Paphiopedilum Papa Röhl 'Giraffe' HCC/AOS, awarded February 25, 1974 at AOS judging at the monthly South Coast Orchid Society meeting in Long Beach, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Norito's association with South Coast Orchid Society goes back at least to 1968, when one of his Cymbidiums won an HCC/AOS at our monthly meeting in Long Beach. We can document over 40 years of awards for his plants, in addition to the registration of at least 22 new hybrids beginning in 1982, not counting at least 260 registrations by "Paphanatics, Unlimited", a business he formed with Harold Koopowitz, nor the approximately 1,400 awards for plants exhibited by "Paphanatics" 1981-2017 (although a few of those came from something called "Paphanatics Unlimited Australia", another puzzle we haven't addressed yet). This is a record of dedication and accomplishment that is seldom encountered!
First, we present the documented awards, together with the award photos that we have been able to find. All photos originating as AOS award photos are assumed to have been created for the use of AOS and assumed to fall under the copyright of AOS or of the unknown photographers. Where the same flower was awarded both by AOS and CSA, we report the award only once.
Still to be added: Lists of the hybrids created or registered by Dr. Hasegawa, hybrids or cultivars named after him, his publications, and the story of his collaboration with Dr. Harold Koopowitz, "Paphanatics, Unlimited".
While we know that the AOS judging in Long Beach occurred concurrently with the monthly South Coast Orchid Society meetings, we have not yet established when "Pacific South Regional Monthly Judging" was separated from the monthly meetings of the Orchid Society of Southern California. In some cases, we have not yet had the opportunity to search the Pacific South awards slide collection at the Huntington Botanical Center and similar sources, so it is possible we will eventually be able to supply some of the missing award photos. Also, we have not yet determined where CSA judging took place, except for those occasions when it was held at a major orchid show, such as those in Santa Barbara, San Diego, or the Southland Orchid Show.
.Cym. Mimi 'Mocha' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South Region award slide collection
Cymbidium Mimi 'Mocha', HCC/AOS 76.7 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA.. AOS Award No. 19680245. SCOS #23. Listed in OrchidPro with date January 1, 1965, no other useful data. This plant received BM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19680053) the next day, March 26, 1968, with color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 37(11):1015 (November, 1968). Award text: "Fifteen tawny brown flowers on one spike; cream-white lip with black-maroon edging and stripe at center of lip. Natural spread of flower 2½"; dorsal sepal ¾" wide, 1-9/16" long; petals ⅝" wide, 1½" long; lateral sepals ⅝" wide, 1½" long; lip 15/16" wide, ¾" long".
Cym. Ann Miller 'Rejoyce' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Ann Miller 'Rejoyce', HCC/AOS 75.8 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19690046. SCOS #40. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 38(10):913 (October, 1969) and Awards Quarterly 1(1):7 (January, 1970). Award text: "Fifteen flowers on one spike; light burgundy-red tepals with heavy veining; white lip with solid maroon bar; narrow white band around labellum", OrchidWiz and OrchidPro have measurements (metric system, the new standard from 1969 to the present). This plant, under the cultivar name 'Rejoice' instead of 'Rejoyce' (the latter correct, echoing the name of Norito's wife, Joyce), received BM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19690004) the next day, January 28, 1969. This cultivar later received AM/AOS (as 'Rejoyce') and SM/CSA (as 'Rejoice') at the San Diego County Orchid Show April 7, 1972, again exhibited by Dr. Hasegawa (see below).
Cymbidium Agnes Norton 'Golden Thunder' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Agnes Norton 'Golden Thunder' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19700101. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 1(4):101 (October, 1970), and in AOS Bulletin 39(7):640 (July, 1970).
Cymbidium Ann Miller 'Mildred Starke' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Ann Miller 'Mildred Starke' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19690161. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 1(1):20 (January, 1970) and in AOS Bulletin 38(11):1006 (November, 1969). The same plant also received BM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19690015) on March 14, 1969.
© 1971 CSA
Paphiopedilum Redvale 'Todd Hasegawa' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Redvale 'Todd Hasegawa' BM/CSA 77.2 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19710056. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #80794.
Vanda Eileen Beauty 'Molten Lava' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Eileen Beauty 'Molten Lava', HCC/AOS 75.4 points, exhibitors Norito and Joyce Hasegawa, Orange, CA.. Now correctly Vanda Eileen Beauty. AOS Award No. 19700404. SCOS #117. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 39(11):1025 (November, 1970) and Awards Quarterly 2(1):14 (January, 1971). Award text: "Two spikes, twelve flowers, and two buds; one spike with twelve buds; rich cherry red flowers of fine form; lip burgundy; segments overlapped and remarkably similar in form".
