South Coast Orchid Society

AOS Awards at Southern California Sites
Other Than Long Beach

Awards conferred by the American Orchid Society through the end of 1968 were published as a normal, if sometimes irregular feature in the AOS Bulletin (punctuated by such "disruptions" as the AOS Secretary's "trip to the West Coast" in 1950, for example), but also in a separate Register of Awards (one volume plus supplements I through VI, paged continuously). During the same period, Orchid Digest Corporation, through its affiliated societies, conducted its own judging program in our area, but the records of the ODC awards are more difficult to compile and will be presented separately. The AOS awards listed here serve to fill out the story of orchids as a hobby and business in Southern California, and of the many people who participated in SCOS during its early years.

We were able to recover photos for many of the awards, although we found numerous discrepancies. Small black and white photos were sometimes published when the awards were announced in the AOS Bulletin, or in reports about shows where AOS judging had taken place. Later, these small photos were sometimes included in the Register of Awards. Larger photos of awarded plants, but not always the same photos, were included in articles in the Bulletin. Some color photos ultimately found their way into OrchidPro and the official AOS databases that preceded it, but we have encountered many awards where the color photo in OrchidPro does not match the black and white photos published at the time of the awards, and in any case, many of the earlier color photos, in the form of digital scans from old slides whose present location is unknown, are of very bad quality. As these photos were taken, as far as we know, as part of the AOS judging program and for the use of AOS and its judging program, the implied copyright, if any, should remain with AOS, and, as an AOS affiliated society, SCOS presents them here with that understanding. For the early award photos, it is very rare to find any mention of the photographers.

The various ways that color slides have faded, and presumably also the various ways that the old slides have been scanned and adjusted, has required some difficult choices. The most common issue is an overall blue tint in the OrchidPro images, which can be adjusted to some extent. In addition, some of the images have simply lost color, and benefit from adjusting the saturation. When it seems clear that the image is the correct award photo, the award description has served as a useful guide in assessing the image and in determining whether adjustments should be attempted. In these situations, however, we hope that further investigation will eventually lead to the original color slides and new scans with more current technology.

Absent evidence to the contrary, any black and white photos published along with the awards in the AOS Bulletin are presumed to be the "official" award photos. However, we found examples where the photos published later turn out to be different shots of the same flower, and thus taken at the same judging session. It is presently unknown whether multiple photos from the same award were sometimes submitted to AOS. In some cases, it may be that both versions were cropped from different parts of a single original color slide.

Two important sources for color award photos that are not found in the OrchidPro database deserve mention here. First, the collection of award slides that were maintained until about 2010 by the Pacific South Regional Judging Center, now donated to the Huntington Botanical Center, contain many award photos relevant to our projects. The slides, in 35 mm format, go back at least to the beginning of 1967, and the collection might go back even further. The collection includes award slides from other regions as well. However, it does not contain all award slides, even for the Pacific South region, and there are conspicuous gaps, suggesting that slides for particular hybrids or even genera were removed at some point, perhaps when someone needed to study them while preparing articles for publication or for slide show presentations. However it happened, there are no early Lycaste slides, and no slides for some important hybrids, such as Cymbidium Lillian Stewart, Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey), and others. The missing award slides surely existed, because some found their way into OrchidPro, or have turned up in OrchidWiz. We have used a small portable slide scanner with simple adjustments for brightness and color balance, resulting in JPEG images with pixel dimensions 4320 × 2880. While many of the slides are significantly overexposed, particularly for white flowers, the scanner adjustments were sufficient to recover usable images for almost all of them.

The second major source is OrchidWiz, a proprietary "orchid encyclopedia". Many photos have been donated to OrchidWiz, including some large collections maintained by former AOS judges (notably, by Steve McNerney, the last owner of Stewart's Orchids, and William Merritt). We identify certain images in OrchidWiz as official AOS award photos mainly by comparing them with the small black and white photos published in the AOS Bulletin etc., or the color photos in OrchidPro, and occasionally by the identifying information from OrchidWiz, which usually names the specific award and the exhibitor. The images in OrchidWiz frequently turn out to be mirror images of those published in the Bulletin or in OrchidPro, resulting from incorrect orientation of the slides for scanning. Nevertheless, the OrchidWiz photos frequently show much better color balance than those in OrchidPro, and sometimes better than we have been able to obtain from the Pacific South slides. It is also clear that the OrchidWiz images are not derived from the scans found in OrchidPro, because they show different dust particles that were on the slides when they were scanned!

The earliest slides we have found so far in the Pacific South awards slide collection at the Huntington Botanical Center are from 1966.

Awards that require corrections in OrchidPro, or that are not found at all in OrchidPro, are indicated by a warning sign:

Awards where editing or replacement of the photos in OrchidPro should be considered are indicated by a camera icon:

April 20, 1950, Southern California Spring Flower Show, Pasadena, CA:

An account of this show, under the heading Pasadena Flower Show, was featured in the AOS Bulletin 19(6):320-321 (June, 1950), with interesting details about the exhibits and awards.

Cymbidium Peri 'Ironclad' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Peri 'Ironclad' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19500018. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950). A photo of this plant from the exhibit was featured in the AOS Bulletin 20(5):258 (May, 1951), along with an explanation of independent scoring by a team of AOS judges and another of Cymbidium Society of America (CSA) judges working independently, both teams arriving at an equivalent award, AM/AOS and SM/CSA.

© 1950 H. G. Ploger

Cymbidium Nam Khan 'Lita' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Nam Khan 'Lita' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by H. G. Ploger, La Jolla, CA. AOS Award Number 19500019. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950). A black and white photograph of a spray from this cultivar was published in the AOS Bulletin 23(2):74 (February, 1954), credited as "Kodachrome by H. G. Ploger", but it is not certain that this is the AOS award photo. It is, in any case, the awarded plant, photographed by its owner.

Cattleya Trail's End AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Trail's End (no cultivar name) AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA, and Joseph W. Urmston, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19500020. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya

Cattleya Labi-Royal (no cultivar name) AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA, and Joseph W. Urmston, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19500021. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Rex' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Rivermont Orchids, Chattanooga, TN. AOS Award Number 19500022. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950).

© 1950 Valentino Sarra

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Chief Joseph AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin — not an award photo, but worth including here!

Blc. Chief Joseph (no cultivar name) AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA, and Joseph W. Urmston, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19500023. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Chief Joseph) lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya. This hybrid was part of the partnership of Joseph Urmston, of San Marino, CA, and Ralph Kiesewetter of Roslyn, Long Island, NY, which resulted in the famous "Controllable Cattleyas". A spectacular color photo, almost certainly by Valentino Sarra, was featured in some of their advertisements, e.g., AOS Bulletin 19(6):341 (June, 1950).

Cymbidium Bullfinch CCM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Bullfinch (no cultivar name) CCM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA, and Joseph W. Urmston, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19500024. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950). A black and white photo was published in the AOS Bulletin 19(6):321 (June, 1950) as part of a feature article about the show.

Cypripedium callosum (no cultivar name) CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Norris H. Powell, Temple City, CA. AOS Award Number 19500025. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum callosum) lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 72, and AOS Bulletin 19(7):377 (July, 1950).

April 9, 1951, OSSC Show, Los Angeles, CA:

Cymbidium Peri 'The King' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19510021. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 82, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):354 (June, 1951).

