South Coast Orchid Society, Inc.

Our 75th Anniversary Year, 1950-2025 !

About Us

Recent Posts
(or soon to appear!)

  • New Photo Gallery Taking Shape!

    After a lot of work by everyone involved, a collection of over 2,300 color slides and other memorabilia from the family of Carl and Imogene Keyes, early members of SCOS, is being added to our web site! The Keyes were expert growers, especially of Odontoglossums and Paphiopedilums. They accumulated an astounding number of awards and created many hybrids. Visit the new Keyes Archive and watch it grow!

  • New Mini-Series: Orchid Basics!

    At the start of each monthly meeting, we present short refresher on some orchid basics. Each installment will be under 10 minutes long, a mini-program illustrated with slides and specimens. Other topics will include the orchid life cycle, genetics, labels, propagation, etc. What other topics should we include?

  • Surprise! Look what we found!

    It's our logo, for the first time in color, in enamels, from a 1984 SCOS silver trophy in memory of our long-time member Arthur Falk, found by Brandon Tam at the Huntington Botanical Center. More on this discovery soon!

  • The Kay Francis Archive:

    A time capsule from the Greatest Generation of SoCal orchid growers! It took about two years to bring this amazing collection to a point where we could present it to the public. Kay's patient work in the 1960's-1980's brought us such remarkable hybrids as Lc. Prism Palette. Her archive of over 2,600 color slides and a trove of notes, ribbons, correspondence, and other records provide a unique insight into the glory days of orchid breeding in Southern California.

  • Memoria Norito Hasegawa, 1940-2023
    SCOS has lost a great friend. Norito's association with SCOS goes back at least to 1968, when he won his first AOS award (it was a Cymbidium) at one of our monthly meetings. He was an inspiration for generations of orchid growers.

    Paphiopedilum Norito Hasegawa, registered by Orchid Zone in 1992, a fitting tribute to our dear friend, and still spectacular after 30 years of AOS awards! This one is cultivar 'Big Bear's Sunny Gaze' FCC/AOS, exhibited by Ryan Kowalczyk March 18, 2023 at Nature Coast Orchid Society, Spring Hill, FL, photo © Wes Newton.

  • Norito's Orchid Awards, 1968-2009!

  • A Note to Our Members & Friends

  • Memoria Earl Felt, 1931-2019

  • Member's success stories! What has been blooming lately

  • Insect mimicry in Mediterranean and Australian terrestrial orchids; SCOS has plants in the pipeline for silent and noisy auctions, raffles, etc.

  • Robert Casamajor's keynote speech for our 1959 awards banquet, Rare Orchids and How They Get That Way, with cool illustrations and some major updates!


Meeting and Event Schedule
Monday, January 27, 2025, 7PM
Orchid Basics: What is an Orchid? — John McCoy

"Orchid Collecting in the Modern Age" — Brandon Tam
Monday, February 24, 2025
Orchid Basics: Where's the Flower? — John McCoy

"Photography Concepts" — Arthur Pinkers
Monday, March 24, 2025, 7PM
Orchid Basics: Genetics — John McCoy

"Nara and Kyoto with the Japan Fukiran Society" — Carol Beule
Monday, April 28, 2025, 7PM
Orchid Basics: Labels — John McCoy

"The Journey of Paphiopedilum rothschildianum from Its Discovery to the Present" — Tim Culbertson
Monday, May 19, 2025, 7PM Regular meeting
Monday, June 23, 2025, 7PM 75th Anniversary Celebration

Orchids Today and Yesterday

Our BLOG, plus information and pictures from recent meetings and events

2024 Officers

President John Reyes
1st Vice President John McCoy
2nd Vice President Open
Corporation Secretary Marylyn Paulsen
Membership Secretary Marilyn Wallan
Treasurer Elaine Murphy


Janell Schuck (Term expires 2026)
Espie Quinn (Term expires 2026)
Immediate Past President Russ Nichols

Standing Committees

Auction Mong Noiboonsook
Hospitality (open)
Newsletter Russ Nichols
Ribbon Judging Bill MacCorkell
Silent Auction
Espie Quinn
South Coast Orchid Society meets on the fourth Monday of each month at Whaley Park Community Center, 5620 East Atherton St., Long Beach, California at 7:00 p.m.
(Date will change if a holiday interferes. Doors open at 6:30 unless otherwise noted in the current newsletter.)
The Whaley Park Community Center was designed by Gordon Powers of Powers, Daly & DeRosa. It was built in 1957.

Directions to Our Meeting Place

Forms for Ribbon Judging and Silent Auction

Ribbon Judging, printable form (PDF)

Silent Auction, printable form (PDF)

Silent Auction Rules — an easy way to support your orchid society!