Awards conferred by the American Orchid Society through the end of 1968 were published as a normal, if sometimes irregular feature in the AOS Bulletin (punctuated by such "disruptions" as the AOS Secretary's "trip to the West Coast" in 1950, for example), but also in a separate Register of Awards (one volume plus supplements I through VI, paged continuously). During the same period, Orchid Digest Corporation, through its affiliated societies, conducted its own judging program in our area, but the records of the ODC awards are more difficult to compile and will be presented separately. The AOS awards listed here serve to fill out the story of orchids as a hobby and business in Southern California, and of the many people who participated in SCOS during its early years.
We were able to recover photos for many of the awards, although we found numerous discrepancies. Small black and white photos were sometimes published when the awards were announced in the AOS Bulletin, or in reports about shows where AOS judging had taken place. Later, these small photos were sometimes included in the Register of Awards. Larger photos of awarded plants, but not always the same photos, were included in articles in the Bulletin. Some color photos ultimately found their way into OrchidPro and the official AOS databases that preceded it, but we have encountered many awards where the color photo in OrchidPro does not match the black and white photos published at the time of the awards, and in any case, many of the earlier color photos, in the form of digital scans from old slides whose present location is unknown, are of very bad quality. As these photos were taken, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding. For the early award photos, it is very rare to find any mention of the photographers.
The various ways that color slides have faded, and presumably also the various ways that the old slides have been scanned and adjusted, has required some difficult choices. The most common issue is an overall blue tint in the OrchidPro images, which can be adjusted to some extent. In addition, some of the images have simply lost color, and benefit from adjusting the saturation. When it seems clear that the image is the correct award photo, the award description has served as a useful guide in assessing the image and in determining whether adjustments should be attempted. In these situations, however, we hope that further investigation will eventually lead to the original color slides and new scans with more current technology.
Absent evidence to the contrary, any black and white photos published along with the awards in the AOS Bulletin are presumed to be the "official" award photos. However, we found examples where the photos published later turn out to be different shots of the same flower, and thus taken at the same judging session. It is presently unknown whether multiple photos from the same award were sometimes submitted to AOS. In some cases, it may be that both versions were cropped from different parts of a single original color slide.
The earliest slides we have found so far in the Pacific South awards slide collection at the Huntington Botanical Center are from 1966.
Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:
Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:
Paphilpedilum Milionette 'Kuala Lumpur' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cypripedium Milionette 'Kuala Lumpur' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610003. OrchidPro (as Paphilpedilum Milionette) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 451 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):584 (July, 1961) with black and white photo. Another version of the same photo was published in AOS Bulletin 51(1):2 (January, 1982), with better color balance, but likely oversaturated.
Paphilpedilum Milionette 'Kuala Lumpur' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 51(1):2
Paphiopedilum Milmoore 'Khasi' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cypripedium Milmoore 'Khasi' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610004. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Milmoore) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 451 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):584 (July, 1961) with black and white photo.
Paphiopedilum Derdene 'Cynosure' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Derdene 'Cynosure' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610005. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Derdene) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 451-452 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):584 (July, 1961) with black and white photo.
Cattleya Nerthus 'Glorious' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Lc. Nerthus 'Glorious' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610006. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):584-585 (July, 1961) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya. OrchidWiz has a color version of the award photo (a mirror image), image #117865, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.
Cattleya Nerthus 'Glorious' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Bonsall' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Bonsall' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610007. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961) with black and white photo.
Cattleya Pearl Spencer 'Altadena' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Slc. Pearl Spencer 'Altadena' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Orchid Co. of Altadena, Altadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19610008. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cattleya Bob Betts 'Montecito' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 53(12):1265
Cattleya Bob Betts 'Montecito' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610009. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961). The award photo is probably the one published in AOS Bulletin 53(12):1265 (December, 1984), noting the award and exhibitor, although the cultivar name is misspelled as 'Monticeto'.
Cymbidium San Miguel 'Sindoro' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610010. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961).
Cypripedium Revaneh 'Voyager' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610011. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Revaneh) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 452, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961).
Lc. Allen-A-Dale 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610012. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 453, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961). The hybrid is now correctly Cattleya Allan-a-Dale.
Group of 10 Masdevallia Species JC/AOS, exhibited by Alvin G. Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number not found. Apparently not found in OrchidPro. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 453, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961).
