Beallara Tahoma Glacier 'Carimo Green Ice' AM/AOS Award Slide, September 13, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Blc. Acapana 'Theresa', Program 4 slide 38, duplicate slide made in November 1966. The image is apparently a copy of the award slide from June 27, 1966, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, HCC/ODC, exhibited by Lois Werner, matching an image in OrchidWiz, image #55156, attributed to Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids).
Blc. Dorothea 'Floralies', Program 4 slide 29, duplicate slide made in December 1966. The image is very likely the previously unknown award slide from March 19, 1964, Western Orchid Congress, Pasadena, CA, HCC/AOS and HCC/ODC, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate.
Blc. Fortune 'Golden Throne' HCC/AOS/ODC, Program 5 slide 35, duplicate slide made in December 1966. This image is probably the true award photo from July 11, 1966, HCC/AOS/ODC, Orchid Society of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc. There are many published photos of this cultivar, none clearly identifiable as the "official" photo for this award. This one has the best provenance and most closely resembles the way award photos were posed at that time. (See Program 4 slide 44 for another image from the same roll, where the digitized color is not as good.)
Blc. Fortune 'Golden Throne', Program 4 slide 44, duplicate slide made in December 1966. This image is probably the true award photo from July 11, 1966, HCC/AOS/ODC, Orchid Society of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc. There are many published photos of this cultivar, none clearly identifiable as the "official" photo for this award. This one has the best provenance and most closely resembles the way award photos were posed at that time. (See Program 5 slide 35, another slide from the same roll, for better digitized color.)
Blc. Fortune 'Shanghai Lady', Program 4 slide 43, duplicate slide made in December 1966. The image is a copy of the award slide from August 8, 1966, AM/AOS/ODC, Orchid Society of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Trymwood Orchids, San Gabriel, CA. The original award slide has better color.
Blc. Gift 'Picotee', Program 4 slide 46, September 1968, roll 196809H1 slide 27. The image is a copy of the award slide from August 26, 1968, Long Beach monthly judging, AM/AOS, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Blc. Gift 'Picotee', Program 8 slide 29, digital image copied from Program 4 slide 46, a copy made in September 1968 of the award slide from August 26, 1968, AM/AOS, Long Beach monthly judging, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Blc. Golden Feather 'Sunray' HCC/ODC, Program 4 slide 22, duplicate slide made in November 1966. This might be a copy of the ODC award slide from September 26, 1960, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston.
Blc. Green Giant 'Alpha Green Velvet', Program 4 slide 45, duplicate slide made in December 1966. This image is likely a copy of the award slide from July 12, 1965, Orchid Society of Southern California, HCC/AOS/ODC, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc. At the same judging session, the cross received an AQ/AOS/ODC, from which the official award photo has survived.
Blc. Harlequin 'Act I', Program 4 slide 47, duplicate slide made in January 1971. The image is almost certainly a copy of the true award slide from September 14, 1959, Orchid Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA, AM/AOS and AM/ODC, exhibited by Ben O. Bracey Co. A black-and-white photo of the same flower, a slightly different exposure, was widely published (on the cover of the January, 1961 issue of the AOS Bulletin and in many advertisements by Ben O. Bracey Co). The slide in the Keyes collection is the only color photo of the same flower that has been discovered so far.
Blc. Harlequin 'Act I, Program 5 slide 27, duplicate slide made in January 1971. The image is almost certainly a copy of the true award slide from September 14, 1959, Orchid Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA, AM/AOS and AM/ODC, exhibited by Ben O. Bracey Co. A black-and-white photo of the same flower, a slightly different exposure, was widely published (on the cover of the January, 1961 issue of the AOS Bulletin and in many advertisements by Ben O. Bracey Co). The slide in the Keyes collection is the only color photo of the same flower that has been discovered so far.
Blc. Helios 'Malibu', Program 4 slide 31, duplicate slide made in November 1966. This image is a copy of the award slide from July 8, 1957, Orchid Society of Southern California, AM/ODC and AM/AOS (shared photograph), exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids. Another copy (better color, mirror image) is found in OrchidWiz, image #117608, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.
