South Coast Orchid Society

Orchid Judging in Long Beach, 1954 and Beyond!

American Orchid Society Judging at Long Beach,


We were able to recover photos for all of the 31 awards conferred by the Long Beach site (numbers 143 through 173), although one is a small black and white photo from Awards Quarterly. As these photos were taken, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding.

Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:

Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:

January 25, 1971:

[No report of awards in the February, 1971 SCOS newsletter. However, awards 143-145 should have been there. The March, 1971 newsletter resumes reporting with February, 1971, award 146. The three missing awards for January 25, 1971 are found in OrchidPro.]

Cattleya Brandywine 'Katie' HCC/AOS

[143]  Cattleya Brandywine 'Katie', HCC/AOS 79 points, M. L. Rowland. AOS Award No. 19710051. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):734, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):59 (1971). Award text: "Two flowers on one spike; cerise tepals and lip; velvety texture overall; throat light gold with purple veining", exhibitors Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rowland, Garden Grove, CA.

Rlc. Pink Debutante 'Michiko' HCC/AOS

[144]  Rlc. Pink Debutante 'Michiko', HCC/AOS 76 points, Andy T. Yamamoto. AOS Award No. 19710052. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(11):1029, November, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):60 (1971). Award text: "One flower on one spike; lavender-pink sepals and petals and exterior fringe of lip; center of lip chartreuse with deeper lavender-pink stripe in lip", exhibitor is Andy T. Yamamoto, Culver City, CA. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.

Oncidium Greentree 'Granados' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

[145]  Odontoglossum Greentree 'Granados', HCC/AOS 76 points, R. B. Dugger. Now correctly Oncidium Greentree. AOS Award No. 19710053. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):734, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):60 (1971). Award text: "Twenty-one flowers on one spike, branched; white with pink spotting; touch of yellow in labellum", exhibitor R. B. Dugger, Solana Beach, CA.

Oncidium Greentree 'Granados' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

February 22, 1971:

Vanda Tropicana 'Malibu' AM/AOS

146  Ascda. Tropicana 'Malibu', AM/AOS 79.8 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Now correctly Vanda Tropicana. AOS Award No. 19710168. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, but shows the date as February 21, 1971. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):735, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):63 (1971). Award text: "Twenty-two flowers, four buds on one spike; rich magenta-rose with faint darker reticulation; excellent form and texture; lip brownish purple mid-lobe with yellow-green side lobes; flowers well arranged on stem", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Vanda Blue Boy (1967) 'Malibu Sky' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

147  Ascda. Unnamed 'Malibu Sky' (Ascda. Meda Arnold × V. coerules), HCC/AOS 78.9 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid was originated by W. K. Nakamoto and registered by Hajime Ono in 1967 as Ascocenda Blue Boy. The name is now correctly Vanda Blue Boy (1967). AOS Award No. 19710169. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, but shows the date as February 21, 1971. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):735, August, 1971 and Awards Quarterly 2(3):63 (1971) as Ascocenda Blue Boy 'Malibu Sky'. Award text: "Twelve flowers, one bud on two spikes; predominantly blue flower with lavender tinge to sepals; labellum a very dark violet; two flowers had been pollinated", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Vanda Blue Boy (1967) 'Malibu Sky' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vascostylis Blue Fairy 'Malibu Sky' HCC/AOS

148  Vascostylis Blue Fairy 'Malibu Sky', HCC/AOS 77.1 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Now correctly Vandachostylis Blue Fairy. AOS Award No. 19710170. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, but shows the date as February 21, 1971. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(8):735, August, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(3):63 (1971). Award text: "Nineteen flowers on one spike, with twenty-four buds; coerulea-blue tepals with dark shading on tip; deep violet lip with white column", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Renanthopsis Apricot Gold 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