Oncidium lamelligerum (no cultivar name) JC/AOS, exhibited by Alvin G. Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19610013. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 453, and in AOS Bulletin 30(7):585 (July, 1961). Now correctly Cyrtochilum lamelligerum.
Cymbidium Harry B. Ireland 'Denis' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Harry B. Ireland 'Denis' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Neill Greenhouses, Inc., Cleveland, OH. AOS Award Number 19610057. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 459, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):740 (September, 1961).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Del Rey' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610058. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 459, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):740 (September, 1961).
Paphiopedilum Aylesbury 'Suez' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Aylesbury 'Suez' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610059. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Aylesbury) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 459 with black and white photo, and notation that this cultivar had previously receivend an AM/RHS, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):740 (September, 1961) with black and white photo.
Paphiopedilum Bell Ringer 'Chimes' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Bell Ringer 'Chimes' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610060. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Bell Ringer) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 459-460 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):740 (September, 1961) with black and white photo.
Paphiopedilum Gigi 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 48(11):1144
Cypripedium Gigi 'Malibu' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610061. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Gigi) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961) with black and white photo. A color version of the same photo was published in AOS Bulletin 48(11):1144 (November, 1979).
Paphiopedilum Gigi 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 30(9):741
Paphiopedilum Winston Churchill 'Indomitable' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Winston Churchill 'Indomitable' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610062. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Winston Churchill) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961) with black and white photo. While there are many illustrations of this cultivar, we were unable to find a color image from this award, since 'Indomitable' soon won an FCC/AOS, and the picture from that award was the preferred one for subsequent publications.
Cymbidium Alcestis 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610063. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Rosemare' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610064. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961).
Cymbidium San Francisco 'St. Nadine' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610065. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961).
Cymbidium San Miguel 'Limelight' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by J. Henry Schweitzer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19610066. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961).
Cymbidium Stanley Fouraker 'Arcadia' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 48(11):1144
Cymbidium Stanley Fouraker 'Arcadia' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Greenoaks, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19610067. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961). A black and white photo, apparently from this event, the award listed as H.C.C./AOS-ODC, appeared in AOS Bulletin 37(5):392 (May, 1968) in an article about the various forms and patterns of lips in hybrid Cymbidiums.
Paphiopedilum Anena 'Bion' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Cypripedium Anena 'Bion' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610068. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Anena) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 460, and in AOS Bulletin 31(6):491 (June, 1962). OrchidWiz has a color photo (apparently scanned from a very dusty original), image #59382, attributed to Arnold J. Klehm, that may be the award photo, as it notes the correct award and exhibitor.
Lc. Rosa Kirsch 'Kahili' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Stephen S. Bush, El Segundo, CA. AOS Award Number 19610069. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 461, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Phalaenopsis Texas Star 'Zuma' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610070. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 461, and in AOS Bulletin 30(9):741 (September, 1961).
Phalaenopsis Ramona 'Louise' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Phalaenopsis Ramona 'Louise' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Russell Orchid Nursery, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19610191. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961).
Cymbidium Bengal Bay 'Golden Hue' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Harvey Baker, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19610192. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961).
Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Lauren' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Haupt, West Deal, New Jersey. AOS Award Number 19610193. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961).
Cattleya Mary Ann Barnett 'Swan Lake' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19610194. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961).
Cypripedium Borburn 'Banbury' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610195. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961).
Lc. Bou Philippo 'Easter Bonnet' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Fullerton, CA. AOS Award Number 19610196. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Bou Philippo) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 476, and in AOS Bulletin 30(8):664 (August, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cymbidium Balkis 'Compacta' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cymbidium Balkis 'Compacta' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610214. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961) with black and white photo. The photo published with the award in the Register and in the AOS Bulletin is a black and white version of the same photo that appears in color in OrchidPro for award 19600117. The color photo properly belongs here, and not with the 1960 award.
Cymbidium Balkis 'Compacta' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro, award number 19600117, where it appears in error
Phalaenopsis Ruby Lips 'Uncle Sam' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Alberts & Merkel Brothers, Boynton Beach, FL. AOS Award Number 19610215. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961).
Cattleya harrisoniana 'The Best' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Rod McLellan Co., South San Francisco, CA. AOS Award Number 19610216. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Balkis 'Del Rio' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610217. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Cleo Sherman 'Coronado' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Braemar Orchids, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19610218. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Khyber Pass 'Rotunda Red' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610219. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961). While there are several published photos of this cultivar, we were unable to identify any of them as the award photo from 1961.