Blc. Herons Ghyll, Program 3 slide 15, duplicate slide made January 1971. From the way the flower is posed, the original was likely an award slide. Several clones were awarded by ODC and AOS, most not attested by photographs.
Blc. Nacouchee 'Royalty' HCC/ODC, Program 5 slide 23, April 1958, roll 195804 slide 10. This is apparently the award slide from April 17, 1958, 6th Western Orchid Congress, Palo Alto, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston. The slide is stamped on the back, "Armacost & Royston".
Blc. Nacouchee 'Royalty', Program 8 slide 32, digital image copied from Program 5, slide 23, April 1958, roll 195804 slide 10. This is apparently the award slide from April 17, 1958, 6th Western Orchid Congress, Palo Alto, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston. The slide is stamped on the back, "Armacost & Royston".
Blc. Painted Desert 'Sunset', Program 4 slide 30, duplicate slide made in November 1966. This image is very likely a copy of the award slide from August 10, 1959, HCC/AOS, Los Angeles monthly judging, Hollywood, CA, exhibited by Jeal's Orchid Nursery, Torrance, CA.
Cattleya granulosa 'Tracy Lynn', Program 4 slide 4, duplicate slide made in December 1966. The image is a copy of the presumed award slide from March 15, 1963, Tennessee Capital Orchid Society Show, Nashville, TN, AM/AOS, exhibited by Cecil E. Stanfield, Tulsa, OK, matching an image in OrchidWiz, image #288003, citing the same award and grower.
Cattleya Scintillation 'Bendita' AM/AOS AM/ODC, November 1960, slide 196011 slide 36. This may well be a copy of an award slide, from the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, March 10, 1960, where this plant was exhibited by Bauer's Bendita Ranch, Santa Barbara, CA.
Cattleya Siridó 'Jacqueline Smith', Program 8 slide 8, AM/AOS AM/ODC Award Slide, February 27, 1963, Northwest Orchid Society, Seattle, WA, exhibited by William E. Farrell, Bremerton, WA.
Cattleya x guatemalensis 'Aurea', Program 4 slide 7, duplicate slide made in December, 1966. The image matches the award slide from March 8, 1961, Miami monthly judging, Miami, FL, CBM/AOS, exhibited by Fennell Orchid Co., Homestead, FL, as shown in OrchidWiz, image #287818, citing the same award and grower. The award description says "flowers typical of natural hybrid", which suggests that the plant awarded as the hybrid Guatemalensis is in fact a wild collection, which should have been designated x guatemalensis at the time, now known officially as x laelioides.
Chondrorhyncha discolor 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, October 15, 1971, Orange County Orchid Show, Costa Mesa, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. The award slide says Chondrorhyncha, the award was published in Awards Quarterly and the AOS Bulletin as Cochleanthes, and the correct name today is Warczewiczella discolor.
Colmanara (Oncidium sphacelatum x Odontonia Harlequin) 'Carimo' or 'Fall Tones', never registered, Program 1 slide 53, HCC/AOS Award Slide, August 14, 1978, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. As the cross was never registered, the award was never entered into AOS records.
Doritaenopsis Red Coral' Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 30, 1973, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Laelia flava 'Hanes', Program 4 slide 9, no date on slide. The image is clearly the awarded plant, but not necessarily the official award slide, from March 20, 1959, Southland Orchid Show, Arcadia, CA, CBM/AOS, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA
Laelia harpophylla 'Stacy', Program 4 slide 10, duplicate slide made in December 1966. The image is very likely a copy of the otherwise unknown award slide from April 7, 1965, Philadelphia monthly judging, Philadelphia, PA, exhibited by John E. Stacy, Weston, MA.
Lc. Adolph Hecker 'Distinction' HCC/ODC Award Slide, October 24, 1966, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Mr. Carl Keyes.
Lc. Allan-a-Dale 'Helen', Program 8 slide 17, HCC/AOS HCC/ODC Award Slide from March 8, 1963, Monterey Orchid Show, Monterey, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston. Stamped on back with name of photographer, Beauford B. Fisher, Pacific Grove, CA.
Lc. Allan-a-Dale 'Will' HCC/ODC, Program 3 slide 17, copy of the award slide from May 28, 1962, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, no date on slide. The image matches the black-and-white award photo published with the award notice in Orchid Digest.