April 12, 1951, Southern California Spring Flower Show, Pasadena, CA:

Cymbidium Jungfrau 'Snow Queen' FCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Jungfrau 'Snow Queen' FCC/AOS 90 points, exhibited by J. C. Wright, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19510022. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 82, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):354 (June, 1951) with a black and white photo. Another photo, from an article about Cymbidium culture in Southern California by Ernest Hetherington, shows a single spray of "Cymbidium Jungrau var. Snow Queen, A.M., R.H.S., grown by Fred A. Stewart" (AOS Bulletin 20(4):193 (April, 1951)).

Cymbidium Queen Elizabeth 'Enchantress' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Queen Elizabeth 'Enchantress' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA . AOS Award Number 19510023. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 82, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):354 (June, 1951). A black and white photo of this plant, possibly taken by CSA rather than AOS, but very definitely the same plant at the same show, was published in an article by Ernest Hetherington, "Standouts of the 1951 Cymbidium Season", AOS Bulletin 21(2):165 (February, 1952).

Lc. Gertrude Hampton AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Joseph Urmston, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19510024. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 82, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):354 (June, 1951).

April 21, 1951, San Diego Orchid Show, San Diego, CA:

Phalaenopsis Winged Victory 'Faith' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Phalaenopsis Winged Victory 'Faith' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by not listed (OrchidPro says exhibitor was Ralph Kiesewetter; however, Register of Awards Suppl. IV list of "Corrigenda", p. v, says the exhibitor was Boyd E. Thompson, San Diego, CA, and this is also confirmed in a detailed report of the show, AOS Bulletin 20(6):340 (June, 1951)). AOS Award Number 19510028. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 83-84, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):355 (June, 1951), where the black and white award photo appears in the show report, p. 339.

Phalaenopsis Winged Victory 'Faith' CCM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Phalaenopsis Winged Victory 'Faith' CCM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by not listed (OrchidPro says exhibitor was Ralph Kiesewetter; however, Register of Awards Suppl. IV list of "Corrigenda", p. v, says the exhibitor was Boyd E. Thompson, San Diego, CA). AOS Award Number 19510029. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 83-84, and AOS Bulletin 20(6):355 (June, 1951).

October 13, 1952, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium erythrostylum CBM/AOS 89 points, exhibited by Lambert E. Day, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19520043. OrchidPro has complete information from the original award (which did not include measurements), but lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 100, and in AOS Bulletin 22(3):203 (March, 1953).

January 12 , 1953, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Odontoglossun crispum 'Ashcroft' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Odontoglossun crispum 'Ashcroft' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Ashcroft Orchids, Seattle, WA. AOS Award Number 19530001. OrchidPro (as Oncidium alexandrae), parentage in error, has complete information from the original award (which did not include measurements), and lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 102, and in AOS Bulletin 22(5):364 (May, 1953) with black and white photo.

March 27, 1953, San Diego Orchid Society Show, La Jolla, CA:

Cymbidium Balkis 'Silver Orb' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Balkis 'Silver Orb' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Francis B. Cobb, La Cañada, CA. AOS Award Number 19530033. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards 110, and in AOS Bulletin 22(7):530 (July, 1953).

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Lookout' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Lookout' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by H. G. Ploger, La Jolla, CA. AOS Award Number 19530034. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 110, and in AOS Bulletin 22(7):530 (July, 1953) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Morvyth 'Helenclare' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Morvyth 'Helenclare' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by H. G. Ploger, La Jolla, CA. AOS Award Number 19530035. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards 110, and in AOS Bulletin 22(7):530 (July, 1953) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Morvyth 'Helenclare' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin, clearly not the same as the photo in OrchidPro, but possibly a different view of the same flower.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Magnolia' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Magnolia' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19530036. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards 110, and in AOS Bulletin 22(7):530 (July, 1953) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Magnolia' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin from AOS Bulletin, clearly not the same as the photo in OrchidPro, although possibly a different view of the same flower.

Cymbidium Alexette 'Helen' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Alexette 'Helen' AM /AOS 82 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19530037. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 110-111, and in AOS Bulletin 22(7):530 (July, 1953) with black and white photo. Description indicates "petals and sepals rose pink with deep rose veining", but the color in the OrchidPro photo is badly distorted, even after removing a serious blue tint.

Cymbidium Alexette 'Helen' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin from AOS Bulletin, clearly not the same as the photo in OrchidPro.

April 12, 1953, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Vanda sanderiana 'Country Acres' FCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda sanderiana 'Country Acres' FCC/AOS 92 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19530038. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 111, and in AOS Bulletin 22(8):597 (August, 1953).

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Miranda (1918) 'Chartreuse Queen' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Bc. Miranda 'Chartreuse Queen' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hecker, Canoga Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19530039. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 111, and in AOS Bulletin 22(8):597 (August, 1953). Now correctly Rhyncholaeliocattleya Miranda (1918). A photo of this cultivar appeared on the cover of the February, 1956 issue of AOS Bulletin (volume 25(2) — a slightly different shot of the same awarded flower), and in AOS Bulletin36(10):951 (October, 1967) in an advertisement for mericlones by Orchids Orlando, where the color is considerably brighter.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Miranda (1918) 'Chartreuse Queen' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Miranda (1918) 'Chartreuse Queen' AM/AOS, from advertisement in AOS Bulletin

Lc. Grubstake 'Valiant' AM/AOS 88 points, exhibited by Vallemar Gardens, Sharp Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19530040. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 111, and in AOS Bulletin 22(8):597 (August, 1953).

Cymbidium Princess Elizabeth 'Malta' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Princess Elizabeth 'Malta' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19530041. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 111-112, and in AOS Bulletin 22(8):597 (August, 1953).

September 14, 1953, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Vanda sanderiana 'Terry' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda sanderiana 'Terry' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Robert Warne, Honolulu, HI. AOS Award Number 19530050. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 114, and in AOS Bulletin 23(2):117 (February, 1954) with black and white photo.

Blc. Winston Hoshino (no cultivar name) AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Winston Hoshino (no cultivar name) AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dr. Francis Hoshino, Honolulu, HI. AOS Award Number 19530051. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo (very bad color, we adjusted color balance and saturation). Published in Register of Awards 114, and in AOS Bulletin 23(2):117 (February, 1954) with black and white photo.

Blc. Winston Hoshino (no cultivar name) AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin, not the same shot as the version in OrchidPro, note that the lighting is from the opposite direction

January 11, 1954, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Blc. Iliad 'Goldenglo' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Iliad 'Goldenglo' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19540001. OrchidPro lacks description and measurements but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 119, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):333 (May, 1954) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya. The two photos appear to be shots of the same flower taken from slightly different angles.

Blc. Iliad 'Goldenglo' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Paphiopedilum Bellringer 'Brocade' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Bellringer 'Brocade' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19540002. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum) lacks description and photo (no measurements were given in the original award). Published in Register of Awards 119, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):333 (May, 1954) with black and white photo.

Lc. Bonanza 'Mildred Wagner' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Bonanza 'Mildred Wagner' AM/AOS 89 points, exhibited by Dr. Ralph O. Wagner, Oakland, CA. AOS Award Number 19540003. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 119, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):333 (May, 1954) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Lc. Grayce Hecker 'Jacobin' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Grayce Hecker 'Jacobin' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hecker, Canoga Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19540004. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 119, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):334 (May, 1954) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Grayce Hecker.

Lc. Manila 'Margaret Newmayer' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Manila 'Margaret Newmayer' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19540005. OrchidPro lacks description, measurements, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 120, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):333 (May, 1954) with black and white photo.