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Sherrie' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610220. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):824 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Spun Silk' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610221. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Sovereign' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610222. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Springtime' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610223. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 480, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Rosarita 'Burgundy' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610224. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Rosarita 'Rojo' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610225. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium San Francisco 'Limelight' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610226. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Lc. Bou Philippo 'Olympus' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by William C. Farrell, Bremerton, WA. AOS Award Number 19610227. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Bou Philippo) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Nerthus 'Fire Mountain' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19610228. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lycaste Auburn 'Penn Valley' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Lycaste Auburn 'Penn Valley' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. William W. Wilson, Wynnewood, PA. AOS Award Number 19610229. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Epidendrum schumannianum 'Charles' CCM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19610230. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Party Dress' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610231. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 481, and in AOS Bulletin 30(11):906 (November, 1961).
Cymbidium San Francisco 'Supreme' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium San Francisco 'Supreme' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610235. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825 (October, 1961) with black and white photo.
Paphiopedilum Sunset 'Vesuvius' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Sunset 'Vesuvius' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610236. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Sunset) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):825-826 (October, 1961) with black and white photo.
Cymbidium Ann Green 'Nadine' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arnold Cardosa, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19610237. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Balkis 'Madonna' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19610238. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Samarkand 'Montecito' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19610239. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium San Francisco 'St. Donald' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb Orchids, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610240. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961).
Miltonia vexillaria 'Queen Alexandra' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Miltonia vexillaria 'Queen Alexandra' CCM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Chalifoux, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19610241. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 482, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Miltoniopsis.
Cymbidium San Francisco 'Del Rey' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610251. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 484, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):826 (October, 1961).
Angulocaste Olympus 'Sierra Madre' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Alvin G. Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19610252. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 484, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cattleya Mary Ann Barnett 'Luxembourg Waltz' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cattleya Mary Ann Barnett 'Luxembourg Waltz' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Barnett, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19610253. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 484, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Balkis 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610254. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Balkis 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610255. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Fairy Wand 'Santa Maria' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Greenoaks, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19610256. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Tara' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by J. Henry Schweitzer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19610257. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Rosarita 'Rayo Del Sol' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610258. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium San Francisco 'Old Toasty' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610259. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Lc. Nerthus 'Lily Hampton' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610260. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Dendrobium New Guinea 'Elena' CCM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Einar Knudson, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610261. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961).
Epidendrum atro-purpureum 'Dawn' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mrs. May Snyder, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19610262. OrchidPro (as Epidendrum atropurpureum) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 485, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827 (October, 1961). Now correctly Psychilis atropurpurea, or, if that doesn't suit you, Encyclia atropurpurea.
Rlc. Gordon Siu 'Red Radiance' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Potinara Gordon Siu 'Red Radiance' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mrs. A. C. Schweer, Duarte, CA. AOS Award Number 19610264. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Gordon Siu) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):827-828 (October, 1961) with black and white photo. Another version of this photo, considerably brighter, was published in AOS Bulletin 41(11):975 (November, 1972).
Rlc. Gordon Siu 'Red Radiance' CCM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 41(11):975
Vanda Rothschildiana 'Karen Ono' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Vanda Rothschildiana 'Karen Ono' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Hajime Ono, Wahiawa, Oaho, HI. AOS Award Number 19610265. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961) with black and white photo.
Cattleya mossiae 'Patricia' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Harry Rapella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19610266. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Cattleya mossiae 'Peter Pan' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Harry Rapella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19610267. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Cattleya Vesper Bells 'Spoelstra' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spoelstra, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19610268. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Coral Sea 'Triumph' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610269. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'White Velvet' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610270. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Cymbidium Prince Charles 'Royal Pink' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Harvey Baker, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19610271. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 486, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):828 (October, 1961).
Blc. Dunsford 'Atherton' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Stephen S. Bush, El Segundo, CA. AOS Award Number 19610286. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Dunsford) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 489, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):829 (October, 1961).
Lc. Ann Follis 'Springtime' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Ilsley Orchids, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19610287. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 489, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):829 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Ann Follis 'Sunny Hills' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Fullerton, CA. AOS Award Number 19610288. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 489, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):829 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Doritaenopsis Red Coral 'Ruby' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19610289. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 489, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):829 (October, 1961). Now correctly a Phalaenopsis.
Potinara Dark Eyes 'Flamboyant' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. G. L. Werner, Newport Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19610290. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Dark Eyes) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 489, and in AOS Bulletin 30(10):829 (October, 1961).
