South Coast Orchid Society

Kay Francis Photo Archive:
Brassolaeliocattleya Hybrids

Kay Francis Photo Gallery: Blc. Memoria Crispin Rosales 'Linda Vista'

Parentage: Lc. Bonanza × Blc. Norman's Bay (Bracey, 1959)
Current nomenclature: Rlc. Memoria Crispin Rosales

Kay purchased a flask of seedlings of this hybrid from Ilsley Orchids apparently around 1963, the parentage of the remake listed as Blc. Norman's Bay 'Gothic' × Lc. Bonanza 'Pay Dirt'. She also tried to obtain the cultivar 'Beau Brummel', which had been illustrated in Orchid Digest and elsewhere, apparently without success. From Gloria Eckles (Landamar Orchids) she obtained a cultivar called 'Georgine', in 1967. Kay's awarded cultivar 'Linda Vista' most likely came from the seedlings from Ilsley.