jewel Box. AOS Award No. 19700339. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "Fifteen exceptionally dark red flowers on five spikes; good form", exhibitor Cecil C. Wooldridge, Fontana, CA.
Slc. Jewel Box 'Red Rarity' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Phal. Tuffy 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS
99 Phal. Unnamed 'Bonsall' (Lowana Gold Lip 'Bonsall' CCM/AOS × amboinensis 'Malibu'), HCC/AOS 77.3 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid is Phal. Tuffy, parentage is correctly Phal. Lowana Goldlip × amboinensis. Hybrid originated and registered in 1970 by Hugo Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award No. 19700336. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "Nine flowers of excellent substance and texture on one spike; cream background with pleasing amethyst spotting; yellow lip with some spotting", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Phal. Debbie Wallace 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
100 Phal. Unnamed 'Malibu' (Terri Cook × Mad Hatter), HCC/AOS 77.3 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid is Phal. Debbie Wallace. Hybrid originated by Dr. Jack Wallace, West Covina, CA, and registered in 1973 by Gubler Orchids. AOS Award No. 19700337. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo; however, this cultivar received CCM/AOS in 1976 when exhibited by Zuma Canyon Orchids, the successor of Arthur Freed Orchids, with a color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 43(2):158, February, 1974 and Awards Quarterly 5(1):21-22 (1974) without a photo. Award text: "Five flowers with two buds, well-arranged on stem; white with red lip; heavy substance, good texture", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Paph. Burgundy 'Port Wine' HCC/AOS
101 Paph. Burgundy 'Port Wine', HCC/AOS 76.5 points, Thomdel Collection. AOS Award No. 19700335. OrchidPro has compete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(10):922, October, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 1(4):98 (1970). Award text: "One flower; reddish purple striations on dorsal sepal; mahogany colored petals with striations; mahogany pouch", exhibitor Thomdel Collection, Pasadena, CA.
Paph. acmodontum 'Debut' CBM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
102 Paph. acmodontum 'Debut', CBM/AOS 83.0 points, Thomdel Collection. AOS Award No. 19700131. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Award apparently not published in AOS Bulletin. Published in Awards Quarterly 2(1):4 (1971). Award text: "One flower on relatively tall stem; strikingly clear pink coloration on distal part of petals; basal part of striped dorsal also suffused with pink; short helmet-shaped pouch of an olive green color", exhibitor Thomdel Collection, Pasadena, CA.
Paph. sukhakulii 'Titan' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, but the slide is evidently a copy that was poorly aligned, obscuring the tip of one petal.
103 Paph. sukhakulii 'Titan', HCC/AOS 77.4 points, Thomdel Collection. AOS Award No. 19700130. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(8):734, August, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):4 (1971). Award text: "One flower on one spike; dorsal and ventral sepals cream, striped in green; petals green in center, gold on tips with green stripes and red-brown spots; pouch green and veined with red-brown lines", exhibitor Thomdel Collection, Pasadena, CA.
Vanda Tropicana 'Lahaina Dusk' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
104 Ascocenda Tropicana 'Lahaina Dusk', HCC/AOS 77.3 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Vanda Tropicana. AOS Award No. 19700129. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(8):734, August, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):4 (1971). Award text: "Twenty-three flowers on two spikes; colors range from pink-orange to magenta, with orange shading in center; lip wine red with yellow side lobes", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.
Ascocenda Tropicana 'Lahaina Dusk' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Lycaste Lucianii 'Los Osos' CBM/AOS
105 Lycaste Lucianii 'Los Osos', CBM/AOS 83.0 points, Orchid House. AOS Award No. 19700389. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(2):161, February, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "Six flowers on eight spikes; light pink sepals with faint lines; white petals with few pink lines; lip deep pink", exhibitor The Orchid House, San Luis Obispo, CA. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.