Cattleya Enid alba 'Profusion' CCM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19540006. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Enid (1898)), lacks description and photo (no measurements were given in the original award). Published in Register of Awards 120, and in AOS Bulletin 23(5):334 (May, 1954).

March 27, 1954, San Diego Orchid Show, San Diego, CA:

Cymbidium Alexette 'Nina' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Alexette 'Nina' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540041. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 128, and in AOS Bulletin 23(9):607 (September, 1954) with black and white photo. The photo in OrchidPro certainly does not match the award description, "flowers Rhodamine purple with band on lip of darker hue", nor does it match the photo published with the award in the AOS Bulletin.

Cymbidium Alexette 'Nina' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Polly' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Polly' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540042. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 128, and in AOS Bulletin 23(9):607 (September, 1954) with black and white photo. The two photos are certainly not of the same flower, and the lips are very different. If the photo published with the award is correct, the one in OrchidPro must be a photo from some other award.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Polly' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro, apparently a different plant

Cymbidium Jena Bailey 'La Jolla' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Jena Bailey 'La Jolla' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Reynard Way Camellia and Orchid Gardens, San Diego, CA. AOS Award Number 19540043. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 128, and in AOS Bulletin 23(9):607 (September, 1954) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Peri 'Tricolor' CCM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Harry W. Crosby, La Jolla, CA. AOS Award Number 19540044. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 128, and in AOS Bulletin 23(9):607 (September, 1954).

April 2, 1954, Pasadena Flower Show, Pasadena, CA:

Cymbidium Alexette 'Nina' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexette 'Nina' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540045. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 129, and in AOS Bulletin 23(7):470 (July, 1954) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Clifton Webb' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Clifton Webb' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540046. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 129, and in AOS Bulletin 23(7):470 (July, 1954) with black and white photo.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Lucy' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Lucy' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540047. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 129, and in AOS Bulletin 23(7):470 (July, 1954) with black and white photo.

Phalaenopsis Margaret Bean 'Sunland' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Bean and Cooper Orchid Nursery, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19540048. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards 129, and in AOS Bulletin 23(7):470 (July, 1954).

April 12, 1954, OSSC, Los Angeles, CA:

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'The Queen' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'The Queen' AM/AOS 87 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540051. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 130, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):534 (August, 1954) with black and white photo. The photo from OrchidPro is quite unlike the award description, "a very fine form of light rose color, with darker rose on margins of petals and sepals; a fine rose line running in center of petals". Further, the way the photo is posed, and the quality of the image, are completely unlike the other images from this period at OSSC. The original award publication in the AOS Bulletin has a completely different image. Could the photo in OrchidPro be from a later award for the same hybrid, or possibly even the same cultivar? So far, no satisfactory solution has been found for the identity of the color photo.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'The Queen' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro, misidentified, clearly not the awarded plant

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Magnolia' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Magnolia' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540052. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 130-131, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):535 (August, 1954). The flowers are clearly not "deep rose", with "lighter rose" on the edges of the petals, as noted in the description, so this photo may be misidentified. It is to be compared with the previous award of March 27, 1953, award number 19530036, above.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Marietta' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Marietta' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19540053. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 131, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):535 (August, 1954) with black and white photo. Description says flowers should be "pearly white with flush on margins", and the lip with an irregular edge "margined with pink". Here, too, the identification of the color photo seems doubtful.

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Marietta' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Cygnus 'Purity' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Cygnus 'Purity' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Niven Orchid Co., Larkspur, CA. AOS Award Number 19540054. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo (photo is upsidedown, corrected here). Published in Register of Awards 131, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):535 (August, 1954) with black and white photo. Description says that these are "pure white flowers except for scattered maroon dots on lip", consistent with the photo in OrchidPro. Both versions appear to be from the same original slide, and the identity of the color photo is certain.

Cymbidium Cygnus 'Purity' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Cygnus 'White Wings AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cymbidium Cygnus 'White Wings AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Niven Orchid Co., Larkspur, CA. AOS Award Number 19540055. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 131, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):535 (August, 1954) with black and white photo. The photo from OrchidPro is not at all like the award description, which notes "white flowers with lip thickly dotted with maroon". The OrchidPro photo appears to be from a very different era and shows a different breeding, definitely not Cygnus. In fact, this proves to be the award photo for Cymbidium Dag 'Dorothy' HCC/AOS, March 12, 1971, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate at the San Diego County Orchid Society Show, award number 19710451.

Cymbidium Cygnus 'White Wings AM/AOS, from OrchidPro, misidentified, clearly not the awarded plant, actually the award photo for Cymbidium Dag 'Dorothy' HCC/AOS, March 12, 1971, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate at the San Diego County Orchid Society Show, award number 19710451.

Cymbidium Ethel Ward 'Sea Green' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Ethel Ward 'Sea Green' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Niven Orchid Co., Larkspur, CA. AOS Award Number 19540056. OrchidPro lacks usable information but has photo. Published in Register of Awards 131, and in AOS Bulletin 23(8):535 (August, 1954) with black and white photo. Description: "flowers of heavy substance, good form and exotic coloring, light tint of green; lip has row of maroon dots through center and around edge", which matches well with the photo in OrchidPro. Both versions appear to be derived from the same original slide, showing the same flower.

Cymbidium Ethel Ward 'Sea Green' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

January 10, 1955, OSSC, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Polar Bear' AM/AOS, from original award publication in AOS Bulletin 24(7):480

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Polar Bear' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19550001. OrchidPro has complete information but lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 140-141, and in AOS Bulletin 24(7):480 (July, 1955) with black and white photo. A better version of the same award photo was published in the AOS Bulletin 29(1):41 (January, 1960) in an article about progeny of Cattleya Bow Bells.

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Polar Bear' AM/AOS, better version from AOS Bulletin 29(1):41

Cattleya Eloquence 'White Cap' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19550002. OrchidPro has incorrect date of January 1, 1965, lacks award date, venue, and photo. Published in Register of Awards 141, and in AOS Bulletin 24(7):480 (July, 1955).

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Flying High' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Bonanza 'Flying High' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19550003. OrchidPro lacks usable information apart from the name of the exhibitor. Published in Register of Awards 141, and in AOS Bulletin 24(7):480 (July, 1955) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Cattleya Governor Gore 'Seminole' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Governor Gore 'Seminole' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hecker, Canoga Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19550004. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 141, and in AOS Bulletin 24(7):480 (July, 1955) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Governor Gore.

February 25, 1955, Pasadena Flower Show, Pasadena, CA:

Cymbidium Starlight 'Majestic' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 24(5):336

Cymbidium Starlight 'Majestic' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Sherman Orchid Gardens, Glendora, CA. AOS Award Number 19550023. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 146, and in AOS Bulletin 24(5):336 (May, 1955) with black and white photo. Another image, possibly the complete award photo, appeared in an article about the best Cymbidiums of 1955 in AOS Bulletin 24(11):721 (November, 1955), in which the flower published with the award in May, 1955 can be easily identified.

Cymbidium Starlight 'Majestic' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 24(11):721

March 26, 1955, San Diego County Orchid Show, San Diego, CA:

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Memoria Dave McLean' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 24(6):413

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Memoria Dave McLean' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Merrick (RA Supplement I corrects this to Hazel and Richard Merrick), Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19550055. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 152, and in AOS Bulletin 24(6):413 (June, 1955) with black and white photo. Slightly better version appeared in an article about the best Cymbidiums of 1955 in AOS Bulletin 24(11):720 (November, 1955).