Miltoniopsis Edwidge Sabourin 'White Empress' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Miltonia Edwidge Sabourin 'White Empress' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Don and Viola Saurenman, Whittier, CA. AOS Award Number 19610300. OrchidPro (as Miltoniopsis Edwidge Sabourin) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 492 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):49 (January, 1962) with black and white photo.
Dendrobium Concert 'Kamemoto' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Chew Wong, Honolulu, Oahu, HI. AOS Award Number 19610301. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 492, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):49 (January, 1962).
Doritaenopsis Malibu 'Bonsall' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610302. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 492, and in AOS Bulletin 31(8):667 (August, 1962). Now correctly a Phalaenopsis.
Lc. Iris Kodama 'Majestic' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schweer, Duarte, CA. AOS Award Number 19610303. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 492, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):49 (January, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Vanda Nellie Morley 'Grace' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19610304. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 492, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):49 (January, 1962).
Lc. Maria Ozzella 'Joe's Ruby' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Lloyd Wallar, Compton, CA. AOS Award Number 19610332. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 497, and in AOS Bulletin 30(12):990 (December, 1961).
Lc. Maria Ozzella 'Royal Velvet' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Worth Orchids, Inc., San Antonio, TX. AOS Award Number 19610333. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 497, and in AOS Bulletin 30(12):990 (December, 1961).
Vanda sanderiana 'Karen' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Vanda sanderiana 'Karen' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Hajime Ono, Wahiawa, Oaho, HI. AOS Award Number 19610342. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 498, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):50-51 (January, 1962) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Maria Ozzella 'Katea' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Monson, Cathedral City, CA. AOS Award Number 19610343. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 498, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):51 (January, 1962).
Lc. Memoria Albert Heinecke 'Rising Sun' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dr. Walter C. Rogers, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19610344. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 499, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):51 (January, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Vanda Mabelmae Kamahele 'Ralph' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Kiochi Ariyoshi, Pahala, Kauai?, HI. AOS Award Number 19610345. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 499, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):51 (January, 1962).
Vanda Nellie Morley 'Lynn' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Kichitaro Watanabe, Naalehu, Kauai?, HI. AOS Award Number 19610346. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 499, and in AOS Bulletin 31(1):51 (January, 1962).
Cattleya Leah Adis 'Daybreak' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cattleya Leah Adis 'Daybreak' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Clark Day Jr., Gardena, CA. AOS Award Number 19610367. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 503 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(2):134 (February, 1962) with black and white photo.
Cattleya Django 'Jazz' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19610368. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 503, and in AOS Bulletin 31(2):134 (February, 1962). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.
Cattleya Joyce Hannington 'Angel's Breath' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19610369. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 503, and in AOS Bulletin 31(3):225 (March, 1962). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.
Cattleya Portia coerulea 'Blue Horizon' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Joe Lerchenmuller, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19610370. OrchidPro (as Cattlianthe Portia) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 503, and in AOS Bulletin 31(2):134 (February, 1962).
Lc. Darkness 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610371. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 503, not yet found in AOS Bulletin, and in AOS Bulletin 31(3):225 (March, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cattleya Helen P. Dane 'Dos Pueblos' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cattleya Helen P. Dane 'Dos Pueblos' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610409. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 509 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):309-310 (April, 1962) with black and white photo.
Cypripedium Betty Bracey 'Forest Glenn' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Don and Viola Saurenman, Whittier, CA. AOS Award Number 19610410. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 509, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):309 (April, 1962).
Cattleya Wendy 'Malibu' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cattleya Wendy 'Malibu' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19610411. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 509, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):309 (April, 1962). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.
Paphiopedilum Honey Dew 'Supreme' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cypripedium Honey Dew 'Supreme' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610434. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Honey Dew) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962) with black and white photo.
Paphiopedilum Susan Tucker 'Sophisticate' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Cypripedium Susan Tucker 'Sophisticate' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610435. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Susan Tucker) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962) with black and white photo.
Blc. Marjorie Frey 'Woodland Hills' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Ilsley Orchids, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19610436. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Marjorie Frey) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962).
Cattleya Enid 'Santa Cruz' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Santa Cruz Tropical Gardens, Santa Cruz, CA. AOS Award Number 19610437. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962). Now correctly Cattleya Enid (1898).
Cattleya Helen P. Dane 'Cresta' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610438. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962).