Masdevallia schroederiana 'Los Osos' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
106 Masdevallia schroederiana 'Los Osos', CCM/AOS 82.0 points, Orchid House. AOS Award No. 19700388. OrchidPro has complete information but no measurements and no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(2):161, February, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "A very well-grown plant in a 6-inch pot with 39 open flowers. No measurements given", exhibitor The Orchid House, San Luis Obispo, CA.
Cym. Lillian Stewart 'Monique' AM/AOS
107 Cym. Lillian Stewart 'Monique', AM/AOS 80.7 points, Cobb's Orchids, Inc. AOS Award No. 19700381. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):10 (1971). Award text: "Fourteen very large well shaped flowers on one spike; pale pink sepals and petals with deeper pink suffusion; white lip spotted and barred maroon; edge of lip white; red lines in the throat", exhibitor Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA.
Rhynchdolaelia digbyana 'Mrs. Chase' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
108 Brassavola digbyana 'Mrs. Chase', AM/AOS 80.5 points, A. G. Tharp. AOS Award No. 19700382. Now correctly Rhyncholaelia digbyana. OrchidPro has complete information and a color photo showing one flower, one bud, and the base of another spike, but at least consistent with the description. There is also a photo in OrchidWiz, image #55077 from Steve McNerney, cultivar 'Mrs. Chase', grower A. G. Tharp, showing a single flower on a black background, likely from this award. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1105, December, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "Three flowers and one bud on four spikes; apple green in all segments; deep green in central portion of throat of lip. Column also dark green on lower portion", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.
Brassavola digbyana 'Mrs. Chase' AM/AOS, photo from OrchidWiz, image #55077 from Steve McNerney, where the caption indicates the grower was A. G. Tharp — thus, likely a cut flower from this award.
C. J. A. Carbone 'Princess Michiko' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
109 C. J. A. Carbone 'Princess Michiko', AM/AOS 80.0 points, Andy T. Yamamoto. AOS Award No. 19700383. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, which, however, has been edited. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on two spikes; glowing rose lavender tepals; lip rose lavender at base; intense yellow throat; lower lobe magenta streaked with yellow and white; large size, fine form, closed flower", exhibitor Andy T. Yamamoto, Culver City, CA.
C. J. A. Carbone 'Princess Michiko' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paph. Mendocino 'St. Jeannie' HCC/AOS
110 Paph. Mendocino 'St. Jeannie', HCC/AOS 78.0 points, Cobb's Orchids, Inc. AOS Award No. 19700384. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "One flower on one spike; dorsal bright green with wide white margin, and heavy maroon spots; ventral clear green with white margin on each side and light spotting; petals brown streaking over green under-color", exhibitor Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA.
Tolumnia pulchella 'Ballerina' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, badly overexposed
111 Oncidium pulchellum 'Ballerina', HCC/AOS 77.3 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Tolumnia pulchella. AOS Award No. 19700385. OrchidPro has complete information (as Tolumnia pulchella) but no measurements and no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1105, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). December, 1970. Award text: "Twenty-three flowers and 26 buds on two spikes; sepals and petals grape purple; lip slightly lighter shade; yellow brown pattern at base of lip with white crest. No measurements given", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.
Lc. Small Talk 'Chatterbox' HCC/AOS — this is OrchidWiz image #117930 from the William Merritt Collection, identified as "Keyes 19700386", this award
112 Lc. Small Talk 'Chatterbox', HCC/AOS 76.8 points, Imogene and Carl Keyes. AOS Award No. 19700386. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):737, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):69 with black and white photo. Award text: "Three flowers and one spike; white tepals, white lip with deep lemon-yellow throat and heavily frilled edge; plant has L. anceps growth habit and spike", exhibitors Imogene and Carl Keyes, Burbank, CA. There is another award for the same cultivar with the same score, January 8, 1979 at Pacific South Regional Monthly Judging in Los Angeles, exhibited by Armacost and Royston, Carpinteria, CA, a situation we thought should not occur. OrchidWiz has two award photos of this cultivar from the William Merritt Collection, images #117930 (identified as Keyes 19700386 – the present award!) and #117929 (identified as Armacost 19790033 – the other award). The two photos do not appear to be the same cultivar and possibly not even the same grex; the Keyes plant has ruffled petals positioned very much as one would expect from the L. anceps parentage as well as an open lip, the Armacost plant has far less ruffling of the petals, which are much narrower and positioned differently, and a strongly tubular lip. We have confirmed that this is the correct photo; a mirror image black-and-white version of it was published with this award in Awards Quarterly 2(3):69 (1971).