Lc. Amber Glow 'Golden Jewel', Program 4 slide 18, duplicate slide made in December 1966. This image is a copy of the AM/AOS award slide from August 10, 1964, Los Angeles monthly judging, Hollywood, CA, exhibited by Murray Spencer, and matching (mirror image) the award photo published in the AOS Bulletin 35(11):925 (November, 1966) in a group of photos of recent awards.
Lc. Amber Glow 'Golden Pride', Program 4 slide 32, no date on slide. The image is probably a copy of an award slide, AM/AOS (1965) or HCC/AOS/ODC (1963), neither of which is known.
Lc. Faith Dee Fanchaly 'Malibu', Program 4 slide 40, duplicate slide made in November 1966. The image is a copy of the award slide from August 8, 1960, AM/AOS and AM/ODC, Orchid Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids.
Lc. Fred Castator 'Caballero' HCC/ODC, Program 3 slide 20, no date on slide. The image might be a copy of the ODC award slide from August 13, 1956, Orchid Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston.
Lc. Laurie Lynn 'Darkley', Program 3 slide 12, HCC/ODC Award Slide, April 5, 1963, San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston. Slide stamped on back, "Armacost & Royston", AOS added to award designation in red ink.
Lc. Laurie Lynn 'Darkley', Program 8 slide 21, digital image copied from Program 3 slide 12,HCC/ODC Award Slide, April 5, 1963, San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston.
Lc. Luminosa aurea FCC/RHS, substitute for Program 4 slide 15, no slide found in the Keyes collection, 1911 RHS award painting by Nellie Roberts. Image from RHS, used here under CC BY-NC 4.0.
Lc. Memoria Albert Heinecke 'Aprica', Program 8 slide 26, duplicate slide, no date. Stamped on front, "Armacost & Royston". The image may be the award slide from November 9, 1959, HCC/ODC HCC/AOS, Orchid Society of Southern California, Hollywood, CA, exhibited by Arthur Freed Orchids
Lc. Memoria Albert Heinecke 'Diadem', Program 4 slide 24, duplicate slide made in November 1966. The same image is found in OrchidWiz, image #56356, attributed to Steve McNerney (Stewart Orchids), apparently not associated with any award.
Lc. Memoria Walter Armacost 'The Don' HCC/ODC Award Slide, April 5, 1963, San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, Inc.
Lc. Memoria Walter Armacost 'The Don', Program 8 slide 18, digital image copied from HCC/ODC Award Slide, April 5, 1963, San Diego County Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA, exhibited by Armacost & Royston
Lc. R. J. Chrisman 'Addie' AM/ODC, no date on slide. This cultivar received AM/ODC November 27, 1961 at Seattle monthly judging, Seattle, WA, and a black-and-white version of this photo was published along with the award notice in Orchid Digest 23(3):114-115 (March, 1962). The slide in the Keyes collection is almost completely blue, but the original is described in Orchid Digest as "Two 6-5/8" flowers, sparkling deep rose-lavender with magenta lip, good texture and heavy substance, very fine shape".
Lc. Small Talk 'Chatterbox' HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 27, 1970, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Lycaste longiscapa 'Green Giant' CBR/AOS Award Slide, March 13, 1973, slide is stamped PACIFIC SOUTH REGION, the official designation of Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibitors listed on the slide as Carl and Imogene Keyes, but this award is apparently not found in AOS records.
Miltonia Anjou 'Red Mask', Program 1 slide 44, FCC/AOS Award Slide, June 16, 1970, Oakland monthly judging, Oakland, CA, exhibited by Robert E. McElderry
Miltonidium Summer Fantasy 'Waikiki Sunset', Program 1 slide 55 substitute, AM/RHS award painting, September 23, 1969, from The Hermans Index: RHS Orchid Awards 18410-2002 (CD edition, 2003)
Miltonidium Yellow Monarch 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, August 14, 1978, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontioda Crislette 'White Satin', Program 1 slide 29, HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 28, 1975, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, roll 197505H6 slide 8
Odontioda Grouse Mountain 'Grandeur' HCC/AOS Award Slide, april 14, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Odontioda Memoria Ernesto Alvarez 'Carimo King' AM/AOS Award Slide, September 27, 1976, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontioda Memoria Ernesto Alvarez 'Carimo Princess' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 8, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontioda Rose Gleam 'Harmony' HCC/AOS Award Slide, January 13, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Ron Reimer, Santa Barbara, CA. This award is not found in AOS records, even though the award slide bears the Pacific South Region stamp and contains all relevant details.