Phalaenopsis Ann Linden 'Lisa Hasegawa' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South awards slides
Phalaenopsis Unnamed 'Lisa Hasegawa' (Phalaenopsis Ann Lovelace × lindenii), HCC/AOS 75.0 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. The hybrid is Phalaenopsis Ann Linden, originated and registered in 1972 by Hugo Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award No. 19700697. SCOS #142. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 42(6):54 (June, 1973) and in Awards Quarterly 4(3):70 (October, 1973) without a photo. Award text: "Thirteen flowers with eleven buds on one spike; delicate, near-white, overlaid with a rayed pattern of pink veins on tepals; lip with same pattern of darker veins".
Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro; the image is faded and too blue, compared with the description
Blc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey', HCC/AOS 76.8 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. Now correctly Rlc. Cadmium Light. AOS Award No. 19710390. SCOS #163. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(1):63 (January, 1972) and Awards Quarterly 3(1):26 (January, 1972) with black and white photo. Award text: "Three flowers on one spike; mustard-green tepals with brownish maroon veining; buff-colored lip, butter-yellow throat and veining under column; very heavy substance, tall strong stem; flat flowers well spaced and well presented". OrchidWiz, image #117519, attributed to the William Merrit Collection, has the award photo, but it is badly faded; the "mustard-green tepals" are nearly white. The version in OrchidPro, while too bluish, is better. The award slide has much stronger color.
Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, the mirror-image version of the award photo in OrchidWiz, image #117519 from the William Merritt Collection; the color balance seems reasonable, but the image is far too pale.
Rlc. Cadmium Light 'Golden Honey' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides; the image seems too yellow, but much depends on exactly what is "mustard-green"! It may be possible to achieve a better image by adjusting the scanner settings.
Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana 'Tiger Eye' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana 'Tiger Eye' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19710769. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 3(3):75-76 (July, 1972), and in AOS Bulletin 41(8):736 (August, 1972).
Vanda Meda Arnold 'Caramel' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Meda Arnold 'Caramel', HCC/AOS 76.3 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Hasegawa. Now correctly Vanda Meda Arnold. AOS Award No. 19720272. SCOS #187. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 41(12):1113 (December, 1972) and Awards Quarterly 4(1):11 (January, 1973) with black and white photo. Award text: "Forty-two flowers plus twenty buds on two spikes; bright-orange sepals and petals with reddish stripes and spots; lip yellow with dark-brown tip". The photo in OrchidPro is too dark and the color is far less saturated than the description suggests.
Vanda Meda Arnold 'Caramel' HCC/AOS, photo from OrchidPro
Vanda Meda Arnold 'Caramel' HCC/AOS, same photo adjusted to conform better to the description
Cymbidium Ann Miller 'Rejoyce' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Ann Miller 'Rejoyce' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19720507. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 4(2):31 (April, 1973), and in AOS Bulletin 42(6):542 (June, 1973). This plant also received SM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19720039) at the same event.
Vanda Ophelia 'Red Torch' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Ophelia 'Red Torch', HCC/AOS 75.8 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. Norito Hasegawa. Now correctly Vanda Ophelia. Should be AOS Award No. 19720291. SCOS #197. Not found in OrchidPro. However, OrchidWiz has the correct information under award number 19720291. Published in AOS Bulletin 42(1):65 (January, 1973) and Awards Quarterly 4(1):18 (January, 1973) with black and white photo, with all information correct, and published with the same award number. Award text (OrchidWiz, copied from Awards Quarterly): "Fifteen flowers, eleven buds on one spike; brilliant-red tepals with slightly darker tessellation; lip maroon with yellow-green side lobes".
© 1972 CSA
Paphiopedilum Ernest Read 'Dallas' BM/CSA, fromn OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Ernest Read 'Dallas', BM/CSA 77.69 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. Now correctly Vanda Ophelia. CSA Award No. 19720060. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #80299.
Vanda Rose Charm 'Pink Pearls' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Rose Charm 'Pink Pearls' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Norito and Joyce Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19730569. OrchidPro (as Vanda Rose Charm) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(1):22 (January, 1976), and in AOS Bulletin 44(4):346 (April, 1975).