Lc. Small Talk 'Chatterbox' HCC/AOS — this is OrchidWiz image #117929 from the William Merritt Collection, identified as "Armacost 19790033", the 1979 award that is supposed to be the same cultivar.
Vanda miniata 'Malibu Beach' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
113 Asctm. miniatum 'Malibu Beach', HCC/AOS 76.2 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Now correctly Vanda miniata. AOS Award No. 19700387. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971). Award text: "Seventy-seven flowers on one erect spike; yellow with dark orange side lobes; flowers are symmetrically spaced", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Vanda miniata 'Malibu Beach' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paph. haynaldianum 'Brecht's' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
114 Paph. haynaldianum 'Brecht's', AM/AOS 84.2 points, Paul Brecht Orchids. Award number uncertain. Not found in OrchidPro or OrchidWiz, until Laura Newton tracked down the information in Awards Quarterly and created a new record in OrchidPro, AOS Award No. 19700800. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1025, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (1971) as cultivar 'Brechts', with award number 70-401, which should equate to 19700401 in OrchidPro. AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970 and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971) published another award under the same number, 70-401, for Cattleya High Light 'Angel Wings' AM/AOS, May 1, 1970, exhibited by Rod McLellan Co. at the Alamo Orchid Society Show in San Antonio, TX, evidently the source of the confusion — see also the next item, also involving a duplicate award number in the same AOS Bulletin. The award for C. High Light 'Angel Wings', meanwhile, occupies AOS Award No. 19700401 in OrchidWiz and OrchidPro.
Vanda Tropicana 'Makaha Sunset' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
115 Ascda. Tropicana 'Makaha Sunset', HCC/AOS 77.5 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Vanda Tropicana. Award number initially uncertain, until Laura Newton tracked down the data and reunited all of the pieces under AOS Award No. 19700321. OrchidWiz shows AOS Award No. 19700321, which, in OrchidPro, was until recently a Bronze Medal to the Santa Barbara Cymbidium Society for their display at the April, 1970 Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, accompanied (still in OrchidPro), however, by a photo of Vanda Tropicana, consistent with the description for the award 19700321 in OrchidWiz! Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1106, December, 1970 and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (1971) with award number 70-402, which should equate to 19700402 in OrchidPro. However, Award No. 19700402 in OrchidPro is Phalaenopsis Memoria Maggie Fields 'Will' HCC/AOS, May 1, 1970, exhibited by W. L. Bates at the Alamo Orchid Society Show in San Antonio, TX, and published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1023, November, 1970 and Awards Quarterly 2(1):11 (1971) as award 70-402. Award text for 'Makaha Sunset' (19700321) from OrchidWiz, which should be a copy of what was published in Awards Quarterly: "Twenty-one well spaced flowers, with four buds on one spike; orange overlaid with maroon spotting; lip maroon", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA. Cultivar 'Makaha Sunset' is also featured on the cover of the AOS Bulletin 40(5), May, 1971, credited on p. 423 of that issue to "A.O.S. Awards file", a cropped version of the same photo that is shown in OrchidPro Award No. 19700321 for the Santa Barbara Cymbidium Society — that is how we were able to discover the identity of the misplaced photo!