Odontocidium Goodale Moir 'Carimo Candescent' HCC/AOS Award Slide, November 8, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontocidium Goodale Moir 'Red Perfection', Program 1 slide 41, HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 9, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Odontocidium Solana 'Golden Shower' HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 14, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontocidium Solana 'Golden Shower', Program 1 slide 39, HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 14, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Odontoglossum Golden Glacier 'Golden Eagle', Program 1 slide 16, HCC/AOS Award Slide, June 23, 1975, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, roll 197507H1 slide 8
Odontoglossum McNabianum 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 22, 1974, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Odontoglossum Stropheon 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, June 9, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Oncidium Gold Coin Butte 'Millie' HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 28, 1975, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Oncidium Kushu 'Terrific' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 24, 1979, Cabrillo Orchid Society Show, Santa Maria, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Oncidium Mexico 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 11, 1978, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum A. de Lairesse 'Sanders' HCC/AOS Award Slide, October 7, 1969, San Francisco monthly judging, San Francisco, CA, exhibited by Robert E. McElderry. Photographer's name stamped on back, Beauford B. Fisher, Pacific Grove, CA.
Paphiopedilum acmodontum 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 13, 1970, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Advancement 'Carimo' BM/CSA, Program 2 slide 13, copy of CSA award slide from March 30, 1973, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, made April 1973, roll 197304 slide 4
Paphiopedilum amabile 'Charles' CBM/AOS CCM/AOS duplicate of Award Slide made in January 1971, the original award was conferred on March 10, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes. The OrchidPro database omits the CCM/AOS award in error. Paphiopedilum amabile is now considered a synonym of Paphiopedilum bullenianum. There is no connection with the hybrids Paphiopedilum Amabile (1890) and Amabile (1895).
Paphiopedilum amabile 'Charles' CBM/AOS CCM/AOS duplicate of Award Slide made in January 1971,the original award was conferred on March 10, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes. The OrchidPro database omits the CCM/AOS award in error. Paphiopedilum amabile is now considered a synonym of Paphiopedilum bullenianum. There is no connection with the hybrids Paphiopedilum Amabile (1890) and Amabile (1895).
Paphiopedilum Balaclava 'Distinction' BM/CSA (no award found for this cultivar, but there is a BM/CSA for cultivar 'Exbury', very similar to this image), January 1973, roll 197301H7 slide 5
Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Edna', Program 2 slide 2, HCC/AOS Award Slide, June 10, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'More Mesa' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 9, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum bellatulum 'Murielle' HCC/AOS Award Slide, January 3, 1981, Santa Barbara Orchid Society Fall Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carimo Orchids, Arroyo Grande, CA.
Paphiopedilum Berenice 'Brown Beauty' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 5, 1980, San Francisco monthly judging, San Francisco, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Berenice 'Carimo Dark Emperor', Program 2 slide 47, AM/AOS Award Slide, April 7, 1978, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey 'Spring Sonnet' HCC/ODC Award Slide, December 18, 1967, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Blenheim Palace 'Carimo Pride' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 8, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Blenheim Palace 'Carimo Pride', Program 2 slide 14, HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 8, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Paphiopedilum Bournhill 'Red Prince' BM/CSA, no date on slide. This hybrid was registered by John Hanes in 1976. The image is a copy of the CSA award slide (mirror image) in OrchidWiz, image #121772, which has much better color, from January 3, 1979, when the plant was exhibited by Gallup & Stribling, Carpinteria, CA.
Paphiopedilum Carimo 'Carimo Red' BM/CSA, Program 2 slide 18, copy of the CSA award slide (mirror image) shown in OrchidWiz, image #80194, from February 25, 1976, exhibited by Carl Keyes
Paphiopedilum Carl Keyes 'Dan Collin', Program 2 slide 21, HCC/AOS, possibly the award slide from March 22, 1974, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes, roll 197403H7 slide 1
Paphiopedilum Carl Keyes 'Surefire' BM/CSA, January 1971, roll 197101 slide 24. The image is a copy of the CSA award slide from February 3, 1971, exhibited by Carl Keyes, as shown in OrchidWiz, image #80195.
