South Coast Orchid Society

AOS Awards at Southern California Sites
Other Than Long Beach

Awards conferred by the American Orchid Society through the end of 1968 were published as a normal, if sometimes irregular feature in the AOS Bulletin (punctuated by such "disruptions" as the AOS Secretary's "trip to the West Coast" in 1950, for example), but also in a separate Register of Awards (one volume plus supplements I through VI, paged continuously). During the same period, Orchid Digest Corporation, through its affiliated societies, conducted its own judging program in our area, but the records of the ODC awards are more difficult to compile and will be presented separately. The AOS awards listed here serve to fill out the story of orchids as a hobby and business in Southern California, and of the many people who participated in SCOS during its early years.

We were able to recover photos for many of the awards, although we found numerous discrepancies. Small black and white photos were sometimes published when the awards were announced in the AOS Bulletin, or in reports about shows where AOS judging had taken place. Later, these small photos were sometimes included in the Register of Awards. Larger photos of awarded plants, but not always the same photos, were included in articles in the Bulletin. Some color photos ultimately found their way into OrchidPro and the official AOS databases that preceded it, but we have encountered many awards where the color photo in OrchidPro does not match the black and white photos published at the time of the awards, and in any case, many of the earlier color photos, in the form of digital scans from old slides whose present location is unknown, are of very bad quality. As these photos were taken, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding. For the early award photos, it is very rare to find any mention of the photographers.

The various ways that color slides have faded, and presumably also the various ways that the old slides have been scanned and adjusted, has required some difficult choices. The most common issue is an overall blue tint in the OrchidPro images, which can be adjusted to some extent. In addition, some of the images have simply lost color, and benefit from adjusting the saturation. When it seems clear that the image is the correct award photo, the award description has served as a useful guide in assessing the image and in determining whether adjustments should be attempted. In these situations, however, we hope that further investigation will eventually lead to the original color slides and new scans with more current technology.

Absent evidence to the contrary, any black and white photos published along with the awards in the AOS Bulletin are presumed to be the "official" award photos. However, we found examples where the photos published later turn out to be different shots of the same flower, and thus taken at the same judging session. It is presently unknown whether multiple photos from the same award were sometimes submitted to AOS. In some cases, it may be that both versions were cropped from different parts of a single original color slide.

The earliest slides we have found so far in the Pacific South awards slide collection at the Huntington Botanical Center are from 1966.

Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:

Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:

January 12, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya New Albion 'Starlight' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590001. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 308, and in AOS Bulletin 28(6):444 (June, 1959).

Paphiopedilum Bruno 'Model' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Cypripedium Bruno 'Model' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590002. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Bruno) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 308, and in AOS Bulletin 28(6):444 (June, 1959). We think the photo credited to Carol DeBiase in OrchidWiz, image #109486, with the correct award and exhibitor, is the award photo.

Cypripedium Roseling 'No. 2' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590003. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Roseling) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 308, and in AOS Bulletin 28(6):444 (June, 1959).

Lc. Princess Ishtar 'Ruby' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cecil Wooldridge, Fontana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590004. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 308, and in AOS Bulletin 28(6):444 (June, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Mabelmae Kamehele 'Ruby' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19590005. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 308, and in AOS Bulletin 28(6):444 (June, 1959).

February 9, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cypripedium Redezelle 'Betty' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590033. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Redezelle) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cypripedium Redezelle 'No. 10' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590034. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Redezelle) lacks usable information (has point score, which is missing from Register of Awards). Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cattleya Lindores 'Queen of Hearts' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Slc. Lindores 'Queen of Hearts' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590035. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Lindores) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cypripedium Redezelle AQ/AOS, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590036. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Redezelle) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Epidendrum stamfordianum 'Green Thumb' CCM/AOS 87 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19590037. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cattleya Los Gatos 'Fluffy' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590038. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cymbidium Flirtation 'Princess Royal' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590039. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cymbidium Glendora 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19590040. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Cattleya Lindores 'Queen of Hearts' AM/AOS, new scan from CSA award collection at the Huntington Botanical Center

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Goleta' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590041. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959). The award slide, clearly marked, and stamped "So. Cal. Regional AOS Judging", was found in a collection of award slides from CSA in the "orchid archive" at the Huntington Botanical Center, the only such AOS award slide among hundreds in that collection.

Cypripedium Raycraft 'Surprise' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590042. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Raycraft) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 313, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):527 (July, 1959).

Lc. Asgard 'Nellie' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Charles Grimes, Garden Grove, CA. AOS Award Number 19590043. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 314, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):528 (July, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Slc. Jane Miyoshi 'Dorothy' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Karl H. Mayer, San Clemente, CA. AOS Award Number 19590044. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 314, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):528 (July, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Blue Mist' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Blue Mist' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Gordon Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590045. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 314, and in AOS Bulletin 28(7):528 (July, 1959).

March 9, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Judy 'Noma' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Judy 'Noma' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by John W. Baumgartner, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19590115. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 322, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):762 (October, 1959) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Noma' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Noma' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by John W. Baumgartner, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19590116. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 322, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):762 (October, 1959) with black and white photo.

Paphiopedilum Redezelle 'No. 3' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 48(11):1150

Cypripedium Redezelle 'No. 3' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590117. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Redezelle) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 322, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):762 (October, 1959) with black and white photo. A color version of the award photo was published in AOS Bulletin 48(11):1150 (November, 1979).