Cattleya Helen P. Dane 'San Marcos' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19610439. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 512, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962).
Cymbidium Monsoon 'Braemar' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Braemar Orchids, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19610440. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. III 513, and in AOS Bulletin 31(4):310 (April, 1962).
Cypripedium Milmoore 'Royalty' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Ruby and Babe Lorenzen, San Antonio, TX. AOS Award Number 19620003. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Milmoore) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 557, and in AOS Bulletin 31(6):487 (June, 1962).
Lycaste Guinevere 'Green Dragon' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Lycaste Guinevere 'Green Dragon' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19620040. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 564, and in AOS Bulletin 31(12):1010 (December, 1962).
Cymbidium Oriental Legend 'Sultan's Pride' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620041. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 565, and in AOS Bulletin 31(7):571 (July, 1962).
Phalaenopsis Hannah Nair 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids, Inc., Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19620042. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 565, and in AOS Bulletin 31(7):571 (July, 1962).
Cymbidium Flirtation 'Hallye' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Flirtation 'Hallye' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Albert R. Moore, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19620110. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 576, and in AOS Bulletin 31(6):490 (June, 1962).
Display of orchids SMC/AOS, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number not found. OrchidPro does not contain this award. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962).
Miltoniopsis Anjou 'St. Patrick' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin
Miltonia Anjou 'St. Patrick' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19620125. OrchidPro (as Miltoniopsis Anjou) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962) with black and white photo. There is a photo in OrchidWiz, image #67849, attributed bo Don Lindabury via (?) Tom Larkin, with the correct award and exhibitor, but not matching the specific flower in the award photo.
Miltoniopsis Anjou 'St. Patrick' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Miltoniopsis Liberté 'Helsinki' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Miltonia Liberte (without the diacritical mark) 'Helsinki' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19620126. OrchidPro (as Miltoniopsis Liberte, lacking the diacritical mark) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Desiree A'Logann 'St. Edna' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620127. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962). Grex name is correctly Desirée A'Logann.
Cymbidium Evening Star 'Twinkle' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620128. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Porcelain' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620129. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'St. Patricia' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620130. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Oriental Legend 'Little Dragon' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by J. H. McElroy, South El Monte, CA. AOS Award Number 19620131. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cypripedium London Wall 'Green Gold' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620132. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (August, 1962).
Lc. Alisal 'Coronado' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Rod McLellan Co., South San Francisco, CA. AOS Award Number 19620133. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580. Now correctly a Cattleya, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (August, 1962).
Odontodia Brutus 'Red Star' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19620134. OrchidPro (as Oncidium Brutus) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (August, 1962).
Odontoglossum Chimene 'Nugget' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19620135. OrchidPro (as Oncidium Chimene) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (August, 1962).
Angraecum eburneum 'Herbrita' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Angraecum eburneum 'Herbrita' CCM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19620136. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (August, 1962).
Cymbidium Flirtation 'Noma' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Flirtation 'Noma' CCM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by John W. Baumgartner, Encinitas, CA. AOS Award Number 19620137. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 579-580 with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):747-748 (August, 1962) with black and white photo.
Cymbidium Samarkand 'Del Mesa' CCM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620138. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 580, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Ann Green 'Enchantment' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620144. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 581, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Ann Green 'Desire' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620145. OrchidPro lacfks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 581, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Nikkietta 'Charm' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620146. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 581, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Rosarita 'Picture' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620147. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Cypripedium Evansrose 'Woodland Hills' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Ilsley Orchids, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19620148. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Evansrose) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Phalaenopsis Cast Iron Monarch 'White Cloud' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Russell Orchid Nursery, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19620149. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Betty Jo' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by C. R. Hulen Jr., San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19620150. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):748 (September, 1962).
Display of orchids GMC/AOS, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number not found. OrchidPro does not contain this award. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Display of orchids BMC/AOS, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number not found. OrchidPro does not contain this award. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Display of orchids BMC/AOS, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number not found. OrchidPro does not contain this award. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Lc. Alisal 'Santa Barbara' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Rod McLellan Co., South San Francisco, CA. AOS Award Number 19620153. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cymbidium Tiger Tail AD/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Tiger Tail (cultivars not listed) AD/AOS, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620154. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cattleya Esbetts 'Susie' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Cattleya Esbetts 'Susie' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620155. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962). A photo in OrchidWiz, image #55701, attributed to Steve McNerney, is likely the award photo.
