South Coast Orchid Society

Orchid Judging in Long Beach, 1954 and Beyond!

American Orchid Society Judging at Long Beach,


We were able to recover photos for 57 of the 67 awards conferred by the Long Beach site. Some of the awards contain serious errors. As the awards photos were created, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding. We would very much like to obtain photos from the other awards, possibly from collections of AOS award slides that were sent out to judging centers and affiliate societies over the years.

In the first issue of Awards Quarterly 8(1):46 (January, 1977), there is a notice about the lack of photos in the preceding years. Evidently, the absence of photos from some regions (notably from the Western US) had occasioned complaints: "Note on Awards Quarterly Photography. This extra-large issue of the Awards Quarterly benefits immensely by the generous contributions of our Awards Photographers in the 17 Regional and Supplemental Judging centers throughout the United States. Many of these photographers are professionals in their own right but donate their expertise to the Society, charging only for materials. This generosity enables us to publish more and more pictures at lower costs.

"Some award recipients and judges have complained in a most courteous way, about the lack of photographs of orchids awarded in certain regions or at certain shows. An A.O.S. judging requirement states that a black-and-white photograph must be taken — in addition to the 12 original slides — of every awarded plant save that of a J.C. or H.C.C. The black-and-white photographs are used in the Awards Quarterly, the color slides in the Bulletin. We publish Every black-and-white photograph that is available. If photographs of plants do not appear in the Awards Quarterly, it is because such black-and-white photographs have not been sent to the Cambridge offices.

"Let us try to make the Awards Quarterly as complete a pictorial record as possible. The sooner photographs are sent in, the more swiftly can the awards be published. In the meantime, we do thank our photographers immensely for their fine and generous support."

Thus, the lack of photos in Awards Quarterly was attributed to the photographers not sending black-and-white photos to the AOS offices at Cambridge, MA. However, this does not seem to explain the accompanying lack of color photos for the same period in OrchidPro. It might be that some regions were not using the correct mailing address for the offices at Harvard University, and the pictures were going astray! Whether we can locate the missing color photos among the collection of AOS award slides at The Huntington Botanical Center has not yet been determined.

There are several additional points mentioned in this notice:

Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:

Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:

January 22, 1976:

These two awards have been corrupted, the award numbers in OrchidPro place them in 1975, while the award date is in 1976 !!! Numbers 311 and 312 not found in the 1976 awards. Further, the normal meetings of SCOS and the judging team are almost always held on the 4th Monday of the month, except when a holiday interferes. However, in the 1970's, the January SCOS meeting was the annual awards banquet, held at the Petroleum Club. There was no judging on those evenings, so judging was apparently rescheduled to a different date. The judging schedule was published in the AOS Bulletin, where we find (November, 1975 issue, for example), that judging was indeed scheduled for January 22, 1976. The corresponding date for 1975 was January 27. These two awards were very definitely from 1976, not 1975.

Paphiopedilum Valwin 'No. 1' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19750311 (should be 19760311) Paphiopedilum Valwin '#1', HCC/AOS 77 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):36 (1977) as 19760311, without a photo. The cultivar name on the award slide is 'No. 1', while the version in Awards Quarterly says '#1'. The award description in OrchidPro for 19750311 is in error: "A very sturdy spike with 22 wine-colored flowers, mustard-red in back of tepals; reddish lip with white marking in throat." The description clearly refers to something other than a Paph, and this is also clear from the measurements, as the dorsal sepal was only 1.4 cm wide and 3.4 cm long. The description does not match the named plant. In OrchidPro, it is possible to query the award descriptions, using a "Basic" search, and selecting the "Broad Search" option. There are currently 24 awards where the description includes the word "wine-colored", but none of them is the missing plant. OrchidWiz has the same information as OrchidPro for this award. The original award number 19750311 is found in Awards Quarterly 8(1):5 (1977), for Dendrobium Fiftieth State Beauty 'Esther' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John K. H. Yee at Honolulu, HI, April 57, 1975, with description: "A very sturdy spike with twenty-two wine-colored flowers, mustard-red in back of tepals; reddish lip with white marking in throat". The correct description for 19760311, Paph. Valwin '#1', from Awards Quarterly 8(1):36 (1977), is: "One spike with one flower; dorsal basically white, heavily brushed with dark lavender, base portion radiatiing about 1" with chartreuse; petals chartreuse with heavy overlay of brown spots near column; ventral white with central portion green; some purple mottling on sides; pouch chartreuse with overlay of brownish-lavender". The award slide has a flaw on the film in the center of the dorsal sepal, but it does not appear to interfere with the overall quality of the image.