149  Renanthopsis Unnamed 'Malibu' (Ren. storeii × Phal. Arcadia), HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Hybrid originator unknown, registered by Hugo Freed of Malibu, CA in 1971, now correctly Renanthopsis Apricot Gold. AOS Award No. 19710171. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, but shows the date as February 21, 1971. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):63, January, 1972, and in Awards Quarterly 3(4):118 (1972) with black and white photo, as Renanthopsis Apricot Gold 'Malibu'. Award text: "Thirty-two flowers, twenty-three buds on one spike; six branches; salmon rose, tending toward yellow at apex of tepals; column is fuchsia color, lip salmon rose with yellow eyes and henna side lobes; well arranged on upright branched spike", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Renanthopsis Apricot Gold 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

March 22, 1971:

Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Beach' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

150  Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Beach', CCM/AOS 80.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710338. OrchidPro has complete information (limited measurements) and color photo, which, however, is so badly exposed or scanned that it makes the flowers almost pure white. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(11):1026, November, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(4):86 (1971). Award text: "A large plant with 112 flowers and seven spikes; pastel lemon color; mature flowers ivory white; purple spots at base of segments; good form on 8.9 cm flowers. No further dimensions given", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Beach' CCM/AOS, our attempt to recover something of the original color from the badly over-exposed photo in OrchidPro.

Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Beach' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Paph. fairrianum 'Red' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

151  Paphio. fairrieanum 'Red', HCC/AOS 76.9 points, Clark Day Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710336. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(11):1026, November, 1971, and Awards Quarterly 2(4):87 (1971) with a black and white photo. Award text: "One flower on one spike; dorsal sepal very dark mulberry veining over a white background; dark purple flush in middle of dorsal sepal; petals edged with dark maroon, green at base, shading to white toward lip; disc green, with dark maroon centrally; pouch dark brownish lavender over green; overall effect of flower unusually dark", exhibitor Clark Day Jr. Orchids, Cerritos, CA. The same plant received AD/CSA the next day, March 23, 1971, exhibited by Clark Day Jr. Orchids, Cerritos, CA (see below). A Paph. fairrieanum cultivar 'Red' received an HCC/AOS when exibited at Mid-Atlantic Regional Monthly Judging in Philadelphia, exhibited by Richard L. Seifert, Narberth, PA (AOS Award No. 19710737), but due to the lag in publishing these awards, it is possible a different plant was involved. There have also been awards for a cultivar 'Red' in Australia, as early as August 9, 1971. We found the black-and-white photo in Awards Quarterly, then compared it with photos in OrchidWiz. We discovered the award photo in color, OrchidWiz image #80318, credited to Cymbidium Society of America. However, this photo is an exact mirror image of the one in Awards Quarterly, right down to reflections from the camera lights, grower noted as Clark Day Jr. Orchids. Possibly Clark later supplied the photo from our AOS judging in Long Beach to CSA, which had judged the same flower the next day. Also, now that we have the color photo, we can compare it with two others that appeared in the AOS Bulletin, in 1975 and 1979. The 1975 illustration was this same photo, in an article by Clark Day Jr., "Paphiopedilum fairieanum and the Red Influence" (44(11):971-973, November, 1975). The 1979 illustration, this time pointing the other direction (mirror image), was again in an article by Clark Day, Jr., "Paphiopedilum Ali Taba—The Making of An Awarded Paph" (48(4):371-374, April, 1979; this time, the photographer is identified as Richard Clark). We are fortunate that Mr. Day left us a record of some of his work by publishing his thoughts from time to time.

Paph. fairrianum 'Red' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, overexposed, but certainly a mirror image of the one in OrchidWiz, thus confirming that the OrchidWiz image is indeed a version of the official award photo.

Phal. Princess Grace 'Malibu Beach' HCC/AOS

152  Phal. Princess Grace 'Malibu Freed', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710337 as Phal. Princess Grace 'Malibu Beach', with the same date and score. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 40(11):1026, November, 1971 and Awards Quarterly 2(4):86 (1971) as cultivar 'Malibu Beach'. Award text: "Ten large white Phalaenopsis Doris type flowers on one spike; fine form and texture", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

April 26, 1971:

Cym. Sunshine Falls 'Cynosure' HCC/AOS

153  Cym. Unnamed (King Arthur 'Cynosure' × madidum), HCC/AOS 75.0 points, F. A. Stewart, Inc. Hybrid is Cym. Sunshine Falls, originated and registered in 1972 by Fred A. Stewart, Inc. AOS Award No. 19710322, but showing award date April 26, 1970 in OrchidWiz, cultivar name 'Cynosure'. OrchidPro has complete information (with correct date) and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 42(5):445, May, 1973, and Awards Quarterly 4(1):23 (1973) with black and white photo, as Cym. Sunshine Falls 'Cynosure'. Award text: "Sixteen charteuse blossoms, eleven buds on one spike; chocolate reticulations on lemon-colored labellum; maroon splashes at base of petals and sepals", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. Award photo includes part of a show ribbon, not legible, but see below, award 175 — it may have been a South Coast Orchid Society ribbon used by the judging site. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Oncidium haematochilum 'Triumph' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

154  Oncidium haematochilum 'Triumph', HCC/AOS 75.6 points, A. G. Tharp. Now correctly Trichocentrum haematochilum. AOS Award No. 19710321. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):15 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Nineteen flowers on one branched spike; almost solid brown tepals over yellow-green background; lip solid pinkish tan, strong purple toward the column; brown spots over green background of tepals", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.

Oncidium haematochilum 'Triumph' HCC/AOS, new scan from the Pacific South award slides, badly overexposed

Vanda Darcey Starr 'Orange Delight' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

155  Ascocenda Unnamed 'Orange Delight' (V. Eisenhower × Asco. currifolium), HCC/AOS 77.5 points, A. G. Tharp. Hybrid is now correctly Vanda Darcey Starr, parentage now correctly Vanda Eisenhower × Vanda curvifolia. AOS Award No. 19710320. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):15 (1972) with black and white photo, as Ascocenda Darcey Starr 'Orange Delight'. Award text: "Twenty-two flowers, one spike; burnt-orange sepals and petals; mahogany spotting on bottom of tepals; mustard green lip with mahogany apex", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.

Vanda Darcey Starr 'Orange Delight' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cym. Pee Wee 'Sweetheart' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

156  Cym. Pee Wee 'Sweetheart', CCM/AOS 80.0 points, Andy Yamamoto. AOS Award No. 19710333. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(4):352, April, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(4):119-120 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Five hundred and fifty flowers on nineteen spikes with three unopened spikes; 7/8 inch to 1 inch size flowers; chartreuse sepals and petals; yellow lip with brownish purple on inner lobes and same color spotting on mid outer lip", exhibitor Andy T. Yamamoto, Culver City, CA.

Cym. Pee Wee 'Sweetheart' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Phal. Tyler Carlson 'Aileen' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

157  Phal. Tyler Carlson 'Aileen', AM/AOS 83.8 points, Raymond Scheafer (should be Schaefer). AOS Award No. 19710318. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):14-15 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Twenty-seven flowers on two branched spikes; chartreuse-yellow tepals, purple speckling toward center; column is bright purple, fading to white at top; pink-tan lip, dark veining on side lobes; well arranged", exhibitor Raymond P. Schaefer, Rolling Hills, CA. The same cultivar received CCM/AOS two years later, April 23, 1973, when exhibited at Long Beach by Aileen and Ray Schaefer of Rolling Hills, CA, with 105 flowers and 15 buds. The photo from the present award was also in AOS Bulletin 49(10):1103, October, 1980, a mirror image of the version in OrchidPro.

Phal. Tyler Carlson 'Aileen' AM/AOS, the award photo as republished in AOS Bulletin 49(10):1103, October, 1980

Phal. Tyler Carlson 'Aileen' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, overexposed

Phal. Arthur Freed 'Malibu' HCC/AOS

158  Phal. Arthur Freed 'Malibu', HCC/AOS 75.8 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710319. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):14 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Eight flowers, four buds on one spike; paper-white tepals; dark-magenta labellum; white throat with magenta striping", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

May 24, 1971:

Paph. victoria-regina 'Linda' AM/AOS

159  Paph. chamberlainianum 'Linda', AM/AOS 80.3 points, Clark Day Orchids. Now correctly Paph. victoria-regina. AOS Award No. 19710392. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo, under the name Paph. victoria-regina. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):19 (1972). Award text: "One flower, three buds of exceptional substance and texture; one spike; dorsal sepal green with heavy ribbing and lineal amethyst spotting; ¼ inch border; petals horizontal, heavily barred, with turn at tip; pouch rosy lavender, fading to cream-white border; staminode darker lavender, accentuating contrasting color; dark hirsute dorsal and petals", exhibitor Clark Day Jr. Orchids, Cerritos, CA. In OrchidPro, text has been added to the description: "awarded as Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum, now recognized as Paphiopedilum victoria-regina (Jan 2020)".

Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Gold' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

160  Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Gold', HCC/AOS 76.7 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710393. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):61, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):19 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Ten flowers, four buds on two spikes; seed pod, one bud on another spike; creamy yellow tepals with lavender centers; labellum ochre fading to light creamy yellow on tip of labellum", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Phal. Hawaiian Sunshine 'Malibu Gold' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

June 28, 1971:

Rhyncholaelia digbyana 'Shamrock' CCM/AOS

161  Brassavola digbyana 'Shamrock', CCM/AOS 87.0 points, Jesse S. Vaughn. Now correctly Rhyncholaelia dibgyana. AOS Award No. 19710391. This is the same plant that received HCC/AOS June 23, 1969 at the Long Beach judging site, award 71 on the web page for the 1969 awards. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):63, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):26 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Eighteen flowers of exceptional substance and texture; sepals and petals apple green; heavily fimbriated lip apple green with deeper green throat; two flowers folded from old age", exhibitor Jesse S. Vaughn, Garden Grove, CA.

Vanda Mankiatkul 'Maui Sunset' HCC/AOS

162  Ascda. Mankiat Kui 'Maui Sunset', HCC/AOS 77.3 points, A. G. Tharp. Hybrid correctly now Vanda Mankiatkul, originated by Chavaratana Phenphaisit, Bankok, Thailand, and registered in 1968 by Pong Mangkiatkul of Thailand. AOS Award No. 19710389. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):62, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):26 (1972) with black and white photo, as Ascocenda Mangkiatkul 'Maui Sunset'. Award text: "Fourteen apricot-orange flowers on one spike; spotted rose-burgundy overlay on ventral sepals; lip dark burgundy", exhibitor A. G. Tharp, Lakewood, CA.

Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro; the image is faded and too blue, compared with the description

163  Blc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey', HCC/AOS 76.8 points, Norito Hasegawa. Now correctly Rlc. Cadmium Light. AOS Award No. 19710390. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):63, January, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):26 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Three flowers on one spike; mustard-green tepals with brownish maroon veining; buff-colored lip, butter-yellow throat and veining under column; very heavy substance, tall strong stem; flat flowers well spaced and well presented", exhibitor Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. OrchidWiz image #117519 from the William Merrit Collection is the award photo, but it is badly faded; the "mustard-green tepals" are nearly white. The version in OrchidPro, while too bluish, is better.

Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, the mirror-image version of the award photo in OrchidWiz, image #117519 from the William Merritt Collection; the color balance seems reasonable, but the image is far too pale

Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides; the image seems too yellow, but much depends on exactly what is "mustard-green"! It may be possible to achieve a better image by adjusting the scanner settings.

July 26, 1971:

Vanda Eileen Beauty 'Malibu Shores' HCC/AOS

164  Ascda. Eileen Beauty (no cultivar name listed), HCC/AOS 77.9 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Now correctly Vanda Eileen Beauty. Based on the award date and score, the cultivar is 'Malibu Shores'. AOS Award No. 19710497. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(2):158, February, 1972, and in Awards Quarterly 3(1):29 (1972) with black and white photo, as cultivar 'Malibu Shores'. Award text: "Twenty-nine flowers on one spike; rosy-lavender tepals with heavy purple striations overall; lip cream with heavy purple lines", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, very likely the original, preferred award photo

165  Blc. Mem. Helen Brown (no cultivar name listed), HCC/AOS 75.01 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Now correctly Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown. Based on the award date and score, the cultivar is 'Showpiece'. AOS Award No. 19710498. OrchidPro has complete information and a different color photo, see below! Published in AOS Bulletin 41(2):158, February, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(1):29 (1972) without a photo, as cultivar 'Showpiece'. Award text: Four flowers on one spike; sepals and petals light yellow with light lavender diffusion on tips; deep yellow eyes; maroon veining in throat and tip of lip", exhibitor Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. OrchidWiz image #55409 from Steve McNerney is similar to the photo in OrchidPro, but we believe they are not photos of the same plant.