Vanda Piswong 'Amethyst Cloud' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Piswong 'Amethyst Clouds' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norito and Joyce Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19730572. OrchidPro (as Vanda Piswong) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(1):22 (January, 1976), and in AOS Bulletin 44(4):346 (April, 1975). The award slide gives the cultivar name as 'Amethyst Cloud', which seems more likely to be correct.
Rhynchovanda Wong Yoke Sim 'Lisa's Pink' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19730645. OrchidPro has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 5(4):80 (October, 1974) and in AOS Bulletin 44(6):535 (June, 1975). Now correctly a Vandachostylis.
Rlc. Dancing Sunlight 'Touch of Lime' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Blc. Dancing Sunlight 'Touch of Lime' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19730646. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Dancing Sunlight) has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 5(4):80 (October, 1974) and in AOS Bulletin 44(6):535 (June, 1975).
Vanda Bonanza 'Star Spangled Banner' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascda. Bonanza 'Star Spangled Banner', HCC/AOS 75.62 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. Now correctly Vanda Bonanza. AOS Award No. 19730662. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 44(10):915 (October, 1975) and Awards Quarterly 6(1):5 (January, 1975) without a photo. Award text: "Twelve flowers on one spike; dusky pink background on tepals with overall deep rose spotting; lateral sepals chartreuse, overlay on lower half; lip magenta, side lobes and throat chartreuse".
Vanda Memoria Jim Wilkins 'Midnight Flame' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Memoria Jim Wilkins 'Midnight Flame', HCC/AOS 75.0 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. Now correctly Vanda Memoria Jim Wilkins. AOS Award No. 19730663. OrchidPro has complete information but no photo. Published in AOS Bulletin 44(10):916 (October, 1975) and Awards Quarterly 6(1):5 (January, 1975) without a photo. Award text: "Eighteen flowers of good substance and nine buds; dark raspberry red tepals with darker lip and yellow side lobes".
Paphiopedilum Papa Röhl 'Giraffe' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Paphiopedilum Papa Röhl 'Giraffe', HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norito and Joyce Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19740253. Published in Awards Quarterly 6(2):36 (April, 1975) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Also, OrchidPro does not have the diacritical mark in the grex name.
© 1974 CSA
Paphiopedilum Apropo 'Butterscotch Sundae' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Apropo 'Butterscotch Sundae', BM/CSA 78.35 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa. CSA Award No. 19740014. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #80093.
Aerides houlletiana 'Golden Fragrance' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Aerides houlletiana 'Golden Fragrance', AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19740543. Published in Awards Quarterly 6(4):81 (October, 1975) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.
Vanda Yip Sum Wah 'Burning Sun' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah 'Burning Sun' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19740586. OrchidPro (as Vanda Yip Sum Wah) has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 6(4):87 (October, 1975).
Vanda Peggy Foo 'Violets Are Blue', HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19740593. Published in Awards Quarterly 6(4):90 (October, 1975) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1970. Photo not found in Pacific South award slide collection.
Vanda Bonanza 'Hot Pink', HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19740594. Published in Awards Quarterly 6(4):90 (October, 1975) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1970. Photo not found in Pacific South award slide collection.
Vanda Ooi Boon Huat 'Joyce Hasegawa' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Ooi Boon Huat 'Joyce Hasegawa' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19740744. OrchidPro (as Vanda Ooi Boon Huat) has complete information and a color photo, which, however, is clearly not the correct image. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(1):9 (January, 1976).
Vanda Ooi Boon Huat 'Joyce Hasegawa' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro, not the award photo
© 1975 CSA
Paphiopedilum Verinew 'Spotted Mirage' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Verinew 'Spotted Mirage' BM/CSA 77.9 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19750006. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #81010.
Vanda Peggy Foo 'Pennies from Heaven' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Peggy Foo 'Pennies from Heaven' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19750184. OrchidPro (as Vanda Peggy Foo) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(2):49 (April, 1976).
Phalaenopsis Carmen Coll 'Pink Zebra' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19750636. OrchidPro has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(3):62 (July, 1976).
Ascocenda Medasand 'California Orange' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19750654. OrchidPro (as Vanda Medasand) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(3):63 (July, 1976).
Vanda Ella Freed 'Lemon Drops' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Ascocenda Ella Freed 'Lemon Drops' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19750760. OrchidPro (as Vanda Ella Freed) has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(4):90 (October, 1976).