Vanda Tropicana 'Makaha Sunset' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro, AOS Award No. 19700321
Vanda Tropicana 'Makaha Sunset' HCC/AOS, the same award photo as shown on the front cover of the May, 1971 issue of AOS Bulletin
C. California Apricot 'Breath of Spring' HCC/AOS
116 Slc. California Apricot 'Breath of Spring', HCC/AOS 76.34 points, A. G. Tharp. Now C. California Apricot. AOS Award No. 19700403. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1106, December, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (1971). Award text: "Three flowers on one spike; very flat small flower; bright yellow in middle of petals, shading to red at edges; sepals orange, flushed to red; lip gold color, with red veining on edges; heavier veining on lower lobe of lip", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.
Vanda Eileen Beauty 'Molten Lava' HCC/AOS
117 Ascda. Eileen Beauty 'Molten Lava', HCC/AOS 75.4 points. Norito and Joyse Hawegawa. Now correctly Vanda Eileen Beauty. AOS Award No. 19700404. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1025, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (1971). Award text: "Two spikes, twelve flowers, and two buds; one spike with twelve buds; rich cherry red flowers of fine form; lip burgundy; segments overlapped and remarkably similar in form", exhibitors Norito and Joyce Hasegawa, Orange, CA.
Phal. Red Coral 'Gem' HCC/AOS
118 Dort. Red Coral 'Gem', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, J. C. Laughter. Now correctly Phalaenopsis Red Coral. AOS Award No. 19700405. OrchidPro had complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1025, November, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (1971). Award text: "One spike with 42 flowers and 14 buds; vivid rose purple tepals with darker column and lip; side lobes of lip and back of throat light lavender to white with heavy dark spotting; nice form", exhibitor J. C. Laughter, San Diego, CA.
Vanda Blue Heaven (1969) 'Azure Light' AM/AOS
119 Ascocenda Blue Heaven (no cultivar named), AM/AOS 81.3 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Vanda Blue Heaven (1969), parentage Hilo Blue × Meda Arnold. Based on award date, cultivar is 'Azure Light'. AOS Award No. 19700432. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1106, December, 1970, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):18 (1971). Award text: "Two spikes with 15 flowers and nine buds; second spike, six flowers and ten buds; under color light blue, spotted with violet spots evenly distributed; good form, excellent spike habit; lip vivid violet purple; flowers have glowing color quality", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.
120 Aeridovanda Hollyhock (no cultivar named), AD/AOS, Charles Dixon. Based on award date, cultivar name is 'Joyce'. This AD/AOS is not listed separately in OrchidWiz or OrchidPro. Part of AOS Award No. 19700433. Published in Awards Quarterly 2(1):18 (1971) along with the HCC/AOS award described in the next item, below. Published separately in AOS Bulletin 40(7):643 as award 70-436 (equivalent to 19700436), but this number duplicated a CBM/AOS award for Disa uniflora 'Nicholas', July 1, 1970, at Philadelphia, that had already been published in AOS Bulletin 40(1):161.
Aeridovanda Hollyhock 'Joyce' HCC/AOS
121 Aeridovanda Hollyhock (no cultivar named), HCC/AOS 77.7 points, Charles Dixon. Based on award date, cultivar name is 'Joyce'. AD/AOS (see above, award 120) is not listed separately in OrchidWiz. AOS Award No. 19700433. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(12):1106, December, 1970, which does not mention the AD/AOS award for this plant, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):18 (1971), which includes the AD/AOS award. Award text: "This clone received an Award of Distinction at this judging also. Twenty-three flowers on one spike and six buds; sepal and petals pale blue lavender with deeper colored lines and bars; lip deep lavender with buff side lobes shaded on inside with lavender spots", exhibitor Charles Dixon, Redondo Beach, CA. This award was also affected by some sort of confusion in OrchidPro, which we first noticed as a striking award photo of a vandaceous hybrid inappropriately attached to AOS Award No. 19700324, a Bronze Medal for the exhibit of Cobb's Orchids at the 1970 Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. Laura Newton realized that the photo was another version of the photo associated with AOS Award No. 19700433, and then removed the unwanted duplicate. We hope all of the pieces are now correctly aligned and the confusion resolved!