Cymbidium Joan of Arc 'Memoria Dave McLean' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 24(11):720

April 16, 1955, Santa Barbara Cymbidium Show, Santa Barbara, CA:

Cymbidium Alexfrida 'Benvenue' (cultivar name possibly intended as 'Bienvenue', but published this way by both AOS and CSA) AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by L. Sherman Adams Co., Wellesley, MA. AOS Award Number 19550051. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 152, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):545 (August, 1955).

Cymbidium Princess Elizabeth 'Novia' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19550052. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 153, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):546 (August, 1955).

Cymbidium Sea Foam 'Green Fire' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Beall Greenhouse Co., Vashon Island, WA. AOS Award Number 19550053. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 153, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):546 (August, 1955).

Cymbidium Alexanderi 'Westonbirt' × Cymbidium Vangie CPC/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Brookville Orchids, Roslyn, NY. AOS Award Number 19550054. OrchidPro has incomplete information (as Cymbidium Alvanie, no cultivar name), lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 153, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):546 (August, 1955).

April 18, 1955, OSSC, Los Angeles, CA:

Blc. Primate 'Daffodil' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Gilbert Raasch, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19550055. OrchidPro has incomplete information (as Rlc. Primate), lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 153, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):543 (August, 1955). Now correctly Rhyncholaeliocattleya Primate.

Lc. Bonanza 'Vesuvius' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19550056. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 153-154, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):543 (August, 1955). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Slc. Meuzac 'Meteor' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19550057. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 154, and in AOS Bulletin 24(8):543 (August, 1955). Now correctly Cattleya Meuzac.

September 12, 1955, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Butterfly' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19550067. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 157, and in AOS Bulletin 25(3):187 (March, 1956).

November 14, 1955, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey 'Springtime' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 25(3):187

Cypripedium Betty Bracey 'Springtime' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19550080. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey) has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 161, and in AOS Bulletin 25(3):187 (March, 1956) with black and white photo. A very similar photo, probably a different view of the same flower (the contours of most of the floral parts seem to match, and the sequence of streaks on the dorsal sepal appears to match as well), is presented in color in the AOS Bulletin 48(8):803 (August, 1979).

Paphiopedilum Betty Bracey 'Springtime' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 48(8):803

Lc. Bonanza 'Pay Dirt' AM/AOS 88 points, exhibited by Mrs. Grayce Hecker, Canoga Park, CA. AOS Award Number 19550081. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 161, and in AOS Bulletin 25(3):187 (March, 1956). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

December 12, 1955, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Six Gun' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Bonanza 'Six Gun' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monson, Garden Grove, CA. AOS Award Number 19550082. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards 162, and in AOS Bulletin 25(5):345 (May, 1956) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Many of the old newsletters for the Orchid Society of Southern California still exist, notably in the form of a nearly complete run at the library of the Los Angeles County Arboretum. Beginning sometime in 1955, the awards published in the newsletter included descriptions and measurements. This was before AOS had accepted the concept of the HCC or Bronze award, so AOS only accepted AM (Silver) or FCC (Gold) awards. The first surviving issue of the OSSC newsletter that contains descriptions of awarded plants is for January, 1956, reporting the awards from December 12, 1955 judging. The descriptions from 1955 forward can serve as a supplement to the descriptions published in the AOS Bulletin. At that session, there were seven awards (OSSC award numbers 351 through 357), of which one scored high enough to qualify for an AOS Award of Merit, Lc. Bonanza 'Six Gun', as shown below.

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Six Gun' AM/AOS, report of December 12, 1955 judging from OSSC newsletter

Cattlianthe Portia 'Abundance' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Portia 'Abundance' CCM/AOS (no points noted), exhibited by Alvin Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19550083. OrchidPro has incomplete information, but with photo. Published in Register of Awards 162, and in AOS Bulletin 25(5):345 (May, 1956). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Cattlianthe Portia 'Abundance' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro, full resolution

January 9, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Giant' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 25(9):634

Lc. Bonanza 'Giant' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19560001. OrchidPro has incomplete information, lacks photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 179, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 25(9):634 (September, 1956) with black and white photo (identical to the one published in the Register). A much better photo was published in AOS Bulletin 29(4):288 (April, 1960) as part of an article on Laeliocattleya Bonanza in the series "Orchid Hall of Fame". The table of contents for that issue, as well as a citation in OrchidWiz, say that the two cultivars ('Giant' and 'Cornucopia') are shown in color, but the digitized version of this page on the AOS web site is in black and white — an error that should be corrected! This photo, however, appears to be a different flower, and since the awarded plant had only a single flower, this photo probably comes from a different flowering. The photo credits in that issue indicate the photos of 'Giant' and 'Cornucopia' came from B. O. Bracey & Co., but that does not necessarily mean Bracey or one of his employees actually prepared the photograph.

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Giant' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 29(4):288, photo credited to B. O. Bracey & Co; not the award photo, but worthy of preservation

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Giant' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 29(4):288, as digitized in black and white on the AOS web site.

February 13, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya General Patton 'Malibu' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19560006. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 180, and in AOS Bulletin 25(6):421 (June, 1956).

Cypripedium London Wall 'Golden Crown' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Robert Casamajor, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19560007. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 181, and in AOS Bulletin 25(6):421 (June, 1956). However, this award is not confirmed in the OSSC newsletters nor in the OSSC awards list. Instead, the March, 1954 OSSC newsletter reports that this plant received a Bronze Certificate in OSSC judging at the February 8, 1954 OSSC meeting, without any indication that it also received an AOS award. Further, the March, 1956 OSSC newsletter, which reported both OSSC and AOS awards from February 13, 1956, does not mention this plant. The 1954 award is noted in the OSSC awards list, but not the 1956 award. No explanation for this discrepancy has been found.

Lc. Bonanza 'Searchlight' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19560008. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 181, and in AOS Bulletin 25(6):421 (June, 1956).

March 12, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rlc. The Globe 'Bob's Haven AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Bc. The Globe 'Bob's Haven' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19560024. OrchidPro (as Rlc. The Globe) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 185, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 25(10):713 (October, 1956) with black and white photo. Now correctly Rhyncholaeliocttleya The Globe.

Cattleya Angel Island 'Bountiful' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19560025. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 185, and in AOS Bulletin 25(10):713 (October, 1956) but with the cultivar name 'Nathalie Dekens', a clerical error (C. Nathalie Dekens was one of the parents of C. Angel Island). The correction was published in AOS Bulletin 26(3):198 (March, 1957).

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 25(10):713

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Malibu' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19560026. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 186, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 25(10):713 (October, 1956) with black and white photo. Another photo, of much better quality, was published in the AOS Bulletin 29(1):41 (January, 1960), the photos on pp. 40-41 credited to "various" and to "AOS award files". However, it shows only a single flower that cannot be reconciled with the earlier award photo, and there were no other awards for this cultivar apart from the one reported here. This second photo, below, does not appear to be an award photo.

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 29(1):41

April 9, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Kern County' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by W. A. Brown, Bakersfield, CA. AOS Award Number 19560036. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 188, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):38 (January, 1957). Now correctly Papilionanda Nellie Morley.

Cymbidium Lump o' Gold 'Glitter' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by M. Summerfield, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19560037. OrchidPro (as Cym. Lump O'Gold) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 188, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):38 (January, 1957).