Paphiopedilum Redezelle 'No. 3' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 28(1):762

Cattleya Ave Maria 'Frances Said' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monson, Garden Grove, CA. AOS Award Number 19590118. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 322, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

Cattleya Mimir 'Sigurd' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590119. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 323, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

Cattleya Ray Park 'Dorothy' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dorothy Lemon, Sacramento, CA. AOS Award Number 19590120. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 323, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Persian Princess' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590121. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 323, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'White Satin' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590122. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 323, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

Cypripedium Dicksun 'Blanche' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Gordon Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590123. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Dicksun) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 323, and in AOS Bulletin 28(10):763 (October, 1959).

March 20, 1959, Southland Orchid Show, Arcadia, CA:

Group of Cymbidiums SMC/AOS 86 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number unknown. Not found in OrchidPro. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Group of Phalaenopsis SMC/AOS 88 points, exhibited by Robert Bean Orchid Nursery, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number unknown. Not found in OrchidPro. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Group of Pink Phalaenopsis BMC/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mary A. Chase, La Habra, CA. AOS Award Number unknown. Not found in OrchidPro. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Gigantea' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590162. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Glendora 'Addie' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Glendora 'Addie' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590163. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'White Satin' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590164. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Rosarita 'Midnight' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Rosarita 'Midnight' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590165. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960). Description says flowers should be "deep rose-red" with "maroon markings" on the lips.

Bc. Pink Sparkle 'Petite' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Earl Hudson, Sun Valley, CA. AOS Award Number 19590166. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Pink Sparkle) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960) (where the grex is listed as "not named"). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Cymbidium Delrosa 'Harrier' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Cy Ramage, Chula Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19590167. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Spring Aria' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590168. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):47 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Great Day 'Misty Morn' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590169. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 327, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Jade 'Red Breast' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590170. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960). The correct name of this hybrid (probably due to a dulicate registration) is Cymbidium Chepstow Castle, registered by Stuart Low Co. in 1959.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Royal Crest' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590171. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Tiara' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590172. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Nandi 'Green Mist' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590173. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Buttercup' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590174. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590175. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Florence' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Florence P. Benson and William P. Vandeveer, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19590176. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Floriferous' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590177. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium York 'La Cumbre' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19590178. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Cypripedium Susan Tucker 'Snow Cap' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19590179. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Susan Tucker) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Lc. Paradisio 'Colossal' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590180. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Slc. (not named) 'Princess' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. No AOS award number. Not found in OrchidPro. Not found in Register of Awards (?), but published in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960) with parentage Laelia flava (now correctly Cattleya crispata) × Slc. Gary Copeman (uncertain, this may be Slc. (now Cattleya) Mrs. Gary Copeman). This cross seems never to have been registered.

Phalaenopsis Alice Bowen 'Skipper' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mrs. Perry Huddle, Huntington Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19590181. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Margaret Bean 'Florence Twombley' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Shirley C. Burden, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19590182. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Palm Beach 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590183. OrchidPro lacks usable information Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960).

Vanda Manila 'Hallye' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Albert R. Moore, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19590184. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Homewood' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Bert U. Heald, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590185. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 328, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Comparettia speciosa (no cultivar name) CBM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Sierra Madre Research Institute, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19590186. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 329, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Laelia flava 'Hanes' CBM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590187. OrchidPro (record is for Cattleya (at that time Laelia) crispata 'Hanes', CBM/AOS, for which there is no record in the index of awards) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 329, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Megaclinium bufo 'Gillespie' CBM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by George C. Kennedy, Pacific Palisades, CA. AOS Award Number 19590188. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 329, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960). Now correctly Bulbophyllum falcatum.

Oncidium macranthum 'Debbie' CBM /AOS 80 points, exhibited by James T. Jones, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590189. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 329, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960). Now correctly (?) Cyrtochilum macranthum.

Oncidium ampliatum majus (no cultivar name) CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Emerson Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19590190. OrchidPro (as Rossioglossum ampliatum var. majus) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 329, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960). Now, somewhat inexplicably, Rossioglossum ampliatum.

Phalaenopsis Aalsmeer Rose 'Prime' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19590492. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 556 (omitted from the original list of awards at this event, likely because the registration had not yet been completed), and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):48 (January, 1960) as Phalaenopsis (not named) 'Primo', with parentage Phalaenopsis Ruby × Marmouset.

April 4, 1959, San Diego County Orchid Show, San Diego, CA:

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Noma' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by John W. Baumgartner, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19590204. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 331, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Judy 'Gaity' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590205. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Rosarita 'Judy Hernlund' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590206. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Thelma' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Vernon R. Duckett, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19590207. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Anna Marie 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590208. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Melba' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590209. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):913 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Great Day 'Adelaide' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590210. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Judy 'Fiesta' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590211. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'April Blush' HCC/AOS (points not listed in any source), exhibited by Walter Bertsch, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19590212. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Dos Labios' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by John A. Hudlow, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19590213. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'El Suenno' (should presumably be 'El Sueño') HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by John A. Hudlow, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19590214. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Garden Party' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590215. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Royal Blush' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590216. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Meadow Mist' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590217. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Swallow 'Fiesta' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cy Ramage, Chula Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19590218. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 332.

Lc. Rondel 'Surprise' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590219. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 333, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Gloriosa 'Herbrita' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19590220. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 333, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Vanda Rothschildiana 'High Tide' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by William Uhlman, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590221. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 333, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959).