Paphiopedilum Freckles 'John Fry' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19750312 (should be 19760312) Paphiopedilum Freckles 'John Fry', HCC/AOS 75 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. The description is appropriate for a Paph, the dorsal sepal 7.1 cm wide and 5.5 cm long. Apart from the description, however, the situation described in the previous item applies here as well. Both OrchidPro and OrchidWiz show the award number 19750312 but place the date of judging on January 22, 1976. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):36 (1977), as 19760312 without a photo, and description: "One spike with one flower; dorsal white with chartreuse sunburst, purple in central one half; petals dorsally yellow, washing to white at tips with radiating lines of purple dots behind the pouch; pouch very light yellow with frontal portion pink". As far as we can determine, there never was an award 19750312 published in Awards Quarterly.

February 23, 1976:

Cattleya amethystoglossa 'King's Ransom' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760313 Cattleya amethystoglossa 'King's Ransom', AM/AOS 83 points, Clark Day Jr. Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):43 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Cattleya amethystoglossa 'King's Ransom' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Dolores Hoyt 'Limelight' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760314 Cymbidium Dolores Hoyt 'Limelight', AM/AOS 83 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):44 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Cymbidium Dolores Hoyt 'Limelight' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Vanda Varavuth 'Azure Bay' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760315 Vanda Varavuth 'Azure Bay', AM/AOS 83 points, Kasem Boonchoo Nursery. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):43 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Vanda Varavuth 'Azure Bay' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Rhynchovanda Prinya Phornprapha 'Sweet Port' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760316 Rhynchovanda Prinya Phornprapha 'Sweet Port', AM/AOS 81 points, Kasem Boonchoo Nursery. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):43 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. The name nothogenus name Rhynchovanda, which perfectly describes what it should be, was changed to Vandachostylis (abbreviation Van., easily mistaken for Vanda), for unknown reasons.

Rhynchovanda Prinya Phornprapha 'Sweet Port' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Paphiopedilum Lalime 'Superba' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760317 Paphiopedilum Lalime 'Superba', AM/AOS 80 points, Imogene and Carl Keyes. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):43-44 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Paphiopedilum Lalime 'Superba' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760318 Vanda Opha 'Cotton Candy', HCC/AOS 77 points, Kasem Boonchoo Nursery. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):44 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

AOS Award No. 19760319 Vanda Chusri Narattrugsa 'Boonchoo #1', HCC/AOS 76 points, Kasem Boonchoo Nursery. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):44 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Cymbidium Walu 'Nippon' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760320 Cymbidium Walu 'Nippon', HCC/AOS 75 points, Andy T. Yamamoto. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):44 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has color photo but lacks photo.

March 22, 1976:

Vanda Queen Florist 'Boonchoo' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760427 Vanda Queen Florist 'Boonchoo', FCC/AOS 90 points, Kasem Boonchoo Nursery. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):64 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1972.

Angraecum viguieri 'Amber Queen' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760428 Angraecum viguieri 'Amber Queen', AM/AOS 81 points, The Angraecum House. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):64-65 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This award is not found in OrchidWiz.

AOS Award No. 19760429 Cymbidium Golden Ray 'Fond Hope', HCC/AOS 76 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):64 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Laeliocattleya Chit Chat 'Tangerine' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760430 Laeliocattleya Chit Chat 'Tangerine', CCM/AOS 85 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):64 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid is now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Laeliocattleya Chit Chat 'Tangerine' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

April 26, 1976:

Paphiopedilum White Alary 'Bion' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760431 Paphiopedilum White Alary 'Bion', AM/AOS 82 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):83, with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Color photo also published in AOS Bulletin February, 1977, p. 145.