May 14, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rlc. Sea Spray 'Cameron' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Blc. Sea Spray 'Cameron' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19560045. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Seaspray) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 190, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(2):123 (February, 1957) with a better printing of the same photo. Now correctly considered Rhyncholaeliocattleya Sea Spray, but the parentage is recorded as "unknown" × Cattleya Penshurst.

Vanda Iwalani 'Nakagawa' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 25(10):713

Vanda Iwalani 'Nakagawa' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Nakagawa Orchid Nursery, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19560046. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 190, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 25(11):787 (November, 1956) with a better printing of the same photo.

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Kenter' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Raymond MacLeod, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19560047. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 191, and in AOS Bulletin 25(11):787 (November, 1956).

August 13, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Estella Jewel 'Mojave' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Slc. Estella Jewell 'Mojave' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by A. R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19560057. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Estella Jewel) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 193, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(2):122 (February, 1957) with black and white photo (these are cropped from the same image shown in color in OrchidPro).

Cattleya Marian Andrews 'Beth' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Marian Andrews 'Beth' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Walter G. Johnston, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19560058. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 193, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(2):122 (February, 1957) with black and white photo. A color version of the same photo (mirror image) is found in OrchidWiz, image #117831, attributed to the William Merritt Collection. Now correctly Cattleya Marian Andrews.

Cattleya Marian Andrews 'Beth' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

September 10, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya President Wilson (1916) 'Mary Catherine Bowman' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya President Wilson 'Mary Catherine Bowman' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mrs. Alexander Bowman, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19560061. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 194, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):41 (January, 1957) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya President Wilson (1916), in order to distinguish it from Cattleya (formerly Laeliocattleya) President Wilson (1918).

Cattleya Anadarko 'Dark Beauty' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Anadarko 'Dark Beauty' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Joe Ozzella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19560062. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 194, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):41 (January, 1957) with black and white photo. Now correctly Cattleya Anadarko.

Cattleya S. J. Bracey 'Chartreuse' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. S. J. Bracey 'Chartreuse' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by E. C. Cunningham, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19560063. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 194, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):41 (January, 1957) with black and white photo. Another version of the photo, in color (mirror image) and showing much more of the image, is in OrchidWiz, image #117921, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Cattleya S. J. Bracey 'Chartreuse' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

October 8, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Quadroon 'Congo' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Quadroon 'Congo' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19560066. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 195, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):40 (January, 1957). Now correctly Cattleya Quadroon. What appears to be its award photo is in OrchidWiz, image #117898, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'No. 15' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'No. 15' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19560067. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 195, and in AOS Bulletin 26(1):41 (January, 1957).

November 12, 1956, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Etta Gray' AM/AOS, from 26(4)

Lc. Bonanza 'Etta Gray' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19560080. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 198, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(4):272 with black and white photo. The same photo — and about the same size and quality — was published in AOS Bulletin 29(4):290 in an article about Laeliocattleya Bonanza.

January 14, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Orange Glory 'Empress' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Orange Glory 'Empress' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570001. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Orange Glory) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 202, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(6):426 (June, 1957) with black and white photo. Now correctly Rhyncholaeliocattleya Orange Glory. Another version of the award photo (a mirror image, but very yellow instead of orange) is in OrchidWiz, image #117722, attributed to the William Merritt Collection. In spite of the grex name, the awarded plant is described as having "lemon-yellow flowers", so the image from OrchidWiz is to be preferred. Perhaps other cultivars of this hybrid showed more orange tones.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Orange Glory 'Empress' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lycaste virginalis 'Olympus' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Lycaste skinneri 'Olympus' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by William E. Farrell, Bremerton, WA. AOS Award Number 19570002. OrchidPro (as Lycaste virginalis) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 202, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(6):427 (June, 1957) with black and white photo. Now correctly Lycaste virginalis.

Lycaste virginalis 'Clare Beall' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Lycaste skinneri 'Clare Beall' AM/AOS 85 points, exhibited by William E. Farrell, Bremerton, WA. AOS Award Number 19570003. OrchidPro (as Lycaste virginalis) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 202, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(6):427 (June, 1957) with black and white photo. A mirror image of the award photo is in OrchidWiz, image #118109, attributed to the William Merritt Collection. Now correctly Lycaste virginalis.

Lycaste virginalis 'Clare Beall' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

February 11, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Paphiopedilum Yerba Buena 'Brentwood' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Yerba Buena 'Brentwood' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Raymond A. MacLeod, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19570015. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 206, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(8):567 (August, 1957) with black and white photo.

Cattleya Atlantis 'Sunny Hills' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Lc. Atlantis 'Sunny Hills' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Arthur Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19570016. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 206, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(8):567 (August, 1957) with black and white photo. Now correctly a Cattleya.

Oncidium Framee 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Odontoglossum Framee 'Malibu' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570017. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 206, and in AOS Bulletin 26(8):567 (August, 1957). Grex name, registered in 1953 by Vacherot & Lecoufle, should almost certainly be Framée; the hybrid is now correctly an Oncidium.

March 11, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Paracel 'Picture' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Paracel 'Picture' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19570051. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 214, and in AOS Bulletin 26(6):427 (June, 1957).

April 8, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Tinsel 'Killarney' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cymbidium Tinsel 'Killarney' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19570066. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 217, and in AOS Bulletin 26(10):719 (October, 1957).

May 13, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Talisman' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 26(9):645

Lc. Bonanza 'Talisman' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570078. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 220, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 26(9):645 (September, 1957) with black and white photo. The same photo was published in color in AOS Bulletin 53(11):1136 (November, 1984) in an article about purple Cattleyas since World War II,

Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey) 'Talisman' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 53(11):1136

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Lucinda' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Grace Palm 'Lucinda' CCM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Frank Williams, Beverly Hills, CA. AOS Award Number 19570079. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 220, and in AOS Bulletin 26(9):645 (September, 1957).

June 10, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA (This is the first time the HCC/AOS award was accepted and published by AOS for Southern California judging. No descriptions or measurements were published by AOS for HCC awards at this time. However, awards from Regional Monthly Judging in Hollywood, at meetings of the Orchid Society of Southern California, were also published in the OSSC newsletters, including descriptions and measurements. There is now a strong incentive to locate and preserve these newsletters, so that the descriptions can be added to the award records in OrchidPro. AOS began publishing descriptions and measurements for HCC awards starting with awards made in January, 1964. In addition to the descriptions and measurements, some award photographs were published in black and white in the "glossy" OSSC newsletter, the OSSC Review, which covers the period February, 1959 through May, 1965; it is possible some of the photographs will help to fill in some of the gaps in the AOS and ODC award documentation.):

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Blue Moon' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Blue Moon' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19570080. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 220, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958) with black and white photo.

Papilionanda Nellie Morley 'No. 2' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Nellie Morley 'No. 2' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Takumi Kono, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19570081. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 220, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958).

Vanda Oscar Kirsch 'No. 1' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Oscar Kirsch 'No. 1' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Takumi Kono, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19570082. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 220, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958).

Cattleya White Blossom 'Orchid Manor' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya White Blossom 'Orchid Manor' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Grace Krebs, Whittier, CA. AOS Award Number 19570083. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958).

Lc. Bonanza 'Texan' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570084. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Cattleya Margate 'Palmer' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Margate 'Palmer' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by K. L. Palmer, El Monte, CA. AOS Award Number 19570085. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958). What appears to be the award photo is found in OrchidWiz, image #117826, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Lc. Eugene Casey 'Jan Ellen' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Joe Ozzella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19570086. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Sandra Ozzella 'Sunset' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Joe Ozzella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19570087. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):31 (January, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Margaret Bean 'Goleta' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Margaret Bean 'Goleta' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Robert Bean, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19570088. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 221, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):32 (January, 1958).