Oncidium Kalihi 'Herbrita' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19590222. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 333, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):914 (December, 1959). Now correctly a Psychopsis.

April 13, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Brandywine 'Gigi' FCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Slc. Brandywine 'Gigi' FCC/AOS 90 points, exhibited by William E. Farrell, Bremerton, WA. AOS Award Number 19590232. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Brandywine) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 334, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960). The photo in OrchidPro appears to be significantly faded. Other versions are much darker, including one in Courtney Hackney's American Cattleyas (2004), plate G-45 (slide from the collection of Roy Field, via Norito Hasegawa), AOS Bulletin 30(2):134 (February, 1961), and Orchids 78(1):38 (January, 2009).

Cattleya Brandywine 'Gigi' FCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cattleya Brandywine 'Gigi' FCC/AOS, from Orchids (digital version on the AOS web site is significantly desaturated, the image here has been adjusted to resemble more closely the printed version)

Lycaste virginalis 'H. Teuscher' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Lycaste skinneri var. virginalis 'H. Teuscher' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by William E. Farrell, Bremerton, WA. AOS Award Number 19590233. OrchidPro (as Lycaste virginalis), lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 334, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Nakagawa' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Nakagawa Orchid Nursery, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19590234. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 334, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):49 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Great Day 'Distinction' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590235. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Great Day 'Susan Andrews' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19590236. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

Cymbidium Tinsel 'Bridget' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Lola Lane Hanlon, Pacific Palisades, CA. AOS Award Number 19590237. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

Epicattleya Ecstacy 'Flowerland' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19590238. OrchidPro (as Catylclia Ecstasy) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

Lc. Memoria Joseph Ozzella 'Majestic' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590239. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Miltonia Anjou 'Charlie Brown' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590240. OrchidPro (as Miltoniopsis Anjou) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

April 16, 1959, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA:

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Lyric' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590241. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):912 (December, 1959).

Phalaenopsis Vallemar 'Santa Barbara' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Vallemar Gardens, Pacifica, CA. AOS Award Number 19590242. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):912 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Poetry' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590243. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):912 (December, 1959).

Cymbidium Rosarita 'Flare' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590244. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):912 (December, 1959).

Lc. Wyatt Earp 'Wichita' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590245. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 335, and in AOS Bulletin 28(12):912 (December, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

May 11, 1959, Regional monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Everest' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Everest' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590255. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 337, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960). The award photo appears to be the one found in OrchidWiz, image #55635, attributed to Steve McNerney, listing the award and the exhibitor.

Miltonia Storm 'Desert Red' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19590256. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 337, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960). Now correctly a Miltoniopsis.

Phalaenopsis Nuel N. Songer 'Canary Star' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590257. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 337, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Palm Beach 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590258. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 337, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):50 (January, 1960).

June 8, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Delight' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Delight' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Lois A. Todd, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590277. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 339, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):52 (January, 1960).

Lc. Nell Howard 'Lisa Ann' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan R. Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19590278. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 339, and in AOS Bulletin 29(1):52 (January, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

July 13, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Lc. Odessa 'Golden West' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Robert C. Cameron, Van Nuys, CA. AOS Award Number 19590296. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 341, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):129 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Flowerland' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19590297. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 341, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):129 (February, 1960).

Ansellia africana (Lutea) CBM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Ansellia confusa var. lutea (no cultivar name) CBM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan R. Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19590298. OrchidPro (as "Ansellia africana (Lutea)") lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 341, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):129 (February, 1960).

Renanthera Brookie Chandler 'Higgins' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19590299. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 341, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):129 (February, 1960).

August 19, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Cynthia' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Chew Wong, Honolulu, Oahu, HI. AOS Award Number 19590308. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):130 (February, 1960).

Blc. Golden Feather 'Palmer' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590309. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Golden Feather) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):130 (February, 1960).

Blc. Painted Desert 'High Noon' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590310. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Painted Desert) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):130 (February, 1960).

Blc. Painted Desert 'Sunset' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19590311. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Painted Desert) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):130 (February, 1960).

Lc. Faith Dee Fanchaly 'Copper Queen' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590312. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):131 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Oakland 'Flamboyant' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19590313. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 343, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):131 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

September 14, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Blc. Harlequin 'Act I' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590329. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Harlequin (1939), but should be Rlc. Harlequin (1960)! — the parentage Lc. Memoria Albert Heinecke × Blc. Nugget is included in the Register of Awards and in numerous subsequent mentions) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 345, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):131 (February, 1960).

There are numerous references to this cultivar under different spellings: Act I, Act 1, Act. 1, Act # 1, and quite possibly Act II. There are several photos in OrchidWiz, one of which, image #55342, attributed to Steve McNerney and listing the correct award and grower, might possibly be the award photo. However, this image, while carefully posed, was taken in a greenhouse, not at the judging session in Hollywood. Therefore, we examined the various photos published in the AOS Bulletin. The most popular one (not a match with image #55342 in OrchidWiz), provided by the B. O. Bracey Co., was featured on the cover of the AOS Bulletin 30(1) (January, 1961), but by then the same cultivar, which caused a sensation at the time, had been vigorously marketed until sold out. It is still not known whether any of the available images is the authentic award photo.