Paphiopedilum Carl Keyes 'Surefire', January 1971, roll 197101 slide 23. The image is a copy of the CSA award slide, BM/CSA, February 3, 1971, exhibited by Carl Keyes, as shown in OrchidWiz, image #80195, with much better color.
Paphiopedilum Ceaser Pitta ['Rustic Day'] SM/CSA, no date on slide. The image is a copy of the CSA award slide in OrchidWiz, image #121818, which has better color, from January 3, 1979, exhibited by Gallup & Stribling, Carpinteria, CA.
Paphiopedilum Chan's Temple 'Splendent' HCC (no such award found, but this cultivar received BM/CSA in 1969 when exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, and the image here is a mirror image of the CSA award photo in OrchidWiz, image #80200), Duplicate Slide 50, made January 1971, roll 197101H8.
Paphiopedilum Charles Richman 'Red Beauty' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 8, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Charles Richman 'Royal Robe' AM/AOS Award Slide, March 26, 1976, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Charles Sladden 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 10, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Charles Sladden 'Raspberry' HCC/AOS Award Slide, June 10, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Charles Sladden 'Raspberry' HCC/AOS, Program 2 slide 39, May 1974, roll 197405H12 slide 8. The photo was taken prior to the AOS award, which occurred June 10, 1974.
Paphiopedilum Cinderella 'Satin Slipper' HCC/ODC, Duplicate Slide 51, made January 1971, roll 197101H8. The image matches the award photograph from an earlier BM/CSA award in OrchidWiz, image #80209.
Paphiopedilum Cinderella 'Satin Slipper', Program 2 slide 22, HCC/ODC Award Slide, December 28, 1967, South Coast Orchid Society, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keyes
Paphiopedilum Clinkaberryanum 'Carimo' AM/AOS Award Slide, May 20, 1980, Oakland monthly judging, Oakland, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Connie 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 30, 1973, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum curtisii 'Purple Splendor' HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 8, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Delrosi 'Carimo Valentine' AM/AOS Award Slide, February 14, 1977, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Dusky Maiden 'Carimo' AM/AOS Award Slide, September 10, 1973, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Dusky Maiden 'Exquisite', Program 2 slide 25, HCC/AOS Award Slide, January 14, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes
Paphiopedilum Edward Marshall Boehm 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 8, 1971, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Explorama 'Radiant' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 12, 1977, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum 'Carimo Red' HCC/AOS, Program 2 slide 7, copy of award slide from April 14, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, roll 197505H1 slide 15
Paphiopedilum Franconia 'Keyes' AM/AOS Award Slide, October 13, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Freckles 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 26, 1976, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Funnel 'Carimo', Program 2 slide 27, copy of BM/CSA award slide from November 4, 1971, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes, roll 197111H1 slide 34. Matches CSA award slide in OrchidWiz, image #80344 (mirror image).
Paphiopedilum glaucophullum moquetianum 'Carimo' AM/AOS Award Slide, March 1, 1980, Cabrillo Orchid Society Show, Santa Maria, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum moquetianum 'Carimo' AM/AOS Award Slide, March 1, 1980, Cabrillo Orchid Society Show, Santa Maria, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum godefroyae [leucochilum 'Bion'] FCC/AOS, Program 2 slide 8, copy of AOS award slide from July 14, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Hanes Orchids of Distinction, roll 197507H6 slide 38
Paphiopedilum godefroyae leucochilum 'Carimo' AM/AOS Award Slide, July 24, 1978, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Golden Chalice 'Carimo Gold', Program 2 slide 23, HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 8, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. The slide label shows AM/AOS, referring to the later award of March 16, 1979, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Gallup & Stribling, Carpinteria, CA, but this is the award photo from the HCC/AOS award in 1976.
Paphiopedilum Great Pacific 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 11, 1978, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. The AOS awards database places the entire group of awards from this judging session at Atlanta monthly judging, in error!