July 8, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Helios 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Helios 'Malibu' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570092. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Helios) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 222, with black and white photo, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):32 (January, 1958) with black and white photo. A much better version of this photo (a mirror image) is found in OrchidWiz, image #117608, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Helios 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Maxillaria tenuifolia CCM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Albert R. Moore, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19570093. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 222, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):32 (January, 1958).

Cattleya Tethys 'Blue Blood' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Tethys 'Blue Blood' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Murray Spencer, West Covina, CA. AOS Award Number 19570094. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 222, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):32 (January, 1958).

Cattleya Lena Baldwin 'Questover' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Lc. Lena Baldwin 'Questover' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19570095. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 222, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):33 (January, 1958). Now correctly Cattleya Lena Baldwin.

Papilionanda Nellie Morley 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Robert J. Chrisman, Playa del Rey, CA. AOS Award Number 19570096. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 222, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):33 (January, 1958).

August 12, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Lc. Elegans 'Brazilian Queen' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570099. OrchidPro (as Lc. elegans instead of Elegans) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 223, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):34 (January, 1958). Now correctly Cattleya Elegans (1879).

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Leedja' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Leedja' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19570100. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 223, and in AOS Bulletin 27(1):34 (January, 1958).

September 9, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cajolery 'Harvest Moon' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Bc. Cajolery 'Harvest Moon' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by A. R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19570111. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958). Now correctly Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cajolery. OrchidWiz has a better version of the award photo, image #117442, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Cajolery 'Harvest Moon' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Herbrita' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19570112. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958).

Cattleya Joyce Hannington 'Berwick' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Joyce Hannington 'Berwick' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Miss Nancy Ann Abbott, Hillsborough, CA. AOS Award Number 19570113. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958).

Cypripedium Greentippe 'Arcadia' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Everett Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19570114. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Greentippe) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958).

Laeliocatanthe Lornthia 'Princess' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Lc. Lornthia 'Princess' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by A. R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19570115. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958). Now correctly Laeliocatanthe Lornthia.

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Connie' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Doris 'Connie' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. Lois A. Todd, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570116. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 226, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958).

October 14, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Snowdrift (1939) 'Penn Valley' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Snowdrift 'Penn Valley' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570133. OrchidPro lacks usable information, and, unaccountably, calls this plant Cymbidium Snowdrift 'Penn Valley'! Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):184 (March, 1958). Now correctly Cattleya Snowdrift (1939). OrchidWiz has the award photo (it is a mirror image of the black-and-white photo published with the corresponding ODC award from the same judging session), image #117931, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Vanda Jennie Hashimoto 'Clara M. Hogan' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Jennie Hashimoto 'Clara M. Hogan' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dr. W. G. Johnston, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19570134. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):185 (March, 1958).

Cattleya White Sail 'Del Mar' CCM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya White Sail 'Del Mar' CCM/AOS, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Playa del Rey, CA. AOS Award Number 19570135. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):185 (March, 1958).

Lc. Derryname 'Donegal' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19570136. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):185 (March, 1958). The grex name is correctly Derrynane, and this hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. R. J. Chrisman 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Playa del Rey, CA. AOS Award Number 19570137. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):185 (March, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya.

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Point Dume' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Pasadena 'Point Dume' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. Lois A. Todd, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570138. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 230, and in AOS Bulletin 27(3):185 (March, 1958).

November 11, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Quadroon 'Red Velvet' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Quadroon 'Red Velvet' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchids, San Fernando, CA. AOS Award Number 19570143. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 232, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):116 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya. The apparent award photo is in OrchidWiz, image #117901, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Cattleya David Tipton 'Rufus' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570144. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 232, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):116 (February, 1958).

Lc. Bagatelle 'Questover' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19570145. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 232, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):116 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly Cattlianthe Bagatelle (1954).

Lc. Ennerdale 'Volunteer Park' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Seattle Park Department, Seattle, WA. AOS Award Number 19570146. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 232, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):116 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Bonanza 'Indian Summer' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by A. R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19570147. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 232, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):116 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

December 9, 1957, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya David Tipton 'Sunny Hills' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Arthur Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19570162. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 234, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):117 (February, 1958).

Lc. Bonanza 'Abundance' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570163. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 234, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):117 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Marjorie' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by R. A. Gunther, Carmichael, CA. AOS Award Number 19570164. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 235, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):117 (February, 1958).

Lc. Governor Gore 'Sunny Hills' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570165. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 235, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):117 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Hyperion 'Orchidhaven' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19570166. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 235, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):118 (February, 1958). This hybrid is now correctly a Cattleya. A photo of this cultivar was published in the AOS Bulletin 27(1):57 (January, 1958) in an advertisement by B. O. Bracey and Company, not indicating the award, which, of course, had not yet been officially published. This might be the award photo, but until an award slide is located, we have no way to be sure. There have been no other awards for this cultivar. The cultivar presumably originated at the Patterson and Sons nursery, Orchidhaven, in Bergenfield, NJ. A color photograph that we think may be be a different shot of the same flower appeared in Courtney T. Hackney's American Cattleyas (2004, plate G-25, source indicated as Roy Field — Roy would have had access to the award slides).

Cattleya Hyperion 'Orchidhaven' HCC/AOS, from advertisement in AOS Bulletin

Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Malibu' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19570167. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. I 235, and in AOS Bulletin 27(2):118 (February, 1958).

January 13, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Blc. Carousel 'Chechako' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Glenn W. Hamilton, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19580005. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Carousel) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256. Not yet located in AOS Bulletin. Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Blc. Norman's Bay 'Lynda' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Dr. Robert I. Fujino, Honolulu, HI. AOS Award Number 19580006. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Norman's Bay) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):610 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Cypripedium Whitemoor 'Snow Maiden' AM/AOS 86 points, exhibited by Dr. Lee W. Lenz, Claremont, CA. AOS Award Number 19580007. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):610 (September, 1958).

Phalaenopsis Ronnie Wilson 'Pink Pearl' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19580008. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):610 (September, 1958).

Vanda Onomea 'Diane Ogawa' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by T. Ogawa Orchids, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19580009. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):610 (September, 1958).

Blc. Irene Searles 'Claire' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19580010. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Irene Searles) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):610 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Cymbidium Great Day 'Misty Morn' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580011. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958). What may be the award photo (listed as H.C.C., AOS, although the award had not been officially published at that time) is featured on the inside of the back cover of AOS Bulletin 27(4) (April, 1958) in an advertisement by Fred A. Stewart, Inc.

Cymbidium Great Day 'Misty Morn' HCC/AOS, from advertisement in AOS Bulletin

Cypripedium Gigi 'Martin Randig' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Martin E. Randig, San Bernardino, CA. AOS Award Number 19580012. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Gigi) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 256, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

Cypripedium Jim Dandy 'Regent' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by E. C. Wilcox, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19580013. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Jim Dandy) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

Cypripedium Malibu 'Green Meadows' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580014. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Green Meadows) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958). This is the earliest known AOS award for John Hanes.

Cypripedium Reezy 'Martha' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Alvin Embree, Sierra Madre, CA. AOS Award Number 19580015. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Reezy) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

Lc. Hertha 'Materfamilias' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19580016. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

Vanda Onomea 'Wane Ogawa' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by T. Ogawa Orchids, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19580017. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

Vanda Maurice Restrepo 'White Ruffles' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19580018. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Maurice Restrepo) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 257, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):611 (September, 1958).