The same flower was awarded both AM/AOS and AM/ODC at the same judging session (80.25 points), as reported in the OSSC Review 1(9):13 (October, 1959), but the ODC Awards List 1952-1965 lists this as HCC, 75.8 points. Exactly what happened is not very clear. First, even though the official registration date is apparently 1960, the plant was judged in September, 1959 as "BLC. HARLEQUIN 'ACT I' (name not yet registered)". We suppose that all the paperwork and payment had been submitted, but that the final notice of registration had not yet been issued. The first publication occurred in the OSSC Review, under the heading "OSSC Southern California Regional A.O.S. and Orchid Digest Judging September 14,1959", with a list of the judges. The first item on the list, Blc. Norman's Bay 'Ruby', was awarded HCC/ODC only, the other plants judges received equivalent awards under both AOS and ODC standards. In due course, in the November-December, 1959 issue of Orchid Digest 23(6):269-270, all of the ODC awards from this judging session except for the award to Blc. Harlequin 'Act I' were published — presumably, the award for the latter was delayed pending receipt of proof of registration. In February, 1960, all the AOS awards from this session, including the one for Harlequin, were published in the AOS Bulletin. The missing ODC award for Harlequin did not appear until the September, 1960 issue of Orchid Digest 24(8):353, but shown as HCC/ODC with a score of only 75.8 points. It seems unlikely that the discrepancy is anything other than an error

A color photo of the same flower shown in the Bracey photo has turned up among a collection of almost 2,400 color slides from the family of Carl and Imogene Keyes, as a duplicate of some other slide, copied in January, 1971. The Keyes collected duplicates of slides from many sources, and used some of them in lecture programs; in this case, the image was used as part of a program about the development of yellow cattleya hybrids. The flower has been photographed from almost the same angle, with different lighting

Rlc. Harlequin 'Act I' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 30(1)

Rlc. Harlequin 'Act I' AM/AOS, color version, a different exposure of the same flower, from the Carl and Imogene Keyes archive

Cattleya Quadroon 'Sunny Hills' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Quadroon 'Sunny Hills' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19590330. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 345, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):132 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya. The award photo is apparently the one in OrchidWiz, image #117902, attributed to the William Merritt Collection, listing the correct award, but the exhibitor is shown as Arthur E. Folk, Long Beach, CA, an obvious typographical error.

Lc. Quadroon 'Voodoo' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590331. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 345, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):132 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590332. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 346, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):132 (February, 1960). There is a photo illustrating an article on the best breeding stock of white Phalaenopsis in AOS Bulletin47(12):1105 (December, 1978), but that issue lacks photo credits and the style of the photo, a single flower, is not typical for this judging site.

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Phalaenopsis Palm Beach 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590333. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 346, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):132 (February, 1960).

Stelis megachlamys 'Kennedy' CBM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Pleurothallis tuerckheimii 'Kennedy' CBM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. George C. Kennedy, Pacific Palisades, CA. AOS Award Number 19590334. OrchidPro (as Stelis megachlamys) lacks usable information apart from note about the latest name change, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 346, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):132 (February, 1960). The award was made a OSSC judging, reported in detail in the OSSC Review for October, 1959, where the plant is listed as Pleurothallis birchenelli 'Kennedy's'. The species name was an attempt at birchenallii, which is now regarded as a synonym of Pleurothallis glossopogon. The initial identification was evidently revised very soon to tuerckheimii, as published by ODC and AOS. The photo in OrchidPro supports the correction of the original identification.

October 12, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Lc. H. G. Alexander 'Teresa' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590376. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Blc. Marguerite Brightman 'Sincere' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590377. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Marguerite Brightman) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Margaret' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590378. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960).

Cattleya Madeleine Knowlton 'Conquest' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590379. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960).

Cattleya Mission Bells 'Thunder Cloud' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Karl Mayer, San Clemente, CA. AOS Award Number 19590380. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960).

Cattleya Portia 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590381. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 350, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Cypripedium Greentippe 'Scott' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590382. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Greentippe) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 35, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960)1.

Lc. Adolph Hecker 'Vanguard' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590383. OrchidPro (as Cattlianthe Adolph Hecker) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 351, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960).

Cattleya Chapmanii 'Sueko' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Chapmanii 'Sueko' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Frank Morishita, Santa Monica, CA. AOS Award Number 19590384. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 351, and in AOS Bulletin 29(2):135 (February, 1960). Now correctly a Cattlianthe. Another version of the award photo, this time not cropped, but with poor resolution and possibly oversaturated color, was published in an article about the characteristics of specimen plants in AOS Bulletin 30(4):308 (April, 1961).

Cattleya Chapmanii 'Sueko' CCM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 30(4):308

November 9, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Bc. Hartland 'Gaiety' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19590432. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Hartland) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Blc. Heron's Ghyll 'Hollywood' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19590433. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Herons Ghyll, no apostrophe) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Cattleya General Patton 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590434. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Cattleya Karae Lyn Sugiyama 'Snowcrest' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590435. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Cattleya Vesper Bells 'Flintridge' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Nursery, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19590436. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Cypripedium Greentippe 'Jean' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590437. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Greentippe) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Cypripedium Lohengrin 'Mary Jane' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan R. Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19590438. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Lohengrin) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

Lc. Memoria Albert Heinecke 'Aprica' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590439. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Pacific Sun 'Torch' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mrs. Everett Harris, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19590440. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Sir Todd' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. Lois A. Todd, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590441. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 356, and in AOS Bulletin 29(3):218 (March, 1960).