Aeridovanda Hollyhock 'Joyce' HCC/AOS, three versions of the same award photo for Aeridovanda Hollyhock 'Joyce'. The top one somehow got attached to AOS Award No. 19700324 (this version has since been removed), which was supposed to be a Bronze Medal for the Cobb's Orchids display at the 1970 Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. The middle one was attached to the correct entry in OrchidPro, AOS Award No. 19700433. The bottom one is a new scan from the Pacific South award slides, probably the version that best matches the description.
Miltoniopsis Anjou 'Dimity' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
122 Milt. Anjou 'Dimity', HCC/AOS 76.9 points, H. E. Davey. Now correctly Miltoniopsis Anjou. AOS Award No. 19700434. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):737, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):69 (1971). Award text: "Five beautiful wine-red flowers on three spikes; yellow center markings; two spikes unopened", exhibitor H. E. Davey, Tarzana, CA.
Miltoniopsis Anjou 'Dimity' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, overexposed, the color a bit oversaturated, but we were able to compensate in scanning.
Phal. amboinensis 'Malibu Gold' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
123 Phal. amboinensis 'Malibu Gold', HCC/AOS 76.6 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19700435. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(2):161, February, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(1):18 (1971). Award text: "Eight flowers on five spikes with four buds; chartreuse to yellow background; evenly colored, broken by heavy brown bars; white around the column", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Brassostele Gordon Dillon 'Los Osos' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
124 Odontobrassia Gordon Dillon 'Los Osos', HCC/AOS 79.0 points, The Orchid House. Now correctly Brassostele Gordon Dillon, parentage now correctly Brassia maculata × Rhynchostele bictoniensis). AOS Award No. 19700445. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(1):62, January, 1971, but stating incorrectly that the award was made June 23, 1970, and in Awards Quarterly 2(1):21 (1971) with the correct award date of July 27, 1970. Award text: "Thirty-five flowers, three buds, on three spikes; a spidery flower with yellow sepals and petals; strongly barred and blotched with maroon; lip with wavy edge and velvety maroon-purple coloration", exhibitor The Orchid House, San Luis Obispo, CA. What appears to be the award photo appears on the back cover of the AOS Bulletin 46(11), November, 1977, identified as Odontobrassia Gordon Dillon 'Los Osos', HCC/AOS 79 points, photography: Richard Clark, Grower: The Orchid House. The same photo is found in OrchidWiz, image #117018, from the William Merrit Collection, and there is another related image, evidently a closeup of a different part of the same plant, image #117019. This issue of the AOS Bulletin listed no other photo credits. 'Los Osos' was also illustrated in two later issues, 53(1):11, January, 1984, and 55(11): 1105, November, 1986, both with the same photo and attribution. Unfortunately, we were unable to locate the award photo in the collection of Pacific South award slides. Considering how well known this hybrid is, we think the award slide might have been loaned out for use in publication or a slide show, and never returned. The award slide should be sought in other collections of AOS award slides, as a better scan should be possible.
We were unable to find any mention of Richard Clark in the SCOS newsletters for 1970 (but see the awards for 1972, award 190), but as the photo seems to be an award photo, and as this cultivar received only this HCC/AOS award, we tentatively accept it as the "official" award photo. Mr. Clark, who photographed award-winning orchids in Southern California for over 40 years, was not listed as a member of the judging team, although we spotted him as a member, identified as "AOS Photographer", living in Pasadena, on the SCOS membership roster for 1993-1994, the earliest such list we have recovered. After about 1980, when photographers were often credited in the AOS award records and in photos published in the AOS Bulletin and its successor, Orchids, we see that Richard Clark was the usual photographer for the Pacific South Regional Judging in Los Angeles and for the Pacific South Regional Supplemental Judging in Long Beach. In 1992, he received the AOS Gold Medal of Achievement, on which occasion an article about him appeared in Orchids 71(12):1994-1999, December, 2002 (Andy Easton, "Richard Clark: The American Orchid Society awards its Gold Medal of Achievement to an accomplished photographer"), illustrated with some very nice award photos of plants grown by people well known to SCOS.