Laeliocattleya Elinor 'True Orange' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760432 Laeliocattleya Elinor 'True Orange', HCC/AOS 79 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):83 without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya.

Paphiopedilum Oakes Ames 'Hagee' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760433 Paphiopedilum Oakes Ames 'Hagee', HCC/AOS 78 points, Hagee's World of Orchidaceae, Lakewood, CA. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):83 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo

Paphiopedilum violascens 'Picardie' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760434 Paphiopedilum violascens 'Picardie', HCC/AOS 77 points, Clark Day Jr. Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):83 without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Paphiopedilum Patersonii (1896) 'Beverly' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760435 Paphiopedilum Patersonii (1896) 'Beverly', HCC/AOS 76 points, Beverly Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):83 without a photo.

May 24, 1976

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Helen Brown 'Sweet Afton' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760436 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Helen Brown 'Sweet Afton', AM/AOS 82 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1967. Exactly what color is this cultivar? AOS awards call it chartreuse or even "true chartreuse". An award from the Australian Orchid Conference (December 19, 1978) specifies "yellow green 145B" — this refers to the "RHS Colour Chart" (many editions, and the color sample in the chart is presumably judged to be the closest one to the observed color of the flower under the actual judging conditions and illumination), and apparently converts to RGB color code #B8BE6E, which is quite "muddy" compared with any of the available photos. Photos from show awards in Brazil range from pale chartreuse to near-white to medium yellow.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Helen Brown 'Sweet Afton' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Paphiopedilum Ernest Swinton 'Lovely Lady' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

AOS Award No. 19760437 Paphiopedilum Ernest Swinton 'Lovely Lady', AM/AOS 81 points, Rowland Collection. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. The same photo was published in color in AOS Bulletin 46(2):145 (February, 1977). Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.

Vanda Yong Yuet Lim 'Francis' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760438 Vanda Yong Yuet Lim 'Francis', AM/AOS 80 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.

Phalaenopsis Ellen Satterwhite 'Kathy' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760439 Phalaenopsis Ellen Satterwhite 'Kathy', HCC/AOS 78 points, Edwin and Donna Wise. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Doritaenopsis in 1972.

Renanthopsis Apricot Gold 'Dixie Weil' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760440 Renanthopsis Apricot Gold 'Dixie Weil', HCC/AOS 76 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Papilionanda Malibu Gold 'Zuma Canyon' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760441 Papilionanda Malibu Gold 'Zuma Canyon', HCC/AOS 76 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):97 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Christieara (=Aerides × Ascocentrum × Vanda) in 1973.

June 28, 1976:

[Note: OrchidPro incorrectly attributes Award No. 19760607, Vanda Rothschildiana 'Gerrit', AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Sheldon Takasaki of Hakalau, HI, to the Long Beach site on June 29, 1976. It is actually part of a series of awards from the July 1, 1976 Hilo Orchid Society Show, in Hilo, HI, published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):107 (1977) with black and white photo, immediately following a group of Long Beach awards.]

Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Sierra Vista' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760613 Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Sierra Vista', AM/AOS 80 points, Curtis and Sally Gean. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Paphiopedilum concolor 'Merienda Lane' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760614 Paphiopedilum concolor 'Merienda Lane', HCC/AOS 77 points, Edwin and Donna Wise. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Cattleya Bella Simpson 'Bacon' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760615 Cattleya Bella Simpson 'Bacon', HCC/AOS 77 points, Edwin and Donna Wise. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Cymbidium Kuranda 'Arthur Dawson' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760616 Cymbidium Kuranda 'Arthur Dawson', HCC/AOS 77 points, Andy Easton. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Zelenkoa onusta 'Carimo' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760617 Oncidium onustum 'Carimo', HCC/AOS 75 points, Imogene and Carl Keyes. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This species is now correctly Zelenkoa onusta.