December 14, 1959, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rlc. Algernon 'White Splendor' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Bc. Algernon 'White Splendor' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19590478. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Algernon) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 360, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):297 (April, 1960).

Cattleya Bob Betts 'El Sueño' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Bob Betts 'El Sueño' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19590479. OrchidPro (cultivar name lacks diacritical mark) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 360, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):297 (April, 1960). A much better scan of the same award photo was published in Orchid Digest 64(2):57 (April, 2000) in an article by Courtney Hackney, Cattleyas: A Twentieth Century Tale, the source credited to Ernest Hetherington.

Cattleya Bob Betts 'El Sueño' AM/AOS, from Orchid Digest

Cymbidium Patricia Anne 'Baywood' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Patricia Ann 'Baywood' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by The Orchid House, San Luis Obispo, CA. AOS Award Number 19590480. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 360, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):297 (April, 1960) (as Patricia Anne, the correct spelling of the hybrid name).

Lc. Bonanza 'Country Acres' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590481. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 360, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):297 (April, 1960).

Cattleya Porcia 'Hollywood' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19590482. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 361, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):298 (April, 1960), but under the heading Regional Monthly Judging, New York, NY — the list of Hollywood awards in that issue of the AOS Bulletin was interrupted by two items from New York, in error, in such a way that this and the following four awards from Hollywood appear to come from New York judging. This error does not currently affect OrchidPro, because all the awards involved are listed there without the name of the venue or, indeed, most other information. Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Cypripedium Betty Bracey 'Meadow Lark' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Gordon E. Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590483. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 361, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):298 (April, 1960). The cultivar name is sometimes cited incorrectly as 'Meadowlark'.

Cypripedium Crescent Meadow 'Eleven' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19590484. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Crescent Meadow) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 361.

Cypripedium Crescent Meadow 'Rosemary' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Gorden E. Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19590485. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Crescent Meadow) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 361, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):298 (April, 1960).

Lc. Charlesworthii 'Kennedy' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19590486. OrchidPro (lacks parentage, which was then C. dowiana × L. cinnabarina; the hybrid is now Cattleya Charlesworthii (1900)) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 361, and in AOS Bulletin 29(4):298 (April, 1960).

January 11, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Paphiopedilum Glenham 'Two' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Glenham 'Two' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Lee W. Lenz, Claremont, CA. AOS Award Number 19600001. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Glenham) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Bo-Peep 'Suntan' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600002. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960).

Cymbidium Flirtation 'Ruby Glow' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600003. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960).

Cymbidium San Miguel 'Pacifica' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600004. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960).

Cypripedium Milionette 'Gallant Leader' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600005. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Milionette) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960).

Cypripedium Neil McKerral 'Rainbow' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600006. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Neil McKerral) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392 (grex name Neill McKerral), and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):928 (December, 1960).

Cypripedium Whitemoor 'Baden' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600007. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Whitemoor) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960).

Haemaria dawsoniana CBM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Haemaria dawsoniana (no cultivar name) CBM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19600008. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960). Now correctly Ludisia discolor.

Laelia rubescens alba 'Mariel' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Laelia rubescens alba 'Mariel' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19600009. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 392 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(5):375 (May, 1960) with black and white photo. A color version of the award photo is found in OrchidWiz, image #56161, attributed to Steve McNerney.

Laelia rubescens alba 'Mariel' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

February 8, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Falcon 'Alexanderi' FCC/AOS, from Orchids

Slc. Falcon 'Alexanderi' FCC/AOS 90 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Fullerton, CA. AOS Award Number 19600034. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Falcon (1917)) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 396, with notation that this cultivar had previously received an FCC/RHS, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960). There are many illustrations of this cultivar (and a rumor that all examples are infected with a virus), but it has been difficult to be sure which of them might be from the official award photo. Eventually, we found a fairly clear attribution in the most recent illustration, in a photo in Orchids 63(3):39 (January, 2009), where the award and exhibitor are listed, FCC/AOS, and Arthur Falk. This photo is the same one Courtney Hackney used in American Cattleyas (2004, plate G-45, from Roy Field via Norito Hasegawa). Both of these show a closeup of a single flower, with parts of two other flowers in the background. Were they cropped from a larger photo of the entire FCC/AOS awarded plant, which has also been published at least twice (AOS Bulletin 41(11):967 (November, 1972) and 46(1):15 (January, 1977))? Unfortunately, this does not appear to be the case, even though the photo published in 1972 and 1977 has the look of an award photo from the 1960's. We show here the 2009 version from Orchids, but it may be possible to locate a copy of the award slide.

Cymbidium Fairy Wand 'Ruby Wine' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Fairy Wand 'Ruby Wine' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600035. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 396, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Paphiopedilum Milionette 'Bagdad' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cypripedium Milionette 'Bagdad' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600036. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Milionette) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 396, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Cattleya Telegraph Hill 'Linda Vista' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Telegraph Hill 'Linda Vista' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Mrs. Kay Francis, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600037. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya. The award photo is found in OrchidWiz, image #117957, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Williamson' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600038. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Cattleya Douglas Johnston 'Sandy' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Douglas Johnston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600039. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Cattleya Snoball 'Snow Cap' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600040. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Cattleya trianae 'Blue Bird' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Cattleya trianaei 'Blue Bird' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19600041. OrchidPro (as Cattleya trianae) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960). The award photo is found in OrchidWiz, image #55945, attributed to Steve McNerney.