Vanda Peggy Foo 'Ultraviolet' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Vanda Peggy Foo 'Ultraviolet', HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19750460. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(4):94 (October, 1976) without a photo. In OrchidPro, award number 19750460 is correctly labeled as Vanda Peggy Foo 'Ultraviolet', April 28, 1975, exhibitor Dr. Norito Hasegawa, at Pacific South Supplemental Monthly Judging, Long Beach, CA. However, the description for this award in OrchidPro includes text for three separate plants: (1) "Eleven flowers with white background entirely marked with concentric maroon markings, two spikes; lip bright thistle, side lobes maroon; substance exceptionally heavy, texture excellent"; (2) "Eighteen flowers of overlapping form and good substance, one spike; tepals a moderate purple-red, lip purple with yellow side lobes"; and (3) "One spike with one bloom; deep fire engine red shading to bright orange with overlay of red suffusion; bright red lip". The second plant mentioned in the description matches the description in OrchidWiz of award 19750955, Vanda Peggy Foo 'Ultraviolet', but the award date is listed as April 28, 1976, thus repeating a typographical error in Awards Quarterly 7(4):94-95 (October, 1976). In OrchidPro, the award 19750955 does not exist. The third plant matches the description of Masdevallia Falcata 'Signal', an award from March 24, 1975, and in OrchidPro as Award No. 19750928. The first plant turns out to be Phalaenopisis Natasha 'Eye Dee', in the group of awards for March 24, 1975, in OrchidPro as Award No. 19750926. Situations such as this seem to have occurred as a result of publishing two or more groups of awards from different dates and venues with the same award numbers, followed by confusion when the information was compiled into an early awards database.
Paphiopedilum curtisii 'Black Monarch' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum curtisii 'Black Monarch', AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19750463. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(4):97 (October, 1976) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.
Rlc. Spitfire 'Red Hot' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Lowara Spitfire 'Red Hot' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19750513. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Spitfire) has complete information and color photo, which does not match the award slide. Published in Awards Quarterly 7(4):102-103 (October, 1976).
Rlc. Spitfire 'Red Hot' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro, not the same flower shown in the award slide
Vanda Mangkiatkul 'Ultra Violet' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Vanda Mangkiatkul 'Ultra Violet', HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19750681. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):118 (July, 1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1968.
Rhyncholaeliocattleya William Stewart 'Sunny Side Up' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Rhyncholaeliocattleya William Stewart 'Sunny Side Up', HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19750682. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):118 (July, 1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Brassolaeliocattleya in 1973.
Cattlianthe Louise Farrell 'Midnight Velvet' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Laeliocattleya Louise Farrell 'Midnight Velvet', HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19750896. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):24 (January, 1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid is now correctly a Cattlianthe.
© 1976 CSA
Paphiopedilum Forty Niner 'Black Walnut' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
CSA Award No. 1976008. Paphiopedilum Forty Niner 'Black Walnut', BM/CSA 75.84 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. CSA Award No. 1976008. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #80335.
© 1976 CSA
Paphiopedilum Western Horizon 'Todd' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Western Horizon 'Todd', BM/CSA 78.55 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. CSA Award No. 1976009. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #81081.
Ascocenda Medasand 'Apricot Glaze' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19760269. OrchidPro (as Vanda Medasand) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(1):37 (January, 1977).
© 1976 CSA
Paphiopedilum Erma Shulda 'Crucifix' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Erma Shulda 'Crucifix' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19760554. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):67 (April, 1977). This plant also received BM/CSA 77.36 points (CSA Award Number 19760049) at the same event, and the CSA award photo is in OrchidWiz, image #80298.
Vandachostylis Bluebird 'Bella Tew' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Vascostylis Blue Bird 'Bella Tew' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19760531. OrchidPro (as Vascostylis Bluebird) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(2):71-72 (April, 1977) with black-and-white photo. Now correctly Vandachostylis Bluebird (1972).
Ascocenda Peggy Foo 'Ballyhoo' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19760525. OrchidPro (as Vanda Peggy Foo) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):93 (July, 1977).
Ascocenda Ophelia 'Bright Sun' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19760692. OrchidPro (as Vanda Ophelia) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):55 (April, 1978).
Vanda Hilo Queen 'Hawaiian Dawn' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Vanda Hilo Queen 'Hawaiian Dawn', HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19760673. Published in Awards Quarterly 8(3):110 (July, 1977) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.
© 1976 CSA
Paphiopedilum Via Exacto 'Green Fiesta' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Via Exacto 'Green Fiesta', BM/CSA 76.78 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. CSA Award No. 19760073. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #81027.