Cymbidium Balkis 'Mt. Elbert' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620156. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Cleo Sherman 'Star of Egypt' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620157. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 582, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Fairy Wand 'Bewitched' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620158. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Glendora 'Symphony' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620159. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Great Day 'St. Pennie' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620160. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Miracle 'Verde' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620161. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Rosarita 'Red River' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620162. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):749 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Sayonara 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620163. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):750 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Simla 'Montecito' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620164. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):750 (September, 1962).
Lc. Orange Gem 'Naranja' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620165. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):750 (September, 1962). The hybrid is now correctly Cattleya Orange Gem (1929).
Phalaenopsis Fairway Park 'Montecito' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Peterson Brothers, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620166. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):750 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Samarkand 'Del Rio' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cymbidium Samarkand 'Del Rio' CCM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620167. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 583, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):750 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Ann Green 'Stucile' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Stucile Farms, Asbury Park, NJ. AOS Award Number 19620189. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 588, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):753 (September, 1962) without the cultivar name, which was added as a correction in AOS Bulletin 31(12):1011 (December, 1962).
Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Stucile' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Stucile Farms, Asbury Park, NJ. AOS Award Number 19620190. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 588, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):753 (September, 1962) without the cultivar name, which was added as a correction in AOS Bulletin 31(12):1011 (December, 1962).
Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Nadine' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cardosa, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19620191. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 588, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):753 (September, 1962).
Cymbidium Marquesa Prescott 'Lita' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Braemar Orchids, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620192. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 588, and in AOS Bulletin 31(9):753 (September, 1962).
Lc. Mornay 'King Midas' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19620193. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 588, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):839 (October, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Phalaenopsis Elisa 'Nina' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Phalaenopsis Elisa 'Nina' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ernst, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620211. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):834 (October, 1962).
Cymbidium Ada Hallett 'Goliath' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620212. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):834 (October, 1962).
Cymbidium Evening Star 'Moonglow' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620213. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):834 (October, 1962).
Cymbidium Great Day 'St. Susan' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Cobb's Orchids, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19620214. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):835 (October, 1962).
Lc. Nerthus 'Royal Velvet' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620215. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):835 (October, 1962). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Odontioda Sunshine Mine 'Medalta' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John W. Yuill, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620216. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 592, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):835 (October, 1962). Now correctly an Oncidium.
Epidendrum polyanthum 'Sierra Madre' CBM/AOS 88 points, exhibited by Alvin G. Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19620229. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 594, and in AOS Bulletin 31(10):836 (October, 1962).
Phalaenopsis Raycraft 'Olivia' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ernst, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620246. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 596, and in AOS Bulletin 31(11):931 (November, 1962).
Cypripedium Clair de Lune (no cultivar listed) CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Lambert Day, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19620247. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Clair de Lune) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 596, with notation that this cultivar (?) had received an AM/RHS, and in AOS Bulletin 31(11):931 (November, 1962) with the same ambiguous notation. We thought the award photo might be the one in AOS Bulletin 46(12):1091, showing at least seven flowers and at least five buds, with the correct award and exhibitor, but the points are listed there as 85 instead of 80, and noting the cultivar as 'AM/RHS'; however, this is apparently a photo for a later CCM/AOS for Lambert Day, July 11, 1966, award number 19660340.
As for the AM/RHS award, the only such award for Clair de Lune was for the cultivar 'Edgard van Belle', exhibited July 16, 1935 by D. A. Cowan, attested by the award watercolor by Nellie Roberts. The RHS awards index notes that the cultivar name is "written in pencil" on the painting, so it may be that the award and the painting were made before the cultivar name was known. The AOS awards index 1932-1989 shows five awards for the cultivar 'Edgard van Belle' (the earliest in 1940), and one other for 'AM/RHS'.
Slc. Valentine 'Queen of Hearts' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Worth Orchids, San Antonio, TX. AOS Award Number 19620278. OrchidPro (as Slc. Valentine (1954)) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 601, and in AOS Bulletin 32(1):50 (January, 1963). The hybrid is now correctly Cattleya Valentine (1954).
Blc. Helen Morita 'Emerald Isle' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schweer, Duarte, CA. AOS Award Number 19620279. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Helen Morita) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 601, and in AOS Bulletin 32(1):50 (January, 1963).