Cattleya White Way 'Alabaster' HCC/AOS, award slide copy from Frank Fordyce archive

Cattleya White Way 'Alabaster' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19600042. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960). An apparent copy of the award slide, including all the relevant data but not stamped with the name of the judging venue, is found in the Frank Fordyce archive.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600043. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Cypripedium Allendale 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600044. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Allendale) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960).

Lc. Telegraph Hill 'San Fernando' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600045. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya

Sc. Doris 'Gold Nugget' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19600046. OrchidPro (as Sophrocattleya Doris (1904), no parentage listed) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960). Now correctly Cattleya Doris (1904).

Slc. Estella Jewell 'Garnet Lake' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19600047. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Estella Jewell) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960).

Rhynchostylis gigantea 'Peppermint' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Saccolabium giganteum 'Peppermint' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Kurt Hildebrand, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600048. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 397, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):458 (June, 1960). Now correctly Rhynchostylis gigantea.

March 10, 1960, Santa Barbara Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA:

Cattleya Scintillation 'Bendita' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Bauer's Bendita Ranch, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600113. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Vespers' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600114. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Maxine 'Noma' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Cymbidium Maxine 'Noma' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by John W. Baumgartner, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19600115. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960). We think we have found the appropriate award photo, correctly naming the show and the exhibitor, but showing the award incorrectly as HCC instead of AM, in AOS Bulletin 29(11):819 (November, 1960), even though the same plant was awarded a Bronze Medal by the Cymbidium Society of America at the same show, because the photo from CSA also exists (OrchidWiz image #80621), and it shows a different flower.

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Pink Splendor' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600116. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):459 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Balkis 'Compacta' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro, but this photo is actually from a different award!

Cymbidium Balkis 'Compacta' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600117. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960). The color photo in OrchidPro turns out to be a color version of the award photo (published in the Register and in the AOS Bulletin) for a later award for the same cultivar, AM/AOS, at the San Diego County Orchid Society Show, April 6, 1961. The color photo needs to be moved from award 19600117 to award 19610214.

Cymbidium Balkis 'Snowflake' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600118. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Bartolme Ferrello 'Hercules' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600119. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 30(12):990 (December, 1961).

Cymbidium Glendora 'Brilliance' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600120. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 406, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Great Day 'St. Joan' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600121. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 407, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Leedja Cleon 'Daintiness' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600122. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 407, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Rose Dunbar' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600123. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 407, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960) with cultivar name 'Rose Durbar', which is apparently correct.

Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Royalty' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600124. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 407, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960) with the older grex name of Nikki.

Lc. Wyatt Earp 'Santa Barbara' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19600125. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 407, and in AOS Bulletin 29(6):460 (June, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

March 14, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Virtue' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600129. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 408, and in AOS Bulletin 29(7):536 (July, 1960).

Lc. Mira 'Tujunga' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600130. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 408, and in AOS Bulletin 29(7):536 (July, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

March 17, 1960, Southland Orchid Show, Arcadia, CA:

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Carol' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Carol' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Chew Wong, Honolulu, Oahu, HI. AOS Award Number 19600135. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 409 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):696 (September, 1960) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Balkis 'Pink Ballet' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Balkis 'Pink Ballet' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600136. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 409, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):695 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Cleo Sherman 'Memoria Robert Casamajor' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Cleo Sherman 'Memoria Robert Casamajor' AM/AOS 88 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Inc., Montecito, CA. AOS Award Number 19600137. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 409 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):696 (September, 1960) with black and white photo, very different from the one in OrchidPro — apparently the lower flower was cut off and photographed separately.

Cymbidium Cleo Sherman 'Memoria Robert Casamajor' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Angelic' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Angelic' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Roy J. Scott, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19600138. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 409 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):696 (September, 1960) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Serenity' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600139. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 409, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):696 (September, 1960).

Cattleya crispata 'Charles' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Laelia flava 'Charles' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19600140. OrchidPro (as Cattleya crispata) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):696 (September, 1960) with black and white photo.

Blc. Carousel 'King Kong' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. L. Wood, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600141. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Carousel) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Blc. Favolita 'Sunrise' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spoelstra, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19600142. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Favolita) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Rlc. Seaspray 'Foam' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Blc. Seaspray 'Foam' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Ilsley Orchids, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19600143. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Seaspray) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960). What is probably the award photo was featured in advertisements by Ilsley Orchids in the AOS Bulletin for several months, e.g. 29(8):641, noting that the plant won Best of Show, Cattleya Alliance, as well as the "Hill trophy for best Brasso", at the Southland Orchid Show in Arcadia, 1960.

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Marguerite' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Richard C. Wright, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600144. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Pat Low' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Chew Wong, Honolulu, Oahu, HI. AOS Award Number 19600145. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Dos Pueblos' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600146. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Grandeur' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600147. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Admiration' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600148. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Breath of Spring' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600149. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'South Wind' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600150. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 410, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Copa de Oro' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600151. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, with notation that the grex was previously named Cymbidium Nikki, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960) under the grex name Nikki.

Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Los Olivos' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600152. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960) under the grex name Nikki.

Cymbidium Rosarita 'Jennifer' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by J. C. Wright, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19600153. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Cymbidium Spice Island 'Seagreen' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600154. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960). The grex name is correctly Spice Islands.

Phaius Gravesiae 'Fontana' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Ross W. Gessler, Fontana, CA. AOS Award Number 19600155. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Blanca' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600156. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Snowflake' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600157. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960).