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum 'Red Hat' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770043. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):67 (April, 1978).
Paphiopedilum ciliolare 'Stand Tall', HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19770318. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(1):22 (January, 1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information (with incorrect date and venue) but lacks photo. Photo not found in Pacific South award slides.
© 1977 CSA
Paphiopedilum High Glacier 'Wm. Jones' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum High Glacier 'Wm. Jones' BM/CSA 77.02 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19770024. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #80405.
Paphiopedilum Vedanta 'Tornado' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum Vedanta 'Tornado' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770262. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):45 (April, 1978) with black-and-white photo.
Paphiopedilum Silver City 'Snowfall' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770269. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):46 (April, 1978).
Vanda Red Buttons 'Neon' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Red Buttons 'Neon' CCM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770715. OrchidPro (as Vanda Red Buttons) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(2):63 (April, 1979).
Paphiopedilum Vanda M. Pearman 'Frosted Pink' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum Vanda M. Pearman 'Frosted Pink' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770279. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):60 (April, 1978) with black-and-white photo. This plant also received BM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19770051) at the same event.
Paphiopedilum Black Diamond 'Lisa Hasegawa' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum Black Diamond 'Lisa Hasegawa', AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19770333. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(2):65 (April, 1978) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo.
Paphiopedilum Vanda M. Pearman 'Joyce Hasegawa' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum Vanda M. Pearman 'Joyce Hasegawa' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770740. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(3):76 (July, 1978) with black-and-white photo. This plant also received SM/CSA (CSA Award Number 19770058) at the same event.
Vanda Yip Sum Wah 'Sis Boom Bah' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah 'Sis Boom Bah' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770506. OrchidPro (as Vanda Yip Sum Wah) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(3):91 (July, 1978) with black-and-white photo.
Ascocenda Ella Freed 'Kassimatis Gold' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770513. OrchidPro (as Vanda Ella Freed) has complete record but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(3):91 (July, 1978).
Phalaenopsis Zuma Beauty 'Ron Allenqui' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770661. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(4):106 (October, 1978).
Cattleya Cherry Pie 'Piping Hot' AM/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
AOS Award No. 19770563. Cattleya Cherry Pie 'Piping Hot', AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19770563. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(4):111 (October, 1978) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was originally registered as a Sophrolaeliocattleya in 1970.
Cattleya Cherry Pie 'Piping Hot' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Blc. Butterfield Stage 'Golden Bull's-eye' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770735. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Butterfield Stage) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(4):124 (October, 1978).
Paphiopedilum Bengal Lancers 'Red Sword' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770739. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(4):124 (October, 1978).
Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin 'Todd Hasegawa', HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19770834. Published in Awards Quarterly 9(4):128-129 (October, 1978) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Photo not found in Pacific South award slides.
Blc. Pennsylvania Spring 'Green Sheen' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770997. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Pennsylvania Spring) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(4):124 (October, 1979).
Vascostylis Susan 'Sky Blue' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19770998. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(4):124 (October, 1979). Now correctly a Vandachostylis.
Paphiopedilum concolor 'Gold Sphere' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19771046. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(2):44 (April, 1979).
Paphiopedilum Magnate 'Golden Jaguar' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780156. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 11(4):184 (October, 1980).
Paphiopedilum Keyeshill 'Dark Warrior' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780163. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(2):54-55 (April, 1979).
© 1978 CSA
Paphiopedilum Autumn Harvest 'A L'Orange' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
CSA Award No. 19780020 Paphiopedilum Autumn Harvest 'A L'Orange', BM/CSA 77.17 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #121702.
Catasetum tenebrosum 'Charcoal' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Catasetum tenebrosum 'Charcoal', HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19780357. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(3):91 (July, 1979) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo.
Vanda Darcey Starr 'Gold Adventure', HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19780359. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(3):91 (July, 1979) without a photo. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. This hybrid was originally registered as an Ascocenda in 1971. Photo not found in Pacific South award slides.
Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah 'How R Ya' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780604. OrchidPro (as Vanda Yip Sum Wah) has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(4):103 (October, 1979).
© 1978 CSA
Paphiopedilum Bonpae 'Red Lightning' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Bonpae 'Red Lightning' BM/CSA 75.67 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19780086. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #121770.
Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Tic-tac-toe' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Tic-tac-toe' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780477. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(4):115 (October, 1979) with black-and-white photo.