Paphiopedilum Makuli 'Shadowplay' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760618 Paphiopedilum Makuli 'Shadowplay', HCC/AOS 75 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

AOS Award No. 19760619 Stanhopea gibbosa 'Beverly', JC/AOS, Beverly Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):106-107 (1977) without a photo. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

July 26, 1976:

Dyakia hendersoniana 'Christy' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760672 Ascocentrum hendersonianum 'Christy', AM/AOS 82 points, Fordyce S. Marsh. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):110 with black and white photo, which is also on the cover of that issue, credited to photographer Richard Clark. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. The current name, for some reason, is Dyakia hendersoniana, see Orchid Digest 50:63 (1986). It is endemic to Borneo. This is one of the species formerly classified as a Saccolabium, before it was an Ascocentrum. When the rest of Ascocentrum was dumped into Vanda, along with many other genera, it was found that Dyakia was an outlier, not closely related to Vanda at all. Its closest relatives appear to be Cryptopylos and Macropodanthus.

What color should it be? Dyakia hendersoniana 'Christy' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Vanda Hilo Queen 'Hawaiian Dawn' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760673 Vanda Hilo Queen 'Hawaiian Dawn', HCC/AOS 78 points, Norito Hasegawa. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):110 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Vanda Meda Arnold 'Marcia' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760674 Vanda Meda Arnold 'Marcia', HCC/AOS 77 points, Dr. C. J. Aucreman. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):110 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1950.

Vanda Araya 'Gertrude' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760675 Vanda Araya 'Gertrude', HCC/AOS 77 points, Glenn W. Briney. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):110 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1970.

August 23, 1976:

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Radiant Beauty' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760766 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Radiant Beauty', AM/AOS 80 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) with black and white photo, also in color on the cover of the AOS Bulletin October, 1983. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1972.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Radiant Beauty' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Bronze Glory' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760767 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Bronze Glory', AM/AOS 80 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) with black and white photo, also in color in the AOS Bulletin February, 1985. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1972.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Indian Treasure 'Bronze Glory' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis violacea 'Zuma Green' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760768 Phalaenopsis violacea 'Zuma Green', HCC/AOS 79 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

Phalaenopsis Peppermint 'Zuma Canyon' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760769 Phalaenopsis Peppermint 'Zuma Canyon', HCC/AOS 78 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

AOS Award No. 19760770 Paphiopedilum Charles Sladden 'Green Cap', HCC/AOS 78 points, Larry Heuer. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Vanda Eileen Beauty 'Malibu Joy' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760771 Vanda Eileen Beauty 'Malibu Joy', HCC/AOS 78 points, Arthur Freed Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1965.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Bobby Ward 'Pats' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760772 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Bobby Ward 'Pats', HCC/AOS 77 points, Ernie Campuzano. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):127-128 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1964.

Aliceara Maury Island 'Summer Days' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760773 Aliceara Maury Island 'Summer Days', HCC/AOS 77 points, Beall Orchid Company. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):128 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid is now correctly, but awkwardly, a Gombrassiltonia.

Gomonia Richard Peterson 'Merienda Lane' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760774 Gomonia Richard Peterson 'Merienda Lane', HCC/AOS 76 points, Edwin and Donna Wise. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):128 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Miltonidium in 1974.

Phalaenopsis Debbie Wallace 'Malibu' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760775 Phalaenopsis Debbie Wallace 'Malibu', CCM/AOS 85 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):128 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Phalaenopsis Debbie Wallace 'Malibu' CCM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

September 27, 1976:

Catasetum tenebrosum 'Jorge' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760776 Catasetum tenebrosum 'Jorge', AM/AOS 81 points, G. G. Lemacks. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):136 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Catasetum tenebrosum 'Jorge' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Yorktown 'Virginia' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760777 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Yorktown 'Virginia', AM/AOS 80 points, Fred A. Stewart, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):136 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1974.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Yorktown 'Virginia' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Odontioda Memoria Ernesto Alvarez 'Carimo King' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760778 Odontioda Memoria Ernesto Alvarez 'Carimo King', AM/AOS 80 points, Imogene and Carl Keyes. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):136 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid is now correctly Oncidium Memoria Ernesto Alvarez.

Odontioda Memoria Ernesto Alvarez 'Carimo King' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Blue Bird 'Dr. Frederick A. Jordan' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760779 Vascostylis Blue Bird 'Dr. Frederick A. Jordan', HCC/AOS 79 points, Dr. Irene Gleason. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):137 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid is now correctly Vanda Blue Bird (1972).