Phal. Luedde-violacea 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
125 Phal. Luedde-violacea 'Bonsall', HCC/AOS 75.6 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19700446. Orchid Pro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):737, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):47 (1971). Award text: "Four flowers on four spikes; sepals and petals solid, very dark red-purple; lip vivid dark red-purple with bright yellow bar on side lobes; very heavy substance and leathery texture; spikes tall and strong", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. Once we found the black-and-white photograph in Awards Quarterly 2(2):47 (1971), we were able to confirm that the same photo had been published in color several times after the initial award in the AOS Bulletin. The version shown here is from 1981 (37(9):1079), but we reduced the contrast and saturation to something more lifelike.
Phal. Luedde-violacea 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Rhynchostylis coelesti 'Bonsall' AM/AOS
126 Rhynchostylis coelesti 'Bonsall', AM/AOS 83.7 points, Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc. Correctly Rhynchostylis coelestis. AOS Award No. 19700663. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(4):350, April, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):27 (1971). Award text: "One hundred flowers on five spikes; white with violet-blue tips on tepals; labellum large, very dark violet-blue front and back; very striking and well grown", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
Vanda Madame Panni 'Royal Thai' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
127 Ascocenda Madame Panni 'Royal Thai', AM/AOS 81.8 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Vanda Madame Panni. AOS Award No. 19700664. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(7):643, July, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):28 (1971). Award text: "Fifteen smooth blue-violet flowers and one bud on one spike; a glowing flower completely devoid of tessellations; column cap and central lobe of lip a deep red lavender; side lobes cream", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA. Award photo also published on front cover of AOS Bulletin 44(11), November, 1975.
Vanda Madame Panni 'Royal Thai' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Vanda Madame Panni 'Royal Thai' AM/AOS on the cover of the November, 1975 issue of AOS Bulletin
Rhynchostylis coelestis 'Charlemagne' HCC/AOS
128 Rhynchostylis coelesti 'Charlemagne', HCC/AOS 78.3 points, William and Wayne Carley. Correctly Rhynchostylis coelestis. AOS Award No. 19700665. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(4):350, April, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):27 (1971). Award text: "Nineteen flowers on one spike, 13 on another spike; white, with pale violet-blue tips on tepals; labellum large, with light violet-blue apex back and front", exhibitors William and Wayne Carley, Long Beach, CA.
Rlc. Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle' HCC/AOS
129 Blc. Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle', HCC/AOS 76.0 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. (directly under the name of this hybrid, the newsletter shows the text: "(unconfirmed)". Now correctly Rlc. Ports of Paradise. Apparently the identity of the plant was confirmed! AOS Award No. 19700666. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(4):350, April, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):28 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on one spike; deep lime-green tepals, with darker green throat; lip flaring with ruffle on edge", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. Not found in Pacific South awards slide collection.
Rlc. Golden Slippers 'Ballerina Christine' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
130 Blc. Golden Slippers 'Ballerina Christine', HCC/AOS 78.0 points, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett. Now correctly Rlc. Golden Slippers. AOS Award No. 19700659. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 49(10):927, October, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):70 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on one spike; bright lemon-yellow tepals; labellum cream flushed with lavender; deeper yellow striated throat; labellum shows strong Brassavola influence", exhibitors Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. OrchidWiz image #117588, from the William Merritt Collection, is a mirror image of the photo in OrchidPro; the OrchidWiz image has better resolution and color range.