Cattleya Henrietta Japhet 'Gold Heart' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 61(11):1203
Cattleya Henrietta Japhet 'Gold Heart' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Carey Park, Compton, CA. AOS Award Number 19620280. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 601, and in AOS Bulletin 32(1):50 (January, 1963). The award photo, identifying the correct award, points, and exhibitor, appeared in AOS Bulletin 57(12):1335 (December, 1988), and again, slightly better, in the Bulletin 61(11):1203 (November, 1992).
Lc. Lena Baldwin 'Coral Sea' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Schweer, Duarte, CA. AOS Award Number 19620281. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 601, and in AOS Bulletin 32(1):50 (January, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Brassavola subulifolia 'Profusion' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Brassavola cordata 'Profusion' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Orchid Co. of Altadena, Altadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19620282. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo, and a notation that the species has since been recognized by WCSP as Brassavola subulifolia (July, 2022). Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 601, and in AOS Bulletin 32(1):50 (January, 1963).
Grammangis ellisii 'Charles' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19620298. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 604, and in AOS Bulletin 32(2):132 (February, 1963).
Grammangis ellisii 'Charles' CBM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19620299. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 604, and in AOS Bulletin 32(2):132 (February, 1963).
Oncidium Dr. Schragen 'Yellow Tip' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. William S. McEwan, China Lake, CA. AOS Award Number 19620300. OrchidPro (as Oncidium Doctor Schragen) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 604, and in AOS Bulletin 32(2):132 (February, 1963). The hybrid is now correctly Trichocentrum Doctor Schragen.
Aeridovanda Ruby Charles 'Redhead' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro
Aranda Ruby Charles 'Redhead' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Emerson W. Charles, Costa Mesa, CA. AOS Award Number 19620319. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 608, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963). Now correctly an Aeridovanda. The award photo is in OrchidWiz, image #117432, listing the correct award and exhibitor, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.
Aeridovanda Ruby Charles 'Redhead' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz
Rlc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Jan' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Blc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Jan' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Ronald E. Blackwell, Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19620320. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Memoria Crispin Rosales) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 608, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana var. hieroglyphica 'Ruby' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Irene Dobkin, Huntington Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19620321. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 608, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Renanthopsis Red Riding Hood 'Embers' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Renanthopsis Red Riding Hood 'Embers' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by John H. Miller, Anaheim, CA. AOS Award Number 19620322. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 608, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Vanda Gertrude Miyamoto 'Susan' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Vanda Gertrude Miyamoto 'Susan' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Gisler, Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19620323. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 608, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963). The award photo, credited to "A.O.S. award files", appeared on the cover of the August, 1964 issue of the AOS Bulletin 33(8).
Vanda Gertrude Miyamoto 'Susan' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 33:8
Trichoglottis philippinensis var. brachiata (no cultivar listed) CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Howard E. Bill, Buena Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19620324. OrchidPro (as Trichoglottis atropurpurea, no cultivar name, and no explanation of the name change) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 609, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963). Now correctly Trichoglottis atropurpurea.
Cattleya Karae Lyn Sugiyama 'White Satin' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Murray Spencer, West Covina, CA. AOS Award Number 19620325. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 609, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963).
Lc. Royalton 'Hermosa' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by R. C. McKeown, Lynnwood, CA. AOS Award Number 19620326. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 609, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cattleya Karae Lyn Sugiyama 'Patrician' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro
Cattleya Karae Lyn Sugiyama 'Patrician' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620376. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 618, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963).
Cypripedium Betty Wilson 'One' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620377. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Betty Wilson) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 618, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963).
Lc. Alisal 'Blue Jay' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by W. J. Tonkin, Berkeley, CA. AOS Award Number 19620378. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 618, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Alisal 'Muriel' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Gately, Torrance, CA. AOS Award Number 19620379. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 618, and in AOS Bulletin 32(4):306 (April, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Alisal 'Rotunda' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620414. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Cypripedium Boxford 'The Giant' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620415. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Boxford) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Cypripedium Vallarrow 'Red Challenge' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19620416. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Lc. Alisal 'El Rancho' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620417. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Gatwick 'Yuletide' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Jeal's Nurseries, Horley, Surrey, England. AOS Award Number 19620418. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623, and in AOS Bulletin 32(7):571 (July, 1963). Now correctly a Cattleya.
Lc. Junto 'Grandee' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19620419. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. IV 623. Now correctly a Cattleya, and in AOS Bulletin 32(6):481 (June, 1963).
Copyright 2022 South Coast Orchid Society, Inc.