Paphiopedilum Harry Stage 'Green Lite', Program 2 slide 32, HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 19, 1968, Oakland monthy judging, Oakland, CA, exhibited by Robert E. McElderry
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 26, 1973, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum 'Rachael Beck' AM/AOS Award Slide, April 10, 1970, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by R. J. Rands.
Paphiopedilum hookerae 'Bion', June 1976, roll 197606P2 slide 38. This could well be a copy of the AOS Award Slide, which has not surfaced in any other collection, or else another photo of the same flower taken at the same time. The award was HCC/AOS, June 14, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Hanes Orchids of Distinction, San Gabriel, CA.
Paphiopedilum Houghtoniae 'Carimo' BM/CSA Award Slide, April 18, 1979, exhibited by Carl Keyes. A much better version of this photo from CSA is in OrchidWiz, image #122128.
Paphiopedilum Houghtoniae 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, May 14, 1979, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Iantha Stage 'Harry's' Friend' HCC/AOS Award Slide, October 17, 1977, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Josie Gonzales 'Brownskin' BM/CSA Award Slide, January 3, 1979, exhibited by Gallup & Stribling, Carpinteria, CA.
Paphiopedilum Josie Gonzales 'Brownskin' BM/CSA, Duplicate Slide 41, made April 1979, roll 197904H11. Mirror image of the CSA award photograph in OrchidWiz, image #122185.
Paphiopedilum Karen Gwinn 'Conformation' HCC (but no such award has been found; the image appears to be a mirror image of the award photo BM/CSA for a cultivar called 'Enchantment', possibly this is the same plant under a different cultivar name), Duplicate Slide 35, made January 1971, roll 197101H8.
Paphiopedilum Karen Gwinn 'Conformation', March 1966, roll 196603H6 slide 19. The image matches the CSA award photo (mirror image), under the designation Karen Gwinn 'Enchantment', March 22, 1966, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes. The cultivar name may have been changed by the Keyes when the award was finalized.
Paphiopedilum Lalime 'Superba' AM/AOS Award Slide, February 23, 1976, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Littledean 'Robin' BM/CSA, January 1971, roll 197101 slide 39. The image, processed in January 1971, matches the image associated with the CSA award of February 3, 1971, exhibited by Carl Keyes, as found in OrchidWiz, image #80577, a mirror image, with much better color. When the film was processed, someone must have forgotten to check the date stamp.
Paphiopedilum Littledean 'Robin', January 1971, roll 197101 slide 30. The image appears to be the same flower shown in the CSA award slide, but taken from a different angle, BM/CSA, February 3, 1971, exhibited by Carl Keyes, as shown in OrchidWiz, image #80577, with much better color.
Paphiopedilum lowii 'XLNT' AM/AOS Award Slide, April 28, 1975, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Mariano Martin 'The Don' HCC[/AOS BM/CSA], Program 2 slide 44, copy of the CSA award slide (mirror image) from May 27, 1969, shown in OrchidWiz, image #80605, no date on slide
Paphiopedilum Maudiae Coloratum 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, May 11, 1970, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Moorenot 'Carimo Collosal' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 1, 1980, Cabrillo Orchid Society Show, Santa Maria, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Moorenot 'Carimo Colossal' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 1, 1980, Cabrillo Orchid Society Show, Santa Maria, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Neptune 'Mars' AM/AOS Award Slide, October 13, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Neptune 'Mars' AM/AOS, no date on slide. The image is a copy of the AM/AOS Award Slide from October 13, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum niveum 'Frank' AM/ODC Award Slide, July 8, 1966, San Francisco Orchid Society, San Francisco, CA, exhibited by Robert McElderry.
Paphiopedilum Nochi 'Negri' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 22, 1974, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Pacific Ocean 'Terry', November 1972, roll 197211H11 slide 29. This image matches the award photo (mirror image) for BM/CSA, November 1, 1972, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes, as found in OrchidWiz, image #80733.