February 10, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Miltonia J. M. Black 'Hanlon' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Robert Hanlon, Pacific Palisades, CA. AOS Award Number 19580038. OrchidPro (as Miltoniopsis J. M. Black) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 261. Not yet located in AOS Bulletin. Now correctly a Miltoniopsis.

Blc. Margaret Vidulich 'Marie Ann' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by John V. Vidulich, San Pedro, CA. AOS Award Number 19580039. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Margaret L. Vidulich) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Malibu' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580040. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Snow Queen' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Murray Spencer, West Covina, CA. AOS Award Number 19580041. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cattleya General Patton 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580042. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cymbidium Alexette 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Playa del Rey, CA. AOS Award Number 19580043. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cymbidium San Francisco 'Golden Gate' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580044. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):407 (June, 1958).

Cypripedium Forest Glade 'Del Ray' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Playa del Rey, CA. AOS Award Number 19580045. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Forest Glade) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cypripedium Western 'Magnificum' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Sherman Orchid Gardens, Glendora, CA. AOS Award Number 19580046. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Western) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Vanda Mabelmae Kamehele 'Flowerland' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19580047. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Vanda Rothschildiana 'Blue Mist' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Gordon Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580048. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

Cypripedium Magda 'Prolifica' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Sherman Orchid Gardens, Glendora, CA. AOS Award Number 19580049. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum Magda) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 262, and in AOS Bulletin 27(6):406 (June, 1958).

March 10, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Rita Renee 'Matriarch' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Rita Renee 'Matriarch' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Roy M. Field, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580122. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):479 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Lady Rose' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580123. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):479 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Perfection' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580124. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):479 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Charm 'Cendre de Rose' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Norris H. Powell, Temple City, CA. AOS Award Number 19580125. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):479 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'China Maid' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Max Sikerski, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580126. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):480 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Rose Brocade' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580127. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):480 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Marisa 'Snow Belle' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Marvin Summerfield, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580128. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):480 (July, 1958).

Cymbidium Swallow 'Lorraine' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Max Sikerski, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580129. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 275, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):480 (July, 1958).

Phalaenopsis Shocking Pink 'Rose Mary' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. Robert Hanlon, Pacific Palisades, CA. AOS Award Number 19580130. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 276, and in AOS Bulletin 27(7):480 (July, 1958).

March 29, 1958, San Diego Orchid Society Show, San Diego, CA:

Cymbidium Tinsel 'Carenda' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Fred B. Castator, Santa Monica, CA. AOS Award Number 19580155. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 279, and in AOS Bulletin 27(8):550 (August, 1958).

Cymbidium Alexanderi 'Sixty' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580156. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 279, and in AOS Bulletin 27(8):550 (August, 1958).

Lc. Bonanza 'Tuttletown' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19580157. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 279, and in AOS Bulletin 27(8):550 (August, 1958). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Braceky).

Potinara Dicksie Shortess 'Inferno' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19580158. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 279, and in AOS Bulletin 27(8):550 (August, 1958).

April 14, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Mona Lisa' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580166. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 281, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958). There have been several published photos of this cultivar, of which two are notable: First, a picture of a single flower of 'Mona Lisa', credited to Fred A. Stewart, appeared in an article by Ernest Hetherington about outstanding Cymbidiums from Southern California, Spring, 1957, specifically at the Watsonville, CA show on March 9, 1957, in AOS Bulletin 27(1):7 (January, 1958) — but 'Mona Lisa' was not among the ODC and AOS awards recorded for that show. The only award from 1957 appears to be a BM/CSA 78.1 points awarded on April 23, 1957, the venue not yet identified. Second, apparently the same photo, differently cropped, appeared in an advertisement by Fred A. Stewart, Inc. inside the back cover of AOS Bulletin 28(2) (February, 1959), captioned "Lillian Stewart 'Mona Lisa' AM/AOS 1958". Clearly, the photo, and its publication in January, 1958, predates any known AOS award for this cultivar, so it is not the AOS award photo.

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Mona Lisa' AM/AOS, from AOS Bulletin 27(1):7, not the award photo, but still worth saving

Cymbidium California 'Eureka' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580167. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 281, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Edna Cobb 'Chiffon' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580168. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 281, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Caprice' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580169. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 281, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958).

Slc. Dahak 'Firefly' HCC/AOS (no points listed in any source), exhibited by B. O. Bracey Co., Santa Ana, CA. AOS Award Number 19580170. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Dahak (1958), and with point score not reported) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 281, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya

April 24, 1958, Santa Barbara Cymbidium Show, Santa Barbara, CA:

Cymbidium Jungfrau 'Dos Pueblos' AM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by Dos Pueblos Orchid Co., Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19580173. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Rose Radiance' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580174. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):613 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Royal Rose' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Dr. G. G. Lancaster, Altadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580175. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):614 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium York 'Glendessary' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Eliot Rogers, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19580176. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):614 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Featherhill 'Joyette' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Charles Borgatello, Santa Barbara, CA. AOS Award Number 19580177. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):614 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Mount Everest 'Heidi' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by William A. Edwards, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19580178. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 282, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):614 (September, 1958).

May 12, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya White Blossom 'Quaker Lass' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya White Blossom 'Quaker Lass' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Grace E. Krebs, Whittier, CA. AOS Award Number 19580184. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 283, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):615 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Maxine' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by E. A. Pennington, South Gate, CA. AOS Award Number 19580185. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 284, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):615 (September, 1958).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Herbrita' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19580186. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 284, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):615 (September, 1958).

Cymbidium Lillian Stewart 'Cameo' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Fred A. Stewart, Inc., San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580187. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 284, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):615 (September, 1958).

June 9, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Vanda Maurice Restrepo 'White Ruffles' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Higgins, Carpinteria, CA. AOS Award Number 19580196. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Maurice Restrepo) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 285, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958).

Blc. Edwin Chong 'Orient' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Morris Holmquist, Artesia, CA. AOS Award Number 19580197. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Edwin Chong) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 285, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Lc. Eugene Casey 'Jan Ellen' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mrs. Marie C. Ozzella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19580198. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 285, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya

Cattleya Peggy Huffman 'Carousel' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Lc. Peggy Huffman 'Carousel' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mrs. Everett Harris, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19580199. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 286, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya. What is clearly the award photo, noting both the award and the exhibitor, is found in OrchidWiz, image #56382, attributed to Steve McNerney.

Phalaenopsis Leah 'Julie' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Harry Lawrence, Dallas, TX. AOS Award Number 19580200. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 286, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958).

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Questover' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19580201. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 286, and in AOS Bulletin 27(9):616 (September, 1958). Now correctly a Papilionanda.

July 14, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya dowiana aurea 'King Midas' HCC/AOS, from AOS Bulletin

Cattleya dowiana aurea 'King Midas' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Roy M. Field, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580233. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 291, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). The award photo, noting both the award and the exhibitor, was published and article about Yellow Cattleyas by Ernest Hetherington in AOS Bulletin 54(2):149 (February, 1985). The same photo, "from a photograph of AOS judging", was featured on the front cover of Orchid Digest 56(4) (October, 1992), with much more realistic color.

Cattleya dowiana aurea 'King Midas' HCC/AOS, from Orchid Digest

Lc. Marian Andrews 'Glorious' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mrs. William H. Andrews, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580234. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 291, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Kuhio 'Peacock' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Mrs. Everett Harris, San Marino, CA. AOS Award Number 19580235. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 291, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958).