The same cultivar, 'Showpiece', received two additional awards at other judging sites in 1981, both of them represented by photographs in OrchidWiz: image #117689 from the Merritt Collection is a mirror image of the award photo from Awards Quarterly 13(2):123 (1982) for award number 19811331 (AM/AOS), and image #117688 is the award photo from Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) for award number 19811054 (HCC/AOS, 79 points), but the two photos are switched in OrchidPro and in the image descriptions in OrchidWiz. It is likely that these two photos were inadvertently attached to the wrong awards in the same issue of Awards Quarterly. That the two 1981 photos are evidently assigned correctly in OrchidPro is clear from the award description for 19811331, which specifies that there should be three flowers, which are indeed visible in the OrchidPro photo for that award. The switch is less apparent in Awards Quarterly, because the black and white photos there have been cropped. Thus, for the 1981 awards for this cultivar, OrchidWiz image #117689, showing five flowers, belongs with OrchidPro award 19811054, while image #117688, showing three flowers, belongs with OrchidPro award 19811331.

However, the problems do not end there. The OrchidPro photo for the present award 19710498 turns out to be the same image shown in OrchidPro for 19811331, but with deeper color and cropped a little differently. Further, the color slide for the 1971 award in the Pacific South award slide collection, very clearly labeled, is a completely different photo. To resolve these problems, we present all seven images with what we believe are their correct dispositions:

Figure 1: Award No. 19710498

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, OrchidWiz image #55409 from Steve McNerney (described as HCC/AOS, grower Fred A. Stewart, Inc.). The color seems closer to the award description, and there are definitely four flowers. We believe this is a photo of the plant exhibited for AOS Award No. 19710498. See the discussion below for Figure 7.

Figure 2: Award No. 19811054

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, OrchidPro 19811054, five flowers are visible, but the original award as published in Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) says "No description and no measurements" and shows a black and white photo corresponding to Figure 4, below. That this is the correct photo for 19811054 is confirmed from the Pacific South awards slide collection, clearly dated June 8, 1981

Figure 3: Award No. 19811054

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, OrchidWiz image #117689 from the Merritt Collection (described as HCC/AOS, grower Leroy C. Brandt, McFarland, California), five flowers are visible, mirror image of the photo in Figure 2 for OrchidPro 19811054, but the original award as published in Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) says "No description and no measurements" and shows a black and white photo corresponding to Figure 4, below.

Figure 4: Award No. 19811331

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro 19710498, three flowers visible, matches the Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) black and white photo for 19811054, correctly belongs with OrchidPro 19811331, which describes a spike of three flowers.

Figure 5: Award No. 19811331

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro 19711331, three flowers visible, matches the Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) black and white photo for 19811054, correctly belongs with OrchidPro 19811331, which describes a spike of three flowers.

Figure 6: Award No. 19811331

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, OrchidWiz image #117688 from the Merritt Collection (described as AM/AOS, grower Curtis Ewing of Bladensburg, Maryland), three flowers visible, matches the Awards Quarterly 13(2):85 (1982) black and white photo for 19811054, correctly belongs with OrchidPro 19811331, which describes a spike of three flowers.