AOS Award No. 19760780 Paphiopedilum Supersuk 'Quatro', HCC/AOS 75 points, Rowland Collection. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):137 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.

October 25, 1976:

Vanda Savita 'Queen Sirikit' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760922 Vanda Savita 'Queen Sirikit', AM/AOS 81 points, A. G. Tharp. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):144 (1977) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1974.

Vanda Savita 'Queen Sirikit' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760923 Aeranthes ramosa 'Louise', HCC/AOS 78 points, Miskimens Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):144 (1977) without a photo, using the spelling Aëranthes. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This species is now correctly Trichoglottis ramosa. Not found in the Pacific South awards slide collection.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Scarlet Dynasty 'Empress of China' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760924 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Scarlet Dynasty 'Empress of China', HCC/AOS 77 points, P. G. Barnett. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):144 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Potinara in 1968.

Paphiopedilum Dusky Maiden 'Perlita' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760925 Paphiopedilum Dusky Maiden 'Perlita', HCC/AOS 76 points, Rowland Collection. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(4):144 (1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. The same flower received a BM/CSA the next day, and OrchidWiz has the color photo contributed by CSA.

November 22, 1976:

Phalaenopsis Linda Vasquez 'Zuma Canyon' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760926 Phalaenopsis Linda Vasquez 'Zuma Canyon', AM/AOS 81 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) with black and white photo, also featured on the cover of that issue, credited to photographer Richard Clark. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Paphiopedilum Jolly Green Gem 'Bion' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760927 Paphiopedilum Jolly Green Gem 'Bion', AM/AOS 80 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) with black and white photo, and in color in the AOS Bulletin, August, 1979, p. 804. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Zelenkoa onusta 'Merienda Lane' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760928 Oncidium onustum 'Merienda Lane', HCC/AOS 78 points, Edwin and Donna Wise. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This species is now correctly Zelenkoa onusta

AOS Award No. 19760929 Paphiopedilum Lucy Winston 'Foothill', HCC/AOS 77 points, Armacost & Royston, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

AOS Award No. 19760930 Paphiopedilum Sophomore 'Georgian', HCC/AOS 76 points, Rowland Collection. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lack photo. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Paphiopedilum Green Meadows 'Bob' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760931 Paphiopedilum Green Meadows 'Bob', HCC/AOS 76 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. The same flower received a BM/CSA eight days later, and OrchidWiz has the color photo contributed by CSA.

AOS Award No. 19760932 Laeliocattleya Lisa Ann 'Tahitian Sunset', HCC/AOS 76 points, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya. Not found in the Pacific South award slides collection.

Phalaenopsis Barbara Freed Saltzman 'Linda Ibarra' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760934 Phalaenopsis Barbara Freed Saltzman 'Linda Ibarra', HCC/AOS 76 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):8 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.

December 27, 1976:

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fortune 'Grandview' AM/AOS, photo from OrchidWiz

AOS Award No. 19760983 Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fortune 'Grandview', AM/AOS 84 points, Mr, and Mrs. P. G. Barnett. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):21 (1978) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete informatoin and color photo. Another version of the same photo, a mirror image, is found in OrchidWiz, image #192351, photo contributed by Plato Peter Matthews. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1963.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fortune 'Grandview' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Fortune 'Grandview' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides — the bluish spots appear to be artifacts of processing from when the slide duplicates were made.

Phalaenopsis Ana Hernandez 'Zuma Valley' AM/AOS

AOS Award No. 19760984 Phalaenopsis Ana Hernandez 'Zuma Valley', AM/AOS 80 points, Zuma Canyon Orchids. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):21 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Paphiopedilum White Alary 'Whitemost' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

AOS Award No. 19760985 Paphiopedilum White Alary 'Whitemost', AM/AOS 80 points, Hanes Orchids of Distinction. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):21-22 (1978) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.

Paphiopedilum White Alary 'Whitemost' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

Phalaenopsis Flor de Mato 'Foothill' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides

AOS Award No. 19760986 Phalaenopsis Flor de Mato 'Foothill', HCC/AOS 78 points, Armacost & Royston, Inc. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):22 (1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.