Platyclinis filiformis 'Patricia' CBM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by The Orchid House, Temple City, CA. AOS Award Number 19580236. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 291, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly Dendrochilum filiforme.

Vanda roeblingiana 'Dearmach' CBM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda roeblingiana 'Dearmach' CBM/AOS 84 points, exhibited by John C. Yates, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580237. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 291, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958).

August 8, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Rlc. Norman's Bay 'Ruby' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Blc. Norman's Bay 'Ruby' AM/AOS 81 points, exhibited by Archie C. Zimmerman, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19580248. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Norman's Bay) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 293, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya. A better version of the award photo (a mirror image) is found in OrchidWiz, image #117718, attributed to the William Merritt Collection.

Rlc. Norman's Bay 'Ruby' AM/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Blc. Golden Feather 'Golden Orbit' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19580249. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Golden Feather) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 293, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya.

Lc. Helen Asder 'Linda' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by John K. Asder, Arcadia, CA. AOS Award Number 19580250. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 293, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Natchi 'Sun Acres' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by A. R. Stephenson, Carlsbad, CA. AOS Award Number 19580251. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 293, and in AOS Bulletin 27(11):776 (November, 1958). Now correctly a Cattleya.

September 7, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Bob Betts 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19580258. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959).

Cattleya Bow Bells 'Del Mar' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by R. J. Chrisman, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19580259. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959).

Cattleya New Albion 'Monterey' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by John W. Hanes, San Gabriel, CA. AOS Award Number 19580260. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959).

Lc. Amber Glow 'Cob' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Walter G. Johnston, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580261. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Fred B. Castator 'Alegre' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580262. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Fred B. Castator 'Caballero' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Armacost & Royston, West Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580263. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Ruby Etta 'Jack Pot' CCM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Toy's Orchids, Gardena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580264. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 295, and in AOS Bulletin 28(2):119 (February, 1959). Now correctly Cattleya Ruby-Etta.

October 13, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Country Acres' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580293. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959).

Cattlianthe Portia 'Gloriosa' AM/AOS, from Orchid Digest

Cattleya Portia 'Gloriosa' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Lee W. Lenz, Claremont, CA. AOS Award Number 19580294. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959). Now correctly a Cattlianthe. A color version of the award photo has been published, first in Orchid Digest 45(5):197 (September, 1981, by far the best version of this picture, and it matches the black-and-white version published for the ODC award from the same judging session), then in AOS Bulletin 54(10):1215 (October, 1985, badly oversaturated color), and AOS Bulletin 55(5):453 (May, 1986, only slightly better), all noting the grower as Dr. Lee W. Lenz. This cultivar was also featured on the cover of Awards Quarterly 38(2) (June, 2007, not yet examined).

Vanda sanderiana 'Lady Marian' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda sanderiana 'Lady Marian' AM/AOS 80 points, exhibited by Kasuma Nishimura, Kahului, Maui, HI. AOS Award Number 19580295. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959).

Rlc. Norman's Bay 'Frances' HCC/AOS, from OrchidWiz

Blc. Norman's Bay 'Frances' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by E. N. Judson, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580296. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959). Now correctly a Rhyncholaeliocattleya. OrchidWiz has the apparent award photo, grower indicated as E. N. Judson, image #55443, attributed to Steve McNerney.

Cattleya Empress Bells 'Zuma' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580297. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959).

Cattleya Texas Ranger 'Country Acres' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580298. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959).

Cypripedium Susan Tucker 'Questover' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19580299. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 299, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):282 (April, 1959).

Lc. Bonanza 'Yukon' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Harry Rapella, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19580300. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 300, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):283 (April, 1959). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Lc. Quadroon 'Hollywood' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Dr. Etta Gray, Hollywood, CA. AOS Award Number 19580301. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 300, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):283 (April, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Vanda Onomea 'Amethyst' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Arvida Greenhouses, Inc., South Miami, FL. AOS Award Number 19580302. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 300, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):283 (April, 1959).

Vanda sanderiana 'Charlene' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Nakagawa Orchid Nursery, Hilo, HI. AOS Award Number 19580303. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 300, and in AOS Bulletin 28(4):283 (April, 1959).

November 10, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Cattleya Puritan Princess 'White Gold' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Cattleya Puritan Princess 'White Gold' AM/AOS 82 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580331. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959).

Bc. Deesse 'Perfection' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19580332. OrchidPro (as Rlc. Déesse (with accent)) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959) (lacking the diacritical mark). Now correctly Rlc. Déesse. While there are published images of this cultivar, we have not yet been able to verify that any of them is the award photo.

Cattleya Ariel 'Coerulea' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Gubler Orchids, Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580333. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Cattleya Hanniwell 'Snow White' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Howard A. Anderson, Northridge, CA. AOS Award Number 19580334. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959). Now correctly Dendrobium bigibbum.

Dendrobium phalaenopsis 'Laura Sladden' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by D. N. Macconel (MacConel?), Los Anceles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580335. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959).

Lc. San Francisco 'Purple Star' HCC/AOS 77 points, exhibited by Westenberger Orchid Co., Pasadena, CA. AOS Award Number 19580336. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959). Now correctly a Cattleya.

Lc. Vandeletta 'Del Rey' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Goleta, CA. AOS Award Number 19580337. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959). Now correctly a Cattlianthe.

Odontioda Ithaque 'Vendôme' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Vacherot et Lecoufle, Boissy St. Leger, France. AOS Award Number 19580338. OrchidPro (cultivar name lacks diacritical mark) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959) (with the diacritical mark). Now correctly an Oncidium

Phalaenopsis Clara I. Knight 'Alice' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by E. W. Miller, Solano Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19580339. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959).

Papilionanda Nellie Morley 'Wendy' HCC/AOS, from OrchidPro

Vanda Nellie Morley 'Wendy' HCC/AOS 78 points, exhibited by Dr. and Mrs. William W. Wilson, Wynnewood, PA. AOS Award Number 19580340. OrchidPro (as Papilionanda Nellie Morley) lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 303, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):362 (May, 1959).

December 8, 1958, Regional Monthly Judging, Hollywood, CA:

Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Malibu' AM/AOS, from OrchidPro

Phalaenopsis Star of Rio 'Malibu' AM/AOS 83 points, exhibited by Arthur Freed, Malibu, CA. AOS Award Number 19580365. OrchidPro lacks usable information, but has color photo. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 306, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):364 (May, 1959).

Cypripedium Charjan 'Questover' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Howard, Hawthorne, CA. AOS Award Number 19580366. OrchidPro (as Paphiopedilum) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 306, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):364 (May, 1959).

Dendrobium Lady Hamilton 'El Sereno' HCC/AOS 76 points, exhibited by Gordon Sawyer, Los Angeles, CA. AOS Award Number 19580367. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 306, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):364 (May, 1959).

Lc. Bonanza 'Sister' HCC/AOS 79 points, exhibited by Arthur E. Falk, Long Beach, CA. AOS Award Number 19580368. OrchidPro lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 306, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):364 (May, 1959). Now correctly Cattleya Bonanza (Bracey).

Slc. Copenhagen 'Herbrita' HCC/AOS 75 points, exhibited by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Crothers, Vista, CA. AOS Award Number 19580369. OrchidPro (as Cattleya Copenhagen) lacks usable information. Published in Register of Awards Suppl. II 306, and in AOS Bulletin 28(5):364 (May, 1959).