Figure 7: Award No. 19710498

Rlc. Memoria Helen Brown 'Showpiece' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, the slide very clearly labeled and dated, with stamped processing date AUG71. It is somewhat difficult to understand what is portrayed at the bottom of this photo. We believe the lip of the main flower is rolled under, and behind it the vertical green object is the spike (but if so, the sheath may have been cut away), the top of which is obscured by the shadow of the lip. In effect, this photo could well be the same plant shown in Figure 1, above, photographed from the opposite side. Note that Figure 1, above, shows that the back flower in that image has the bottom of the lip rolled back, and the flower immediately counterclockwise (when viewed from the top on the vertical axis) has the tip of its right petal turned back. There are other possible solutions, as at least one other flower in Figure 1 has the bottom of the lip rolled back. We believe the image shown here was the photo of Award No. 19710498 preferred by the judging team, as it shows more of the details of the flower, but the photo in Figure 1, above, was more esthetically pleasing and was likely used and distributed by Fred Stewart.

August 23, 1971:

Brassavola subulifolia 'Katie' CCM/AOS

166  Brassavola cordata (no cultivar name listed), CCM/AOS 80.0 points, Rowland Collection. Now correctly Brassavola subulifolia. Based on the award date and score, the cultivar is 'Katie'. AOS Award No. 19710588. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(2):158, February, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):42 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Two hundred twenty flowers on 22 spikes, five unopened spikes; well-grown plant, typical Brassavola cordata flowers. No measurements given", exhibitor Rowland Collection, Garden Grove, CA. OrchidWiz image #117434 from the William Merritt Collection is the award photo.

September 27, 1971:

Phalaenopsis Vi Fenton 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides, the slide labeled Phal. Princess Alice 'Malibu' and not updated to correct the grex name.

167  Phal. Princess Alice 'Malibu', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710628. OrchidPro has the correct description and measurements but no photo, and other information is incorrect. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(8):740, August, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(4):121 (1972) with black and white photo, as Phal. Vi Fenton 'Malibu', matching date and score, listed as award 71-628, which should equate to AOS Award No. 19710628. However, this award now appears in OrchidWiz and OrchidPro with date October 2, 1971, at the 12th Annual Tampa Orchid Club Show, exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. Can the awards for the Tampa show be found in the AOS Bulletin and identified in OrchidWiz and OrchidPro? AOS Bulletin 41(2):149, February, 1972 gives a detailed report from the show, mentioning that there were three AOS awards: AOS Trophy to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver for their 100 sq. ft. exhibit, CCM/AOS for Vanda Onomea 'Walcrest' (which had previously been awarded FCC/AOS, see AOS Bulletin for February, 1970, p. 111), exhibited by Walcrest Orchids, and CCM/AOS for Miltassia Charles M. Fitch, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Henry Morton. The two "normal" awards are found in same AOS Bulletin 41(2), February, 1972 issue, p. 161, as Vanda Onomea 'Walcrest' CCM/AOS, award no. 71-598, and Miltassia (now Bratonia) Charles M. Fitch 'Margie' CCM/AOS, award no. 71-599. AOS Trophy awards from that era seem never to have been entered into OrchidPro at all, so there should be no awards from the 12th Annual Tampa Orchid Show apart from 19710598 and 19710599, which are found in OrchidPro and OrchidWiz. It appears that the two September 27, 1971 awards from Long Beach have somehow been conflated with the two awards from the Tampa show. The award text in OrchidWiz for 19710628, however, appears to be correct: "Seven pure white flowers on one spike; lip mostly white with pale yellow shading, pink lines; extra good substance", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. Black and white photo in Awards Quarterly.

Renantanda Fire Bird 'Ruby Red' JC/AOS, from OrchidPro

168  Kagawaara Malibu 'Ruby Red', JC/AOS, Arthur Freed Orchids. The hybrid is now correctly Renantanda Fire Bird. AOS Award No. 19710629. OrchidPro has the correct description and measurements and color photo, but other information is incorrect. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(8):740, August, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(4):121 (1972) with black and white photo, as Kagawaara Fire Bird 'Ruby Red', matching date and award, listed as award 71-629 (but 71-628 in Awards Quarterly, an obvious error), which should equate to AOS Award No. 19710629. However, this award now appears in OrchidWiz and OrchidPro with date October, 2, 1971, at the 12th Annual Tampa Orchid Show, exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. See above, award 167, for information about the correct awards from the 12th Annual Tampa Orchid Show. The correct date and place are September 27, 1971 at the Long Beach judging center. The award text in OrchidWiz for 19710629 appears to be correct: "Two well-displayed spikes with 81 intensely blood red flowers and 19 buds; lip slightly darker red with basal cream color", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. OrchidWiz image #117813 from the William Merritt Collection is the award photo, a mirror image of the one in OrchidPro, and with somewhat brighter color.