Rlc. Golden Slippers 'Ballerina Christine' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Rlc. Golden Slippers 'Ballerina Christine' HCC/AOS, the version of the award photo in OrchidWiz, image #117588, from the William Merritt Collection
Phal. Callie Flynn 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS
131 Phal. Calle Flynn 'Bonsall', HCC/AOS 76.2 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Correctly Phal. Callie Flynn. AOS Award No. 19700660. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(4):350, April, 1971 and Awards Quarterly 2(2):33 (1971) as Phal. Callie Flynn 'Bonsall'. Award text: "Thirteen flowers and twenty buds on two spikes; deep rhodamine-pink tepals covered with darker spots, particularly near center; lip white with heavy brown spotting in throat", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. The award photo appears to be oriented incorrectly; we rotated it 90° clockwise for presentation here, as was done also for a cropped black-and-white version of this photo in Awards Quarterly.
Phal. Ballerina 'Linda Vasquez' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
132 Phal. Ballerina 'Linda Vasquez', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19700661. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(4):350, April, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):33 (1971). Award text: "Twenty-six flowers and 23 buds on three spikes; well arranged flowers; off-white tepals with lavender-pink blush radiating from center on all segments; labellum rust-red with pink on side lobes and apex of lip; dark maroon striations on posterior portion of lip", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. Black-and-white photograph found in Awards Quarterly 2(2):34 (1971).
Cym. Joyce Duncan 'Kersbrook' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro, but the particular flower shown is not the one that is most clearly visible in the slide from the Pacific South collection, see below.
133 Cym. Joyce Duncan 'Kersbrook', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Adelaide Orchids, South Australia. AOS Award No. 19700662. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, evidently of a cut flower. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(7):643, July, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):34 (1971). Award text: "Nine apple-green flowers on one spike; yellow lip with maroon veining; red flushing in center of flower at base of lip", exhibitor A. F. Fullson, Kersbrook, South Australia. From the photo below, and the caption on the slide, this was a cut spike shipped from Australia for judging. OrchidPro and OrchidWiz list the exhibitor as A. F. Fullson, Kersbrook, South Australia. The photo in OrchidPro, then, is presumably from the actual award slide, which is not found in the Pacific South award slides collection. It would seem sensible to show both photographs in OrchidPro.
Cym. Joyce Duncan 'Kersbrook' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, a completely different photograph. The explanation is on the reverse of the slide: "Condition in which cut spray arrived". This slide also lacks the usual Long Beach award serial number, so it was intended as additional documentation rather than as the official award slide.
Rlc. Glorious Gold 'Doris' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, badly overexposed
134 Blc. Glorious Gold 'Doris', HCC/AOS 77.3 points, Virgil S. Ford. Now correctly Rlc. Glorious Gold. Not found in OrchidWiz or OrchidPro, perhaps the award fee was never paid. Apparently never published in AOS Bulletin or Awards Quarterly, and not listed in the AOS awards index 1932-1989. However, the color slide is still in the Pacific South collection.
C. Scintillation 'Profusion' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
135 C. Scintillation 'Profusion', CCM/AOS 82.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc. AOS Award No. 19700658. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(5):447, May, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(2):45 (1971). Award text: "Twenty-nine open flowers on seven spikes; four buds nearly open; seven sheaths unopened; well-grown in 38.1 cm plastic tub; only four leafless bulbs; white flowers with dark yellow throat in labellum", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.
C. Scintillation 'Profusion' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Rlc. Elizabeth Hearn 'Betty' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz
136 Blc. Elizabeth Hearn 'Betty', AM/AOS 81.7 points, Armacost and Royston. Now correctly Rlc. Elizabeth Hearn. AOS Award No. 19700691. Not found in OrchidPro by number or name in spite of detailed entry under this number in OrchidWiz and a black and white photo in Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):544, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):55 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on one spike; alabaster white with slight lavender tinge to back of sepals; generous lemon-yellow in throat", exhibitor Armacost and Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. OrchidWiz, image #117538 from the William Merritt Collection, is the award photo, a mirror image of the black-and-white version in Awards Quarterly).