Paphiopedilum parishii 'Carimo Giant' HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 12, 1976, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Pisar 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 22, 1974, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Quiberon Bay 'Carimo', Program 2 slide 29, BM/CSA Award Slide, February 25, 1976, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Paphiopedilum Redezelle '#3' AM/AOS AM/ODC (the latter award recorded by ODC as cultivar 'Three', both awards from the same judging session), March 1971, roll 197103H7 slide 9
Paphiopedilum roebelinii 'Carolyn' HCC (the award was actually CBM/AOS), May 1970, roll 197005H2 slide 32. The slide matches the CBM/AOS Award Slide, May 11, 1970, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Clark Day Jr. Orchids.
Paphiopedilum Royal Flush 'Erin' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 8, 1975, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Saint Swithin 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, May 20, 1980, Oakland monthly judging, Oakland, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. Photographer's name stamped on back, Beauford B. Fisher, Pacific Grove, CA.
Paphiopedilum Sharnden 'Agnes Miller' AM (no such award has been found, but there was an equivalent BM/CSA for this cultivar in 1966, as well as HCC/AOS/ODC in 1960), June 1972, roll 197206H3 slide 10
Paphiopedilum Soulageanum 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, December 9, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Spotter 'Dots Pretty' BM/CSA copy of Award Slide, November 4, 1971, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes. Photo matches the CSA award photo in OrchidWiz, image #80935 (a mirror image), but lists the cultivar name as 'Dots Plenty'.
Paphiopedilum tonsum 'Jungle Queen' HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 26, 1976, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedilum Via Gema 'Golden Nugget' HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 9, 1979, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Paphiopedlium Freckles 'Carimo', Program 2 slide 34, HCC/AOS Award Slide, March 26, 1976, Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, Santa Barbara, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Paphiopedlium Iantha Stage 'Coos Bay' HCC/AOS Award slide, July 25, 1973, Seattle monthly judging, Seattle, WA, exhibited by Harry H. Stage.
Paphiopedlium Solon 'Senator ' AM/AOS Award Slide, October 13, 1969, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Phalaenopsis Dusky Rouge 'Goodie' HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 28, 1975, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Phalaenopsis Fire-Water 'Pink Marble' AM/AOS Award Slide, November 28, 1977, Long Beach monthly judging, Long Beach, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Phalaenopsis sumatrana 'Carimo Rouge' HCC/AOS Award Slide, May 14, 1979, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Phalaenopsis Whimsey 'Carimo' HCC/AOS Award Slide, August 13, 1973, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes.
Phalaenopsis Whimsey 'Carimo' HCC/AOS, copy of award slide from August 13, 1973, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, copy made in 1973 but month illegible, code H11 slide 37.
Phalaenopsis Whimsey 'Carimo' HCC/AOS, copy of award slide from August 13, 1973, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes, copy made in 1973 but month illegible, code H11, slide 36.
Phapaenopsis Fire-Water 'Red Hot' HCC/AOS Award Slide, April 9, 1979, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes.
Phragmipedium Dominianum 'Bob Mc' HCC/AOS Award Slide, July 8, 1974, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Imogene and Carl Keyes. The Bob Mc in question is certainly Bob McElderry, but the cultivar name is listed this way on the award slide.
Phragmipedium grande, May 1968, roll 196805H8. The photo is a copy of the award slide, CCM/AOS, April 4, 1968, Southland Orchid Show and 13th Western Orchid Congress, Arcadia, CA, for Phragmipedium grande 'Macrochilum', exhibited by The Orchid House, Los Osos, CA. However, the award is now listed in the AOS awards database as Phragmipedium Macrochilum, referring to the artificial hybrid of Phragmipedium lindenii x longifolium, instead of the natural hybrid Phragmipedium x grande, or the artificial hybrid Phragmipedium Grande (longifolium x humboldtii). The parentage of the natural hybrid remains uncertain.
Slc. Imogene Keyes 'Red Elk' AM/ODC Award Slide, January 11, 1964, Peninsula Orchid Society Show, Monterey, CA, exhibited by J. Frank Hughes. Photographer's name stamped on back, Beauford B. Fisher, Pacific Grove, CA.
Wilsonara Memoria Tom Lyles 'Carimo', Program 1 slide 48, HCC/AOS Award Slide, February 14, 1977, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes
Wilsonara Spaceman 'Carimo', Program 1 slide 47, HCC/AOS Award Slide, June 13, 1977, Los Angeles monthly judging, Los Angeles, CA, exhibited by Carl and Imogene Keyes