Renantanda Fire Bird 'Ruby Red' JC/AOS, the mirror-image version of the award photo in OrchidWiz image #117813 from the William Merritt Collection.

Renantanda Fire Bird 'Ruby Red' JC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Phal. Baby Doll 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

169  Phal. Baby Doll 'Malibu', HCC/AOS 78.7 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. AOS Award No. 19710626. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(2):160, February, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):48 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Ten flowers, eight buds on one spike; pinkish lavender tepals, deep lavender veining throughout; lip deep lavender on outside margins with reddish lavender spotting in throat; lower portion of lip white with deep lavender shading and veining", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Phal. Baby Doll 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Catyclia Fred J. Fuchs Junior 'Carimo' HCC/AOS

170  Epicat. Fred J. Fuchs Jr. 'Carimo', HCC/AOS 76.3 points, Imogene and Carl Keyes. Now correctly Catyclia Fred J. Fuchs Junior. AOS Award No. 19710627. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(2):160, February, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):48-49 (1972) without a photo. Award text: "Six flowers, one spike; yellow-green sepals with faint shading of red; similarly colored petals heavily shaded with red; deep oxblood red spade lip with white column", exhibitor Imogene and Carl Keyes, Burbank, CA. The award photo for this cultivar was featured in an article about Epicattleya hybrids in AOS Bulletin 41(9):816, September, 1972, with photo credit "A.O.S. Files", the same photo found in OrchidPro, which is vastly better for color and resolution. Not found in Pacific South awards slide collection.

October 25, 1971:

Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

171  Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure', CCM/AOS 80.0 points, Arthur Freed. AOS Award No. 19710711. OrchidPro has a separate entry for this award, including a color photo, but refers to 19710710 for measurements and description. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(4):348, April, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):56 (1972) with black and white photo, as combined HCC/AOS and CCM/AOS award, but with award numbers listed as 71-710-711, equivalent to 19710710 and 19710711, presumably intended for the HCC/AOS and CCM/AOS, respectively. Award text is the same for this award and for the next award, the HCC for the same plant: "Fourteen flowers on four spikes, six spikes unflowered; creamy yellow tepals heavily marked with henna bars and spots in a symmetrical pattern; lip white with two red stripes. Plant received a CCM of 80 points at this show", exhibitor Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA.

Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

172  Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure', HCC/AOS 77.1 points, Arthur Freed. AOS Award No. 19710710. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(4):348, April, 1972, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):56 (1972) with black and white photo, as combined HCC/AOS and CCM/AOS award, but with award numbers listed as 71-710-711, equilvalent to 19710710 and 19710711, presumably intended for the HCC/AOS and CCM/AOS, respectively. Award text is the same as the CCM/AOS award for this plant, above.

Phal. amboinensis 'Golden Treasure' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

C. Yae Yamamoto 'Ripe Cherry' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

173  Slc. Yae Yamamoto 'Ripe Cherry', HCC/AOS 75.8 points, Andy T. Yamamoto. Now correctly C. Yae Yamamoto. AOS Award No. 19710712. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(4):348, and Awards Quarterly 3(2):56 (1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Eighteen flowers on two spikes; bright cherry red sepals, petals and lip; yellow coloring in throat with red side lobes over white column", exhibitor Andy T. Yamamoto, Culver City, CA.

C. Yae Yamamoto 'Ripe Cherry' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

[November 22, 1971: SCOS newsletter does not report any judging activity, but the next reported award, January 24, 1972, in the February, 1972 SCOS newsletter, continues the numeric sequence. Apparently there were no awards for November and December, 1971.]

[December 27, 1971: No awards given in December, 1971, explicitly stated in the SCOS newsletter for January, 1972.]