Vanda Yip Sum Wah 'Sunburnt' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Yip Sum Wah 'Sunburnt' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780480. OrchidPro (as Vanda Yip Sum Wah) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 10(4):115 (October, 1979) with black-and-white photo.
Vanda Waianae Luck 'Fireworks' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Ascocenda Waianae Luck 'Fireworks' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19780635. OrchidPro (as Vanda Waianae Luck) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 11(1):5 (January, 1980) with black-and-white photo.
© 1978 CSA
Paphiopedilum Berenice 'Rejoice' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Berenice 'Rejoice' BM/CSA 75.41 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19780116. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #121757.
Paphiopedilum St. Swithin 'Joyce' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum St. Swithin 'Joyce' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19791086. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 12(1):60 (January, 1981) with black-and-white photo.
Tolumnia Golden Sunset 'Dusk' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Oncidium Golden Sunset 'Dusk' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19800827. OrchidPro (as Tolumnia Golden Sunset) has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 12(3):189 (July, 1981) with black-and-white photo.
Catyclia Dowsett Gem 'Tall Chief' HCC/AOS, new scan from Pacific South award slides
Catyclia Dowsett Gem 'Tall Chief', HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Norito Hasegawa. AOS Award No. 19801305. Published in Awards Quarterly 12(4):247 (October, 1981) with black and white photo. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. This hybrid was formerly an Epicattleya. The deep purple background in the photo attached to this award in OrchidPro alerts us that the color is likely not true in this award photo, or at least, too dark. The description says the sepals and petals are rose-violet with deeper violet venation, "lip cream at base, shading to medium rose-violet at outer edge, central lobe with red-violet venation". We adjusted the contrast and brightness slightly here for the OrchidPro image.
Catyclia Dowsett Gem 'Tall Chief' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro, with adjustments to contrast and brightness
Phalaenopsis Jungle Ruby 'Burma Queen' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cattleya Vel Doris 'Infrared' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19810050. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 13(4):264 (October, 1982) with black-and-white photo.
Phalaenopsis Jungle Ruby 'Burma Queen' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Phalaenopsis Jungle Ruby 'Burma Queen' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19811393. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 13(4):249 (October, 1982) with black-and-white photo.
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chinese Jade 'Green Sheen' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chinese Jade 'Green Sheen' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 19811351. OrchidPro has complete information and color photo. Published in Awards Quarterly 13(4):250 (October, 1982) with black-and-white photo. There is also a record in OrchidWiz under the same award number that calls the cultivar 'Ponkan' and places the award at Tampa, FL on December 23, 1981. This discrepancy occurred because another award was published in Awards Quarterly 14(3):146 (July, 1983) with the same award number, 19811351, for Oncidium Waimamalo Sunset 'Ponkan' HCC/AOS, exhibited by Franklin Smith and Jim Krull at Tampa, FL. The award for Chinese Jade 'Green Sheen' is not found in OrchidPro, but OrchidWiz has a color photo (mirror image, and the correct cultivar name, 'Green Sheen'), image #117525, attributed to the William Merrit Collection, matching the black-and-white photo from Awards Quarterly.
Paphiopedilum Western Thunder 'Boom' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Western Thunder 'Boom' BM/CSA 76.4 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19970003. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #318020.
Paphiopedilum Wild Rose 'Delicate' BM/CSA, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum Wild Rose 'Delicate' BM/CSA 75.4 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 19970004. OrchidWiz has the award photo from CSA, image #318030.
Paphiopedilum Desert Gem 'Living Jade' AD/CSA 81 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 20030121.
Paphiopedilum Oriental Marble 'Orange Petals' BM/CSA 78 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 20030122.
Paphiopedilum James Watson 'Oz Giant' HCC/AOC, from OrchidWiz
Paphiopedilum James Watson 'Oz Giant' HCC/AOC 79 points, exhibited by N. Hasegawa. Our Norito, or a different N. Hasegawa? AOC Award Number 03411. OrchidWiz has the award photo from AOC, image #157570.
Paphiopedilum Thunder Storm 'Opulent Spots' BM/CSA 78 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. CSA Award Number 20080045.
© 2009 Loren Batchman
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Wakefield' CCM/AOC, from OrchidPro
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Wakefield' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Norito Hasegawa, Orange, CA. AOS Award Number 20095911. OrchidPro has complete information and a color photo. The Torrance Cymbidium Society co-sponsored the show in Las Vegas, over the Easter weekend.
Copyright 2023 South Coast Orchid Society, Inc.