Phalaenopsis Texas Star 'Star Dust' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mary Jane Lewis, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19600158. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960), and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960).

Slc. Winneu 'Intense' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600159. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Winneu) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):698 (September, 1960).

Angraecum leonis (humboltii) 'Baden' CBM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Angraecum leonis (humboltii) 'Baden' CBM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600160. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

Dendrobium New Guinea 'Sierra Madre' CCM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Sierra Madre Research Institute, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19600161. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 411, and in AOS Bulletin 29(9):697 (September, 1960).

April 2, 1960, San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA:

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart AQ/AOS, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600207. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 417, with notation that the following cultivars were shown: '#33160', '#31659', 'Lady Rose' AM/AOS, 'Florentine', 'Cerisa Rosa', 'Party Dress', 'White Satin' AM/AOS, 'Pia', 'Rose Rapture', 'Innocence', 'First Love', 'South Wind' HCC/AOS. Published in AOS Bulletin29(10):773 (October, 1960) with the same notation.

Cymbidium California 'Del Mar' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium California 'Del Mar' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600208. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 417, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):773 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Kinglet 'Emerald' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 37(5):396

Cymbidium Kinglet 'Emerald' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Ken McConnell, South Artesia, CA. AOS Award Number 19600209. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 417, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):773 (October, 1960). A possible award photo was published in AOS Bulletin 37(5):396 (May, 1968), credited to Paul Gripp.

Cymbidium Leedja Cleon 'Tendresse' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 37(5):396

Cymbidium Leedja Cleon 'Tendresse' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600210. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):773 (October, 1960). The photo in AOS Bulletin 29(11):820 (November, 1960) is very likely the award photo.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Jose Vasquez' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Roy Scott, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19600211. OrchidPro (as cultivar 'Jose Vasques') lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):773 (October, 1960) with cultivar name as Jose Vasques.

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Meadow Mist' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Meadow Mist' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600212. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):773 (October, 1960).

Blc. Golden Myth 'Balboa' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19600213. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Golden Myth) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cattleya Ave Maria 'Vista' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Harry W. Brough, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19600214. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Debutante' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Ann Green 'Debutante' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600215. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Balkis 'Mt. Massive' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600216. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium California 'Caroline Lash' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Lash, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19600217. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Francis' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600218. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Maiden Lane' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600219. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Top of the Mark' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600220. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Tinsel 'Harriet' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Cy Ramage, Chula Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19600221. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 418, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960).

Lc. Derryname 'Indian Summer' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19600222. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774 (October, 1960), both with grex name Derrynane. Now correctly a Cattleya.

April 11, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Irene' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Irene' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600223. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774-775 (October, 1960) with black and white photo.

Paphiopedilum Vesta 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Vesta 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. William W. Wilson, Wynnewood, PA. AOS Award Number 19600224. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Vesta) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):774-775 (October, 1960) with black and white photo. Now correctly Paphiopedilum Vesta (1946).

Cattleya Ave Maria 'Angelica' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Ave Maria 'Angelica' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600225. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):775 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Balkis 'Nevada' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Clark Day Jr., Gardena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600226. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):775 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Distinction' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600227. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):775 (October, 1960).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Bernadine' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600228. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 419, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):775 (October, 1960).

May 9, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Concha 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600255. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 424 with incorrect date of May 8, 1960, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):777 (October, 1960), the latter with the correct date.

Odontoglossum Claricon 'Globe' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Sierra Madre Research Institute, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19600256. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 424, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):777 (October, 1960). Now correctly an Oncidium.

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Paula Cee' AM/AOS, from Orchid Digest

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Paula Cee' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Alfred Jay Plechner, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600257. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 424, and in AOS Bulletin 29(10):777 (October, 1960). The award photo is apparently the one published in Orchid Digest 61(3):125 (July, 1997), with the correct award and attributed to Al Plechner, but with the cultivar name listed as 'Paula Lee'.

June 13, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Papilionanda Nellie Morley 'Flowerland' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Flowerland' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19600267. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960) with black and white photo.

Blc. Oroville 'Tesoro' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Roy M. Field, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600268. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Oroville) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960).

Cypripedium Albion 'Bodnant' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Roy M. Field, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600269. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Albion) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960).

Lc. Ann Follis 'Erin' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Spoelstra, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19600270. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Slc. Vallezac 'Guaymas' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by H. J. Greengard, Montebello, CA. AOS Award Number 19600271. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Vallezac) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960).

Rodriguezia bracteata 'Ann' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Rodriguezia venusta 'Ann' CCM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by James T. Jones, Redondo Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600272. OrchidPro (as Rodriguezia bracteata) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 426 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):856 (November, 1960) with black and white photo.

July 11, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Doritaenopsis Red Coral 'Flowerland' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19600278. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 427, and in AOS Bulletin 29(11):857 (November, 1960) as Phalaenopsis Red Coral.

August 8, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Faith Dee Fanchaly 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Faith Dee Fanchaly 'Malibu' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600289. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):926 (December, 1960) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya.

Blc. Bengali 'Herbrita' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600290. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Bengali) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):926 (December, 1960).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600291. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):926 (December, 1960).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Zuma' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600292. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960).

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600293. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960).

Cattleya Iris 'Rusty' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19600294. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Iris (1901)) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960).

Cattleya Leah Adis 'Avalanche' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monson, Cathedral City, CA. AOS Award Number 19600295. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960).