Rlc. Elizabeth Hearn 'Pink Frost' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
137 Blc. Elizabeth Hearn 'Pink Frost', HCC/AOS 78.2 points, Armacost and Royston. Now correctly Rlc. Elizabeth Hearn. AOS Award No. 19700692. Not found in OrchidPro by number or name in spite of detailed entry under this number in OrchidWiz and a black and white photo in Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):544, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on one spike; medium lavender-pink petals and sepals; petals pale, well fringed; deep lavender-pink lip, chartreuse throat with deep purple splash basally", exhibitor Armacost and Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. OrchidWiz, image #117539 from the William Merritt Collection, is the award photo, a mirror image of the black-and-white version in Awards Quarterly.
Paph. Redvale 'Sunnyhills' HCC/AOS
138 Paph. Redvale 'Sunnyhills', HCC/AOS 77.7 points, Arthur Falk. AOS Award No. 19700693. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):545, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Award text: "One flower on one spike; brushed wine-red dorsal with white rim; petals chestnut-red, spotted toward center; matching lip with ivory tip; ventral sepal streaked with wine-red over green", exhibitor Arthur Falk, Fullerton, CA. Obviously, the photo in OrchidPro is far too red, not "chestnut-red". Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.
Cym. Magi's Gift 'Christmas Glory' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
139 Cym. Magi's Gift 'Christmas Glory', HCC/AOS 76.1 points, Fred A. Stewart. AOS Award No. 19700694. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):545, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Award text: "Fifteen flowers on two spikes; ivory-white background with flushed pink overlay on tepals; labellum brilliant maroon spotting, with pale lemon-yellow on apex", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. Black-and-white photo found in Awards Quarterly.
C. Swan Ballet 'Pavlova' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
140 Lc. Swan Ballet 'Pavlova', HCC/AOS 75.2 points, Fred A. Stewart. Now correctly C. Swan Ballet. AOS Award No. 19700695. OrchidPro has complete information (but under the incorrect name Swan Lake!) but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):545, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Award text: "Three flowers on one spike; tepals paper white; lip white with crimson facing on frontal edge; light butter-yellow in throat", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. OrchidWiz image #117954 from the William Merrit Collection is the award photo, with the third flower almost completely hidden — look for the faint ruffled upper edge of a petal and the profile of an extra lip, behind the flower on the right side of the photo. It is a mirror image of the black-and-white version published in Awards Quarterly.
C. Swan Ballet 'Pavlova' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
C. Drumbeat 'Triumph' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
141 Lc. Drumbeat 'Triumph', HCC/AOS 75.2 points, Fred A. Stewart. Now correctly C. Drumbeat. AOS Award No. 19700696. OrchidPro has this entry (no photo), but the location and date are in error, likely due to confusion with another cultivar 'Heritage' exhibited in February, 1970 in St. Louis, MO by Fred Stewart, which is AOS Award No. 19700054. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(6):545, June, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):56 (1971). Award text: "Four flowers on two spikes; bright rose lavender tepals; lip purple, lemon-yellow eyes", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. OrchidWiz, image #56283 from Steve McNerney, is the award photo, although it shows only two flowers on a single spike. It matches the black-and-white version published in Awards Quarterly.
C. Drumbeat 'Triumph' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Phal. Ann Linden 'Lisa Hasegawa' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South awards slides
142 Phal. Unnamed 'Lisa Hasegawa' (Phal. Ann Lovelace × Phal. lindenii), HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Dr. N. Hasegawa. Hybrid is Phal. Ann Linden, originated and registered in 1972 by Hugo Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award No. 19700697. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 42(6):54, June, 1973, and in Awards Quarterly 4(3):70 (1973) without a photo. Award text: "Thirteen flowers with eleven buds on one spike; delicate, near-white, overlaid with a rayed pattern of pink veins on tepals; lip with same pattern of darker veins", exhibitor Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA.
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