Lc. Sandra Ozzella 'Thunderbird' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600296. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Truncas' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600297. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960). The cultivar name may be an error for 'Trancas', sometimes used by Freed.

Sc. Boltonii 'Ruby' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19600298. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 429, and in AOS Bulletin 29(12):927 (December, 1960). Now correctly a Cattleya.

September 12, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Maria Ozzella 'Valhaven Plum' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Maria Ozzella 'Valhaven Plum' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by R. Nick Bonome, Encino, CA. AOS Award Number 19600306. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Rothschildiana 'T. Ogawa' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Rothschildiana 'T. Ogawa' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by T. Ogawa Orchids, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19600307. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961) with black and white photo.

Cattleya Royal Vestment 'Fire Flame' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600308. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961).

Cattleya Sparkle Plenty 'Colleen' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by J. Howard Carrington, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600309. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961).

Cattleya Tethys 'Falcon' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600310. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961).

Lc. Amber Glow 'Flintridge' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchids, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19600311. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Amber Glow 'Sunny Hills' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Fullerton, CA. AOS Award Number 19600312. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 431, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Danae 'Lyoth Belle' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mrs. E. L. Harris, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600313. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 432, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961). Now correctly Cattleya Danaeacute;; note the accent mark.

Lc. Thurderniana 'Worth' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Worth Orchids, San Antonio, TX. AOS Award Number 19600314. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 432, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Wessex 'Chelsea' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mrs. E. L. Harris, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600315. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 432, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):144 (February, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.

October 10, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rlc. Norman's Bay 'Gothic' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Norman's Bay 'Gothic' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19600345. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Norman's Bay) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 436 with black and white photo and notation that this cultivar had previous received an AM/RHS, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):146-147 (February, 1961) with black and white photo.

Vanda sanderiana 'Kono's Mammoth' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda sanderiana 'Kono's Mammoth' AM/AOS 89 points, exhibited by Takumi Kono, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19600346. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 436 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961) with black and white photo.

Cattleya Madeleine Knowlton 'Grace' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hecker, Las Vegas, NV. AOS Award Number 19600347. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 436, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

Cattleya New Albion 'White Radiance' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600348. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 436, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

Cattleya Portia 'Little Sputnik' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Douglas Johnston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600349. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Cymbidium Peter Pan 'Greensleeves' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Lloyd R. DeGarmo, Bellflower, CA. AOS Award Number 19600350. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961). Many photos have been published, but we have not been able to identify any of them as a likely photo for this award.

Cypripedium Oscar Sherman 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600351. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Oscar Sherman) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Encore' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600352. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Crown Jewel' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600353. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

Vanda coerulea 'Lange' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Robert W. Lange, El Monte, CA. AOS Award Number 19600354. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 437, and in AOS Bulletin 30(2):147 (February, 1961).

November 14, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Paphiopedilum Lohengrin 'Evangeline' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Lohengrin 'Evangeline' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mrs. Rolan R. Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19600413. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Lohengrin) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 445 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):318 (April, 1961) with black and white photo.

Paphiopedilum Snowsprite 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Snowsprite 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. William W. Wilson, Wynnewood, PA. AOS Award Number 19600414. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Snowsprite) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 445 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):318 (April, 1961) with black and white photo.

Dendrobium Anouk 'Katea' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Dendrobium Anouk 'Katea' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monson, Cathedral City, CA. AOS Award Number 19600415. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 445-446 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961) with black and white photo.

Vanda sanderiana 'South Pacific' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda sanderiana 'South Pacific' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Ilsley Orchids, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19600416. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 445-446 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961) with black and white photo.

Blc. Janus 'Lorette' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Austin J. Farrey, Woodland Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19600417. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Janus) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961).

Blc. Lady Bountiful 'Mystique' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19600418. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Lady Bountiful) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(12):990 (December, 1961).

Cattleya Cathy Cavaco 'Red Rock Canyon' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19600419. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961).

Cattleya Karae Lyn Sugiyama 'Fujiyama' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Pernel G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600420. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961).

Cymbidium Peter Pan 'Minikin' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19600421. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961).

Lc. Bonanza 'Pioneer' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monson, Cathedral City, CA. AOS Award Number 19600422. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Vanda sanderiana 'Featherhill' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Eliot Haberlitz, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600423. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 446, and in AOS Bulletin 30(4):319 (April, 1961).

December 12, 1960, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Ave Maria 'Mercy' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Toy's Orchids, Gardena, CA. AOS Award Number 19600429. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).

Cattleya Mary Ann Barnett 'Snow Maiden' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Pernel G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19600430. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).

Cattleya North Star 'Chilao' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchids, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19600431. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961). Now correctly Cattleya North Star (1955).

Cymbidium Minneken 'Café au Lait' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mrs. Harry B. Ireland, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600432. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(12):991 (December, 1961).

Cymbidium Pipeta 'Mary Bea' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mrs. Harry B. Ireland, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19600433. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).

Cypripedium Marguerite Jensen 'Sherman' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600434. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Marguerite Jensen) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).

Cypripedium Selina 'Bion' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19600435. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Selina) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).

Lc. Dignity 'Marjorie' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gunther Jr., Carmichael, CA. AOS Award Number 19600436. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Cypripedium insigne 'Sanborn' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by W. D. Sanborn, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19600437. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum insigne) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 448, and in AOS Bulletin 30(5):406 (May, 1961).